General Synod 2010

A042: Resolutions with financial implications (carried as amended)

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The HTML version of this resolution is as amended


Moved by: Mr. Robert Dickson, diocese of New Westminster

Seconded by: Ms.  Judy Darling, diocese of Ottawa

Be it resolved that:

All resolutions adopted by this session of the General Synod that

  • involve the spending of money, and
  • for which the necessary financial resources have not been identified in the motion or are not included in the budget of General Synod

be referred to a group comprised of the Primate, the Prolocutor, and the General Secretary who shall, in consultation with the Treasurer, review any expenditure that would be required to implement the motion and the financial resources available. The group may, in their discretion, authorize expenditures to implement the motion in whole or in part, or may determine that implementation is not financially feasible. The General Secretary shall report the decisions of the group to the Council of General Synod, which may reconsider those decisions.

Source: Expenditures Committee

Submitted by: Vianney (Sam) Carriere, Acting General Secretary



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