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Enabling Ideas to Become Actions

Sessional committees

      Sessional Committees are put in place at the beginning of Synod to ensure that Synod accomplishes the goals of the session. For example, the Agenda Committee monitors the daily progress of the agenda and makes necessary adjustments; the Resolutions Committee determines the priority of resolutions and motions; the Nominating Committee receives nominations and produces the ballots; the Expenditures Committee assesses the cost implication of actions proposed to the Synod. The committees are appointed by the Council of General Synod, in consultation with the Prolocutor, prior to General Synod.

      Current lists of the members of the sessional committees and the general tasks of each committee can be found at


      There are a great number of decisions made on the floor of Synod that are of a structural nature. These range from procedural motions to adopt the minutes of the previous session of General Synod, or extend �courtesies of the house� to guests, to motions that determine the mechanisms by which the Church will operate over the long term, such as changes to the Declaration of Principles, Constitution, Canons and Rules of Order.

      Many of the decisions determining structure are made towards the beginning of Synod. Certain structural decisions require more complex procedure than others. Amendments to the Declaration of Principles, for example, require two-thirds majority approval in each Order at two successive sessions of Synod, and in some cases, consent from each Provincial Synod.

      The intention of what may often seem tedious and time-consuming is to make sure that the rules and structures reflect the Church�s goals and enable the Church to carry out its mission.

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