General Synod 2010

C002: Baptismal Covenant Addition (carried as amendment)

Download resolution C002

Note: The HTML version shows the amended resolution.

Subject: Baptismal Covenant Addition

Moved by: The Very Rev. Louise Peters

Seconded by: Dr. Lela Zimmer

Be it resolved that this General Synod:

Direct the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee

1. to consider the best way to incorporate into the Baptismal Covenant set out in the Book of Alternative Services our ministry to sustain, respect, and renew the earth as stewards of creation; and

2. to make a recommendation to General Synod 2013.

Source: Member

Submitted by: Louise Peters

Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?    Yes           No  X

If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?   Yes    No


It is time to move to a more connected covenant in our baptism that includes our planet and the sacred relationship we share with all creatures.  A possible example of the suggested addition might read: “

“Will you respect, steward, and sustain the earth and all of God’s creation, and do all in your power to honour the integrity of all life?”

Response:  “I will with God’s help.”

This resolution puts the Fifth Mark of Mission into our prayer, promise and baptismal ministry in a tangible way.


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