(See Constitution, Section 41)
The primary mandate of the Eco-Justice Committee is to pursue vigorously the Church�s commitment to the integrity of God�s creation being accountable for the legacy created and implications for the future, and to challenge attitudes and structures that cause injustice, primarily in Canada but recognizing that conditions in Canada influence and are influenced by conditions in other parts of the world, within the increasingly interconnected, globalized context in which we all live and move and have our being.
The Committee shall engage social, economic and environmental justice and peace issues by:
- Stimulating theological and ethical reflection in the wider church.
- Developing advocacy strategies and undertaking appropriate actions.
- Developing policy proposals for and proposing priorities to the Council of General Synod.
- Developing and facilitating networks in cooperation with dioceses and parishes.
- Initiating and responding in partnership with ecumenical and other social justice groups.
- Planning for and monitoring Anglican participation in research, advocacy and education activities of those ecumenical coalitions for which the Committee is assigned responsibility.
- Maintaining communications and coordinating initiatives as necessary with other standing committees, such as Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, Partners in Mission Committee, PWRDF Committee and Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee; and
- Providing a forum for the sharing of information and reflections amongst its members as well as equipping them for their responsibility of animating the work of the Committee in their dioceses and regions.
- Reporting to the Council of General Synod.
- Encouraging theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee�s mandate.
- Doing functional strategic planning and visioning within the Committee�s mandate.
- Maintaining liaison with the House of Bishops.
- Inviting partners (international, ecumenical, or internal) to join the committee, when deemed appropriate.
The Committee shall:
- Articulate standards and develop resources for worship and liturgy.
- Foster and facilitate collaboration between Canadian theological colleges, and with the national church.
- Develop policy for, monitor, and engage in inter-church dialogues.
- Develop policy for, monitor, and engage in inter-faith dialogues.
- Promote theological reflection, and provide resources and education on issues of doctrine, ethics, ministry, ecumenism, leadership, evangelism and mission.
- Monitor work of the Anglican Communion in the areas of liturgy, doctrine, authority and identity.
- Monitor work of the World Council of Churches and the Canadian Council of Churches in areas of faith and order, ethics, theological education, and inter-faith relations.
- Convene gatherings and develop networks related to the work of the Committee.
- Work alongside the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples around aboriginal spirituality.
- Work with the House of Bishops to define doctrine where necessary.
- Use the Lund principle to work ecumenically wherever possible.
- Report to the Council of General Synod.
- Encourage theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee�s mandate.
- Within the Committee�s mandate, do functional strategic planning and visioning.
- Maintain liaison with the House of Bishops.
- When deemed appropriate, invite partners (international, ecumenical, or internal) to join the committee.
(The Committee is responsible for the tasks assigned in Canon VI)
Purpose: To provide financial oversight to the work of the General Synod in the areas of financial management and development.
- Manage and control funds and investments.
- Direct and oversee administrative and financial concerns.
- Oversee all financial development programs and initiatives of the General Synod.
- Monitor financial needs of dioceses across Canada, offering financial development advice and programs and suggesting opportunities for financial growth.
- Provide financial and administrative support to dioceses as requested in such areas as planned giving, legal, personnel, organizational and property issues.
- Coordinate and propose to the Council of General Synod all components of a budget for national church work, in consultation with appropriate committees and councils.
- Set revenue expectations and seek revenue support for international and national mission and ministry from the dioceses through the apportionment/assessment requests.
- Provide a central link for networks for financial development and financial management volunteer networks, offering them skill expansion opportunities regularly.
- Maintain and coordinate accounting systems.
- Appoint bankers, insurance agents, etc.
- Propose signing officers to the Council of General Synod.
- Coordinate the work with other councils and committees through the Mission Coordination Group.
- Report to the Council of General Synod.
- Encourage theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee�s mandate.
- Within the Committee�s mandate, do functional strategic planning and visioning.
- Maintain liaison with the House of Bishops.
- When deemed appropriate, invite partners (international, ecumenical, or internal) to join the committee.
A. Duties and Responsibilities
Interpret and carry forward the intentions of General Synod with regard to information and communications.
Discern and be responsive to the information and communications needs of Canadian Anglicans.
Develop and oversee a communications policy for General Synod.
