Resolution Number: A-10 (revised)
Subject: Amendment to the Declaration of Principles - Second Reading
Moved By: (Name) Archbishop Arthur Peters from the Diocese of Nova Scotia
Seconded By: (Name) Hon. Ron Stevenson from the Diocese of Fredericton
Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.
That Second Reading be given to the Resolution:
That Section 3 of the Declaration of Principles be amended by relettering subsection i) to be subsection j) and by adding a new section 3 i) as follows:
In addition to the persons elected or appointed under subsections c) and d), there may be appointed two representatives of Anglican Religious Orders with communities in Canada recognized by the House of Bishops, such representatives to be appointed by the Superiors of the religious orders acting in concert.
"Religious Communities" as defined by the House of Bishops, are a group of baptized Christians in the Anglican Church of Canada who are not represented in General Synod because their communal life compels them to be outside the normal parish structure of the Church. While some dioceses allow a representative of religious communities resident in their dioceses to be appointed a member of a diocesan synod, dioceses usually elect to General Synod those members of their own synods who have been elected by the parishes.
The definition of these "religious communities" is in the Terms of Reference of the House of Bishops� Standing Committee on religious Communities:
"Religious Communities of the Anglican Church of Canada are Christian communities in communion with the See of Canterbury. The members make vows to hold property in common, to live in celibate chastity, and obedience to the Statutes and Constitution of the particular community. Further, the members are of the same sex, live in a common life under the Rule of the Order and undertake to say the Divine Office following a regular, daily pattern."
There are currently resident in Canada three communities that qualify under the House of Bishops� definition: the Order of the Holy Cross; the Community of the Sisters of the Church; and
the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine. In addition, the Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts, still has a Canadian corporation; if they once again open a Canadian house, they will make the fourth "Religious Community" in Canada according to the House of Bishops� definition.
The matter of representation of religious orders in the General Synod was considered by the former Organization Committee at the request of the House of Bishops Standing Committee on Religious Orders. The Organization Committee met with representatives of the orders. Both the committee and the National Executive Council recommended the proposed amendment to General Synod in 1995, when it was adopted on First Reading.
This is a companion resolution to A-21.
Source: General Synod 1995 - First Reading
Submitted by: The General Secretary