Anglican Church of Canada
General Synod 2007

JUNE 19 – 25, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

Orders of the Day

Mrs. Barbara Burrows reviewed the Orders of the Day.


Revision of Canon XXI on Marriage

Moved by: Dean Peter Elliott
Seconded by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson

That this General Synod request the Council of General Synod to consider a revision of Canon XXI (On Marriage) including theological rationale to allow marriage of all legally qualified persons and to report back to General Synod 2010.

Act 44

A Statement from the House of Bishops to the
Members of General Synod

Bishop Donald Phillips, Secretary of the House of Bishops, and Bishop Patrick Yu introduced this Statement. (See Appendix L)

House of Bishops Statement on Pastoral Care of Same Sex Couples

Moved by: Bishop Michael Bedford-Jones
Seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lawson

That this General Synod welcome the Statement of the House of Bishops of October, 2006, urging the church to show pastoral understanding and sensitivity to all same-sex couples, including those civilly married, and committing the House to develop pastoral strategies to give effect to the acceptance of gays and lesbians to whom we are already committed by previous General Synods and COGS resolutions, House of Bishops guidelines and Lambeth Conference statements.

Friendly Amendment

The Rev. Canon Paul Jennings proposed a friendly amendment that the Statement issued in April 2007 by the House of Bishops (and included as a Memorial in the Convening Circular) also be included in this resolution. This amendment was declined by the mover and seconder.

The original motion was then put and –

Act 45

The October 2006 Statement of the House of Bishops is attached. (See Appendix L)

Point of Personal Privilege

Bishop Michael Ingham rose to correct several statements made in the House with respect to the Diocese of New Westminster.

He said: “It is a small minority of people who are getting a lot of press attention. I would not want General Synod to have the impression that those who speak from outside our diocese and the Anglican Church of Canada represent theological conservatives in the Diocese of New Westminster, the vast majority of whom remain within the diocese and are represented here in our delegation to General Synod.”

ACC-13 Resolution 4

The revised resolution was presented.

Moved by: Bishop Susan Moxley
Seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lawson

That this General Synod:

i. ratify Sections a-d of the proposed constitutional changes for the Anglican Consultative Council, as proposed in ACC-13 Resolution 4; and

ii. not ratify ACC-13 Resolution 4, Section e) of the proposed constitutional changes for the Anglican Consultative Council.

Act 46

Declaration of Principles and Constitution
– Amending Procedures

The resolution suspended earlier was returned and the list of speakers was noted. Canon Falby advised that the mover and seconder had accepted a friendly amendment from Ms. Heather Dixon (and the revisions are underlined). The motion now reads:

Moved by: Canon Robert Falby
Seconded by: Bishop Susan Moxley

That first reading be given to the resolution that the Declaration of Principles be
amended by:

1) deleting sections 3 and 4 thereof ;
2) renumbering sections 5 to 11 to be sections 3 to 9; and
3) amending all cross-references to sections 6, 7 and 8 to refer to sections 3 and 4 respectively.

Motion to Refer

Moved by: Bishop Donald Phillips
Seconded by: Mr. Eric Parsons

That this resolution be referred to the Council of General Synod for further work, including consultation with the provinces and dioceses of our church.

Act 47

Governance – procedures for enactment of Canons and amendment of the Declaration of Principles, the Constitution, and the Canons respecting worship and discipline

Moved by: Canon Robert Falby
Seconded by: Archbishop Caleb Lawrence

The revised resolution was presented.

That first reading be given to the Resolution that section 11 of the Declaration of Principles be amended to read as follows:

11. Amendments; Enactment of Canons

a) Amendments to the Declaration of Principles

i) The Solemn Declaration of the Declaration of Principles belongs in a particular historic context and therefore cannot be altered or amended.
ii) An amendment to the Declaration of Principles can be considered only when a majority of each Order is present at the session of the General Synod.
iii) Subject to subsection iv), an amendment to the Declaration of Principles shall take effect when passed by a two-thirds majority in each Order.
iv) An amendment to sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Declaration of Principles shall take effect only when the General Synod has adopted it in the manner prescribed in subsection iii), and the synods of each of the ecclesiastical provinces of the Anglican Church of Canada have consented to it.
v) The synod of an ecclesiastical province of the Anglican Church of Canada shall be deemed to have consented to an amendment to section 6, 7 or 8 of the Declaration of Principles adopted by the General Synod if no resolution proposing consent to the amendment has been voted upon in the provincial synod before the expiration of 3 years from the date the amendment was passed by the General Synod.
vi) Where a proposed amendment to the Declaration of Principles has been defeated by the General Synod, or where an amendment to section 6, 7 or 8 of the Declaration of Principles passed by the General Synod has not taken effect pursuant to subsection iv), the proposed amendment may be introduced again at any subsequent session of the General Synod.

b) Amendments to the Constitution

i) An amendment to a section of the Constitution which has its origin in the Declaration of Principles must be consistent with the Principle concerned.
ii) An amendment to the Constitution of the General Synod shall take effect when passed by a two-thirds majority of each Order voting at a session of the General Synod.

c) Canons and Amendments to Canons

i) All Canons dealing with doctrine, and amendments to such Canons, shall take effect when passed by a two-thirds majority in each Order at two successive sessions of the General Synod, the Canon or amendment proposed having been referred for consideration to diocesan and provincial synods, following the first approval of the General Synod.
ii) All Canons dealing with matters other than doctrine or amendments to such Canons, shall take effect when passed by a two-thirds majority of the Order of Bishops, and of the Orders of Clergy and Laity voting together.

