General Synod 2010

Preparation for General Synod

Preparation for General Synod

The Convening Circular is posted online at It contains the agenda, the reports and proposed resolutions from the standing committees and councils of General Synod; “Memorials” from dioceses and provinces; and other relevant information. Its sheer volume may be daunting, but it is very important that you take the time necessary to become familiar with the contents. One way to do this is to meet with other members of your diocese before General Synod, if possible. Preparation will enable informed discussion and decision-making at Synod.

You will also need to review the Rules of Order and Procedure found in the Handbook of The General Synod. There will be an opportunity at the orientation session on June 3rd to practice some of the procedures.  The Handbook is available online at and a copy of the Handbook will be available at each table in the Plenary Hall.  Should you wish to have a printed copy of the Handbook sent to you, please contact Dianne Izzard, [email protected]; 416-924-9199 ext. 275; 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2


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The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2