President of the Synod
Archbishop Michael Peers
The Rev. Rodney Andrews
Deputy Prolocutor
Ms. Diane Brookes
General Secretary
Archdeacon Jim Boyles
Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Mr. Clyne Harradence
Mr. Jim Cullen
Honorary Clerical Secretary
Archdeacon Logan McMenamie
Honorary Lay Secretary
Ms. Carolyn Chenhall
Chancellor Ronald Stevenson (Coordinator)
Chancellor Stephen Adams
Chancellor Richard Cummine
Archdeacon Susan De Gruchy
Chancellor Robert Falby
Chancellor Clyne Harradence
Chancellor Rhodie Mercer
Honorary Asst. Clerical Secretary
The Rev. Glenn Small
Honorary Asst. Lay Secretary
Ms. Betty Livingston
Chancellor Ronald Stevenson (Coordinator)
Chancellor Stephen Adams
Chancellor Richard Cummine
Archdeacon Susan De Gruchy
Chancellor Robert Falby
Chancellor Clyne Harradence
Chancellor Rhodie Mercer
The Council of General Synod approved the appointment of the following members to sessional committees for General Synod 2001, with authority for the Prolocutor in consultation with the General Secretary, to fill any vacancies that may occur.
Convenors of sessional committees
Ms. Dorothy Davies-Flindall
Certification of Minutes
The Ven. Jim Boyles
Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Mr. Stephen Koning
The Ven. Colin Johnson
The Rt. Rev. David Crawley
Agenda Committee: shall consist of not more than eight members to be drawn from the members of the General Synod. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to prepare and publish the agenda for each day of the session.
Ms. Dorothy Davies-Flindall (Chair), Ontario
Rev. Larry Beardy, Keewatin
The Rt. Rev. Fred Hiltz, Nova Scotia and PEI
The Rev. Cheryl Kristolaitis, Algoma
Ms. Rayleen Nash, New Westminster
The Very Rev. Nick Parker, Cariboo
Mr. Jim Sweeny, Quebec
Nominating Committee: shall consist of one bishop, one clerical member and one lay member from each ecclesiastical province. The committee shall be constituted not later than one month prior to the opening of the General Synod, to receive nominations for standing committees and the Council of the General Synod and to supervise the election process.
The Rt. Rev. William Hockin
The Rev. Canon Heather Thomson
Ms. Cynthia Haines-Turner
The Rt. Ralph Spence
The Ven. Colin Johnson (chair)
Ms. Judy Darling
Rupert's Land
The Rt. Rev. Victoria Matthews
The Very Rev. Robert Osborne
Mr. John Hareuther
British Columbia and the Yukon
The Rt. Rev. Terry Buckle
The Very rev. Peter Elliott
Ms. Sally Tuckey
Resolutions Committee: shall consist of up to eight members, one of whom shall be an Assessor, and with at least one bishop, one clerical and one lay member. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to receive resolutions from members of the General Synod and prepare them for submission in accordance with guidelines approved from time to time by the Council of General Synod.
The Most Rev. David Crawley (Chair), Kootenay
Ms. Sally Clinton, New Westminster
LCdr. the Rev. Rick Durrett, Military Ordinariate
The Rt. Rev. George Elliott, Toronto
Ms. Tanya Moxley, Nova Scotia and PEI
Chancellor Richard Cummine, Keewatin
Expenditures Committee: shall consist of members appointed by the Primate and the Prolocutor in consultation with the chairperson of the Financial Management and Development Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to implement Rule of Order 15 with respect to spending motions for which sources of funds have not been identified prior to the General Synod session. (This committee is appointed by the Primate and Prolocutor in consultation with the Chair of the Financial Management and Development Committee):
Mr. Stephen Koning (Chair), Calgary
The Ven. David Ashdown, Keewatin
The Very Rev. Terrance Dance, Huron
Ms. Amy Newell, Ottawa
The Rt. Rev. Donald Harvey, Eastern Nfld. & Lab.
Ms. Sarah Usher, Yukon
Ms. Susan Winn, Montreal
Certification of Minutes: shall consist of the General Secretary, the Prolocutor or Deputy Prolocutor, the Honorary Clerical and Lay Secretaries, and a member of the Resolutions Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to certify the accuracy of the minutes of the session of the General Synod.
The General Secretary (Chair)
The Prolocutor
The Honorary Lay Secretary
The Honorary Clerical Secretary
Chair of the Resolutions Committee
Credentials Committee: shall consist of the General Secretary, the Prolocutor or Deputy Prolocutor, and one Assessor. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to report to the General Synod on the standing of all persons who claim membership therein, and to advise the chairperson as to a quorum of each Order.
Chancellor Ronald Stevenson (Chair)
The Prolocutor
The General Secretary
Assessors: The Prolocutor shall appoint two or more Assessors to advise the chairperson in respect to points of order and the Constitution and Canons.
Chancellor Ronald Stevenson(Chancellor and Coordinator), Fredericton
Chancellor Stephen Adams, Prov. Synod Ontario(Huron)
Chancellor Richard Cummine, Keewatin
The Ven. Susan De Gruchy, Algoma
Chancellor Robert Falby, Toronto
Chancellor Clyne Harradence, Saskatchewan
Chancellor Rhodie Mercer, Eastern Nfld. & Lab.
Secretaries: On nomination of the General Secretary, the Prolocutor shall appoint from the membership of the General Synod an Honorary Clerical Secretary, and Honorary Assistant Clerical Secretary, and Honorary Lay Secretary and an Honorary Assistant Lay Secretary, who shall assist the General Secretary in keeping minutes of the General Synod.
Honorary Clerical Secretary
The Ven. Logan McMenamie
Assistant Clerical Secretary
The Rev. Canon Glenn Small
Honorary Lay Secretary
Ms. Carolyn Chenhall
Assistant Lay Secretary
Ms. Betty Livingston
Local Arrangements Committee
The Ven. Dennis Hayden
Dr. Gail Cuthbert Brandt
Ms. Betty Kelso
Ms. Patti Carlisle
Companion Program
Ms. Carla MacLennan
Canon George Ferris
Ms. Joy Prittie
Media Relations
The Rev. Rob Towler
The Rev. Gordon Kennedy
Mr. David Embury
Mr. Jim Kelso
The Rev. Jay Koyle
Dr. Ron Eydt