Resolution Number: A-65

Subject: Amendment to Canon XII - Continuing Education Plan


Moved By: (Name) Hon. Ron Stevenson from the Diocese of Fredericton

Seconded By: (Name) Archdeacon Jim Boyles, General Secretary

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.



That Section 4(b) of Canon XII be deleted and the following substituted therefor:

    1. The Continuing Education Plan Administrative Unit shall consist of:
      1. the staff member responsible for the administration of the plan, hereinafter called the administrator,
      2. the Director of Pensions or the Deputy Director of Pensions, and
      3. five members of the plan appointed by the Pension Committee at its first meeting following each regular session of the General Synod and as vacancies occur.




The committee restructuring at the 1995 General Synod assigned responsibility for the Continuing Education Plan to the Pension Committee. That Committee has asked for this change in the method of appointing members to the Administrative Unit since it is now a sub-unit of the Pension Committee. Previously, the members mentioned in sub-section iii) were appointed by the Council of General Synod.








Source: Council of General Synod

Submitted by: General Secretary