On advice from its sub-committees, provide policy guidelines for the Information Resources Department to coordinate the following areas of work:
- Anglican Journal
editorial group
- information services group (Library, Resource Centre, Archives, Data Management)
- merchandising and distribution group (Anglican Book Centre retail and trade sales)
- resource production group (Anglican Video, ABC publishing, Ministry Matters, electronic communications, including website.)
- Facilitate communications between General Synod and dioceses, and among dioceses.
- Exercise strategic oversight of the Anglican Journal on behalf of its publisher, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.
- Exercise those functions common to all committees namely:
- develop annual budget proposals
- coordinate work with other committees and groups through the Mission Coordination Group
- report regularly to the Council of General Synod.
- encourage theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee�s mandate
- within the committee�s mandate, do functional strategic planning and visioning
- maintain liaison with the House of Bishops
- when deemed appropriate, invite partners (international, ecumenical, or internal) to join the committee.
- Anglican Journal Sub-committee
- The Anglican Journal sub-committee ensures publication of the Journal in keeping with its mandate and editorial guidelines.
- The mandate of the publication is established by General Synod. It is:
- Anglican Journal/Journal Anglican is the national newspaper of The Anglican Church of Canada, but it is not the official voice of the Church.
- The newspaper has a primary responsibility to inform Anglicans in Canada about the domestic and international work of their church, and to provide relevant news of the worldwide communion and other faith communities. It has a role in the presentation of our faith and in stimulating debate on issues of concern to the church.
- As a newspaper sponsored and supported by members of the church, the Anglican Journal/Journal Anglican is an important instrument of communication for the Anglican Church of Canada. The editor makes all decisions on editorial content acting in accordance with priorities and policies established by the Information Resources Committee in consultation with the Anglican Journal/Journal Anglican Sub-committee and approved by the Council of the General Synod (see also Editorial Guidelines, below).
- The paper is encouraged to express the full range of opinion within the Anglican Church community. It is permitted to take an independent stance in its editorials. When such expression of opinion conflicts with official church policy, as stated by decisions of the General Synod or the Council of the General Synod, the paper will, at the same time, carry an explanation by an informed spokesperson of the official position of the church. At the request of the editor, the general secretary will be responsible for providing this explanation.
- The Anglican Journal/Journal Anglican operates in accordance with the Statement of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the Associated Church Press.
- The editorial guidelines are approved by the Council of General Synod on recommendation from the Anglican Journal sub-committee and the Information Resources Committee. They are:
- The soliciting, selecting, editing and placing of all editorial matter is the responsibility of the editor and based upon interest and news worthiness. Such decisions will be made on the understanding that the church expects inclusion of the following categories of material (in graphic or written form) which are listed in descending order of priority in each category, a) and b) below.
- News and Comment
- On significant activities in the Anglican Church across Canada.
- On activities related to the General Synod and its related committees and organizations.
- From the Anglican Communion around the world, with emphasis on those items with potential implication for the life of the church in Canada.
- On the activities of other Christian and faith communities.
- Features
- A balanced selection of letters from readers.
- Expression, from a theological and spiritual viewpoint, of a wide range of informed opinion on issues confronting Anglicans in the church or in society.
- Regular and occasional columns by a variety of writers providing commentary or expression of opinion.
- Reviews or commentaries on religious books or artistic performances or events.
The editorial staff will take initiative to seek news from across Canada and to solicit a wide range of opinion. It is important that the views of the powerless and oppressed are expressed.
The paper may carry in any edition some articles translated into languages other than English.
The sub-committee shall:
- solicit and evaluate feedback and advice from readers
- receive and deal with any complaints or concerns about the content of the Journal
- receive and review reports from the financial management and development department on the financial performance of the Journal
- receive and review reports on circulation management
- develop annual revenue and expenditure proposals for recommendation to the Information Resources Committee
- annually review the Journal�s performance with respect to its editorial guidelines and report the results of its review to the Information Resources Committee.
- at least once in each triennium, review the editorial guidelines, advertising policy, and circulation policy, and propose amendments, if any, to the Information Resources Committee.
