General Synod 2010

A037: Constitution — Restructuring of the Financial Management and Development Committee (carried)

Download resolution A037

Subject: Constitution — Restructuring of the Financial Management and Development Committee

Moved by: Mr.Robert Dickson, Diocese of New Westminster

Seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lawson, Diocese of Toronto

Be it resolved that this General Synod:

amend section 39 of the Constitution of the General Synod

1) by amending paragraph a) iv) to read

iv) Financial Management Committee

2) by adding a new paragraph a) vi) as follows

vi) Philanthropy Committee.

3) by amending paragraph e) to read

e) The Financial Management Committee shall consist of seven members:

i) four of the members shall be elected by the General Synod at least one of whom shall be a member of the Council of the General Synod

ii) three members shall be appointed by the Primate

iii) one of the members shall be a member of the Philanthropy Committee.

4) by re-lettering paragraphs f) to l) to be paragraphs g) to m) and adding a new paragraph f) as follows

f) The Philanthropy Committee shall consist of seven members:

i) three of the members shall be elected by the General Synod at least one of whom shall be a member of the Council of the General Synod

ii) four members shall be appointed by the Primate

iii) one of the members shall be a member of the Financial Management Committee.

and amend sections 17, 28 and 34 of the Constitution by striking out the words “Financial Management and Development Committee” wherever they appear and substituting the words “Financial Management Committee”.

Source: Council of General Synod

Submitted by: the Acting General Secretary

Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?  Yes __ No x

If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?  Yes __ No __


The Financial Management and Development Committee and the Council of the General Synod  recommend that the existing FMD Committee be divided into two Standing Committees – (1) Financial Management and (2) Philanthropy. A Department of Philanthropy has been created at the Church’s national office thereby separating the fund-raising function from that of financial management. A separate standing committee that will monitor the work of the Philanthropy Department and to which that department will be accountable will emphasize the essential role that philanthropy plays in the mission and ministries of the Church.


This resolution must be passed by a two-thirds majority in each Order at this session of the General Synod.


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