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Complete text of all resolutions and reports to synod

Full list of all members and back issues of General Synod Times.


Our original desire to keep this page updated on the status of resolutions has proved ahead of its time and too much work for our single web coordinator. This was a logistics issue -- resolutions existed in various parts in different rooms and under different sessional committee jurisdictions.  When passed, synod organizers spent time checking it against which floor amendments were carried and ensuring the text was accurate.

Here was the text of most resolutions presented to members in their convening circular.

Res #


A-1 to A-8 Housekeeping resolutions
A-10 Amendment to the Declaration of Principles - Second Reading
A-21 Amend Section 8 of the Constitution to reflect the change in the Declaration of Principles in resolution A10.
A-22 Officers
A-23 PWRDF Committee
A-24 Unifying the Assessment and Apportionment Budgets
A-25 Information Resources Committee restructuring
A-62a Replace Canon XVII, Episcopal Jurisdiction Respecting the Clergy, with Canon XVII, The Licensing of Clergy, and to vote on Parts I and II of the Canon separately.
A-64 Pensions (amendment to Canon VII)
Background for A-64
A-65 Continuing Education Plan
A-66 Continuing Education Plan
A-67 On Marriage in the Church
A-68 Discipline
A-69 The Primacy
A-70 Unification of the Budget
A-71 Archives
A-72 Anglican Book Centre
A-80R Amendment to Nominating Procedures
A-81 Committee Terms of Reference
A-81a Background for A-81
A-92 Commend the three eucharistic prayers contained in the Report of Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to the Church for trial use, where authorized by the Ordinary, during a three-year period to conclude with the next General Synod; and to direct the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to report on the use and reception of the prayers to the next General Synod.

Wondering why the revised texts haven't been posted? Check the Top 20 FAQ to find out.

A-93 Commend the two Services of the Word contained in the Report of the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to the Church for trial use, where authorized by the Ordinary, during a three-year period to conclude with the next General Synod; and that the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee be directed to report on the use and reception of the rites to the next General Synod.

Wondering why the revised texts haven't been posted? Check the Top 20 FAQ to find out.

A-130 "A Covenant of Protection": Proposed Human Rights Principles
A-131 M.A.I. (the Multilateral Agreement on Investment)
A-132 "Toward Sustainable Community: Five Years since the Earth Summit"
A-141 Evaluation of the Volunteers In Mission Program
A-224a Revision to Canon VIII to include long-term disability
A-225 Background
A-226a Background: Canon XII
C-10 Re-examination of Just War Theory
Background: 1994 Actuarial Valuation

Messages to General Synod from dioceses.

# Description Diocese
1 Matrimony Brandon
2 PWRDF Funding Increase Brandon
3 Standards of Sexual Conduct Brandon
4 Continuing Education Plan Calgary
5 National Group Insurance Policy Quebec
6 Revise BAS for Inclusivity Saskatchewan
7 Production of a Words-Only Hymn Book Toronto
8 Addition of Provincial Prolocutors to General Synod membership Canada

Download Original Documents
We also have the original documents of most reports and resolutions online for you to download to your hard disk and print out.  They are in Microsoft Word format.   If you do not have Microsoft Word on your computer, you can download a free viewer by clicking on your operating system here: Windows 95 or Windows 3.1.   To review the files available for download, click here.