Information Services Sub-committee
(Includes work done through the Archives, Circulation/Data Management, Library, and Resource Centre)
The Information Services sub-committee ensures effective and appropriate use of information by developing and monitoring policies or guidelines that:
- encourage and direct the acquisition of information to support the strategic priorities of General Synod;
- guide the provision of research and reference services to support General Synod and diocesan priorities
- encourage and assist the provision of archival services in the Canadian church by:
- developing and proposing policy for the General Synod Archives to the Information Resources Committee;
- establishing, maintaining and developing relationships among the archival agencies of the Anglican Church of Canada;
- encouraging, coordinating and assisting archival programs in the dioceses, ecclesiastical provinces and other church agencies;
- developing an increased awareness of the need to preserve the heritage of architecture and artifacts significant to the Anglican Church of Canada;
- promoting historical research and writing in cooperation with the Canadian Church Historical Society and other agencies.
[extract from Canon V]
- review and approve Resource Centre acquisitions policy
- encourage the development of information-based products and services, especially through electronic database and communications technology;
- adequately protect interests of privacy, confidentiality, or proprietary concern;
- within such constraints, provide access to General Synod information and promote its use.
The sub-committee shall:
- solicit and evaluate feedback and advice from clients;
- develop annual revenue and expenditure proposals for recommendation to the Information Resources Committee
- at least once in each triennium, review policies and propose amendments, if any, to the Information Resources Committee;
- annually review compliance with established policies and report the results of this review to the Information Resources Committee;
Merchandising and Distribution Sub-Committee
(including work done through the retail book store, mail order, and trade operations)
The Merchandising and Distribution sub-committee shall oversee the operation of the retail book store, mail order and trade distribution operations of the Anglican Book Centre and ensure that these operate in compliance with established mandates:
- The Anglican Book Centre shall operate as a ministry of and to the church
- It shall provide resources for worship, parish life, theological education and spiritual nurture to constituencies, including professional church workers, lay people, students and seekers. It especially seeks to serve the Anglican community.
- In carrying out this ministry, the Centre shall seek to operate at a profit. To that end, it shall have the power and responsibility, within the policy framework established by the Merchandising and Distribution Sub-committee and the Information Resources Committee, to publish, purchase, market, sell and distribute books and other resources in various media.
- The Merchandising and Distribution Sub-committee shall regularly receive reports on the retail book store, mail order and trade distribution operations of the Centre, including its merchandising, distribution and financial performance. It may advise the Director of Information Resources, and other staff as appropriate, on any matters arising from these reports.
With respect to the retail book store, mail order and trade distribution operations of the Centre, the Sub-committee shall:
- develop and recommend policy to the Information Resources Committee to guide the business planning, marketing and merchandising activities of the Centre
- develop annual revenue and expenditure proposals for recommendation to the Information Resources Committee
- receive reports at each meeting on the operations and financial performance of the Centre, and report significant matters to the Information Resources Committee.
- call upon the expertise of the Financial Management and Development Committee of General Synod as needed
- regularly report, through the Director of Information Resources, to the Financial Management and Development Committee on the financial performance of the Centre's merchandising and distribution activities.
- review, annually, compliance with the merchandising and distribution mandate and report the results of this review to the Information Resources Committee;
- review, at least once in each triennium, the merchandising and distribution mandate and propose amendments, if any, to the Information Resources Committee;
Resource Production Sub-Committee
(including work done through ABC Publishing, Anglican Video, Ministry Matters, and the website)
The resource production sub-committee ensures coordinated development of church-wide and public media resources (excluding the Anglican Journal) by developing and monitoring policies or guidelines that:
- support effective public and constituency relations through media relations, broadcasting strategies, production of print or video resources, and the provision and maintenance of web-based information resources
- ensure the ABC publishing program operates in compliance with its mandate:
- To serve the publishing requirements of General Synod;
- additionally, to produce original resources that will inspire, inform,educate, challenge and support the church and related constituencies.
- To that end, the publishing program shall
- publish primarily Anglican authors writing from a Canadian context
- produce at least ten titles of average length each year
- assess publishing projects both on their significance to the church or one of its constituencies, and on their commercial viability
- seek relationships with distributors and publishers to reach the widest possible market
- operate as an accountable business and seek to remain financially self- sustaining
The sub-committee shall:
- develop annual revenue and expenditure proposals for recommendation to the Information Resources Committee
- annually review the effectiveness and quality of resource production in reference to policies and guidelines and report the results of this review to the Information Resources Committee;
- review, at least once in each triennium, these policies and terms of reference and propose amendments, if any, to the Information Resources Committee.
