Resolution Number: A-22
Subject: Amendments to Constitution and Canon VI re: Officers
Moved By: (Name) Hon. Ron Stevenson from the Diocese of Fredericton
Seconded By: (Name) Archdeacon Jim Boyles, General Secretary
Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.
"provided that, in the absence of the Chancellor at meetings of the Council of General Synod, the Vice-Chancellor may attend such meetings"
and that Section 35 c) ii) be deleted and subsequent sections renumbered accordingly
1. Role of the Treasurer
During the last triennium the Officers were reduced in number by the resignation of the Executive Director of Program and the Treasurer. With the Prolocutor from British Columbia, the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor from Saskatchewan, the Deputy Prolocutor from the Arctic and the two Officers remaining resident in Toronto but with roots in the West (Primate and General Secretary) the geographic imbalance was striking.
At present there are four Officers in Church House and four outside. This amendment attempts to work at both regional representation among the Officers and also at striking a new balance between in-house Officers and those from the volunteer part of the Church, so that there would be six outside and two inside.
The work of Executive Director of Program is now assigned to other Directors, and the office is no longer needed in the light of restructuring after the adoption of the strategic plan at the last General Synod.
The Treasurer remains as an important official of the Church, and his role is moved by this resolution from the Constitution to the first section of Canon VI.
Source: Council of General Synod
Submitted by: General Secretary