"The responsibility for mission in any place belongs primarily to the church in that place. However, the universality of the gospel and the oneness of God�s mission mean also that this mission must be shared in each and every place with fellow-Christians from each and every part of the world with their distinctive insights and contributions. If we once acted as though there were only givers who had nothing to receive and receivers who had nothing to give, the oneness of the missionary task must now make us all both givers and receivers." (ACC-2 - Dublin)
To promote and develop mission, with enthusiasm and prayer, in a manner which engages the church in circles of partnership, locally, nationally, globally and ecumenically.
- Engage the wider Church in reflecting upon the theological understanding of mission.
- Identify current issues in ecumenical and mission practices and strategies, and their implications for work with our partners overseas and in Canada.
- Develop policy proposals for the Council of General Synod in relation to the engagement of the Anglican Church of Canada in its ecumenical and international partnerships, in collaboration with other Standing Committees as appropriate.
- Continue to develop the international policy base for action by the Council of General Synod, in collaboration with other Standing Committees as appropriate.
- Help the Anglican Church of Canada be receptive to insights, learnings, experiences of the global and ecumenical community through our partnerships.
- Encourage theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee�s mandate
- Within the Committee�s mandate, do functional strategic planning and visioning.
- Encourage and carry responsibility for Anglican Church of Canada partnerships within the Anglican Communion and with ecumenical mission partners.
- Advise the Council of General Synod on Canadian participation in the Partners in Mission Consultations of other Anglican provinces.
- Maintain participation in National and Regional Councils of Churches and other organizations, such as the World Council of Churches, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Canadian Council of Churches.
- Work in consultation as appropriate with other Standing Committees and the House of Bishops. Participate in the Mission Coordination Group.
- Maintain relationships with ecumenical organizations and coalitions which have as common foci ecumenism and mission commitment of the Canadian Churches.
- Advise on national funding for Partners in Mission, work, allocate funding, and report annually on expenditures to the Council of General Synod.
- Develop, promote and monitor the Volunteers in Mission, Theological Students� International Internship, and Companion Diocese Program.
- Engage partners from other churches and cultures as well as from the wide diversity of Canadian society in the life of the Anglican Church of Canada.
- Ensure the development and provision of effective Partners in Mission education and interpretation within the Church.
- Assist Partners in Mission staff in implementing policy concerning the selection, placement and funding of overseas theological students.
- Provide the vehicle of consultation between Anglican voluntary mission agencies and the General Synod.
- Work in a supportive and collaborative manner along with Partners in Mission staff and be prepared to carry necessary workload between meeting dates.
- Report to the Council of General Synod.
- Maintain liaison with the House of Bishops.
- When deemed appropriate, invite partners (international, ecumenical, or internal) to join the committee.
(The Pension Committee�s terms of reference are found in Canon VII.)
The PWRDF Committee shall, on behalf of the General Synod of the Anglican Church, assist Canadian Anglican parishes and dioceses to develop an appropriate response to:
- international relief, refugee and development concerns in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific and aboriginal communities in Canada
- the concerns of refugees in Canada and those seeking refugee status in Canada.
The PWRDF Committee shall undertake this responsibility by:
- Nurturing partnerships, characterized by mutuality and common vision, between Anglicans in Canada and Anglican churches, ecumenical organizations and community groups overseas and in Canada.
- Enabling Anglican parishes and dioceses in Canada to deepen their outreach and stewardship ministries through the Primate�s Fund.
- Providing financial support to programs which address these relief, refugee and development concerns.
- Implementing a program of development education for the Anglican Church of Canada which enables Canadian Anglicans to understand and reflect theologically upon international justice issues in order to pray and advocate for global justice.
- Working collaboratively with:
- other standing committees of General Synod
- other Canadian churches
- international development organizations
- international networks such as the World Council of Churches
- Recommending policies for the General Synod on matters related to the mandate of the PWRDF Committee.
- Encouraging theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee�s mandate.
Specifically the PWRDF Committee shall:
- Establish policies for the work of the PWRDF.
- Establish priorities for the work.
- Be responsible for the financial management of the Fund and recommendation of budget for the work of the PWRDF to the General Synod.
- Approve all grants to be made by PWRDF.
- Establish financial development plans for PWRDF.
- Establish appropriate communications strategies and develop volunteer networks to facilitate partnerships with parishes and dioceses.
- Ensure that appropriate planning and evaluation occurs
- Maintain liaison with the House of Bishops.
- Report to the Council of General Synod.