d) Amendments to the Rules of Order and Procedure

An amendment to the Rules of Order and Procedure shall take effect when passed by a two-thirds majority of the Order of Bishops, and of the Orders of Clergy and Laity voting together.

e) Amendments on Second Reading at Synod

i) Where a resolution proposing a Canon dealing with doctrine or an amendment to such a Canon has been:

a) passed at one session of the General Synod,
b) referred for consideration to all diocesan and provincial synods, and
c) brought before a second session of the General Synod,

it shall be in order for the General Synod to adopt any amendment to the resolution which does not alter the resolution in any substantive way but which merely improves the clarity or form of the resolution.

ii) A resolution amended pursuant to subsection i) shall take effect if passed by the required majority at the second session notwithstanding the amendment.

Motion to Refer

Moved by: Bishop William Anderson
Seconded by: Mr. George Power

That this resolution be referred to the Council of General Synod for further work and consultation.

Act 48

Note – Resolution A061 (a companion to A022) was withdrawn.

Nominating Committee – Second Report on Standing Committees

Bishop Moxley presented this report.

Moved by: Bishop Susan Moxley
Seconded by: Bishop John Privett

That the following Second Report of the Nominating Committee be accepted.

Act 49

Bishop Moxley explained that, as a result of restructuring, there were a reduced number of members on some committees. Most dioceses have 1-2 (or at most 3) representatives. Youth members are appointed (i.e. anyone under the age of 27 years).

Standing Committees 2007-2010

Communications & Information Resources
Name Diocese
George Elliott Toronto   Yes
John Fletcher Military Ordinariate   Yes
Margaret Jenniex Central Newfoundland Yes Yes
Dion Lewis Montreal Yes Yes
Derrick Lovell Western Newfoundland   Yes
Tanya Moxley Nova Scotia and PEI   No
Trevor Powell Qu’Appelle   No
Michael Thompson Niagara Yes Yes


Partners in Mission & EcoJustice
Name Diocese
Elizabeth Beardy Keewatin
Caroline Chum Moosonee
Jesse Dymond Huron
Peter Hobbs Ottawa
Robert Marsh Fredericton
Iola Metuq Arctic
William Mous Niagara
Antonio Osorio British Columbia
Nigel Packwood Brandon  
Susan Titterington Yukon  
David Torraville Central Newfoundland  
Susan Winn Montreal  

Financial Management & Development
Name Diocese
David Ashdown Keewatin
William Clarke Ontario
Judy Darling Ottawa
Constance Joanna Gefvert Toronto
Michael Hawkins Saskatchewan
Suzanne Lawson Toronto
Falen McNulty Fredericton
Arran Thorpe Nova Scotia and PEI
Michael Wellwood New Westminster


Faith, Worship & Ministry
Name Diocese
Jean Brenton-Hickman Western Newfoundland
George Bruce Ontario  
Maureen Crerar Edmonton  
Stephanie DeForest Niagara  
Greg Gilson Caledonia  
John Harvey Algoma  
Rene Jamieson Rupert’s Land  
Richard Leggett New Westminster  
Iain Luke Athabasca  
Gary Thorne Military Ordinariate  
Pierre Voyer Quebec  
Lela Zimmer Cariboo

Name Diocese
Rodney Andrews Saskatoon
David Embury Huron   Yes
Ronald Harrison New Westminster   Yes
David Irving Kootenay   Yes
Stephen Koning Calgary   Yes
Cyrus Pitman Eastern Nfld & Labrador   Yes

Synod members expressed their appreciation to the members of the Nominating
Committee by applause.

The Prolocutor assumed the Chair.

Governance – Consultation with Dioceses

Moved by: Canon Robert Falby
Seconded by: Archbishop Caleb Lawrence

That the Primate, after consultation with the House of Bishops, be requested to initiate discussion with the provinces and dioceses of the Anglican Church of Canada regarding:

1) the possible reform of the provincial organization of the Anglican Church of Canada, and, in particular, whether the effectiveness and efficiency of the Anglican Church of Canada would be significantly improved by:

a) entirely eliminating the four provinces from the organizational structure of the church and transferring the powers and authority the provinces presently hold to the General Synod, or
b) maintaining the existing provincial structure for some part of its present purpose and transferring part of provincial power and authority, for example part or all of provincial legislative authority, to the General Synod, or
c) reorganizing the dioceses into groupings with greater common goals, concerns, needs and interests than the collections of dioceses forming the existing provinces.

2) the possible reform of the diocesan organization of the Anglican Church of Canada, in particular by:

a) adjusting diocesan boundaries to reflect modern transportation patterns and population shifts created by social and economic changes,
b) reducing the number of dioceses within the Anglican Church of Canada,
c) implementing any other change that might improve the effectiveness, efficiency, or economy of the operation of dioceses.

Friendly Amendment

The mover and seconder accepted a friendly amendment from the Rev. Stephen Peake to add the words ‘enhance the mission and’ in item 2) c) after the word ‘might’. Item 2) c) now reads:

c) implementing any other change that might enhance the mission and improve the effectiveness, efficiency or economy of the operation of dioceses.

The amended motion was then put and -

Act 50

Partner’s Reflection

The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches, addressed Synod and referred members to the CCC website –

Principles for Revision of Common Worship Texts

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett
Seconded by: Bishop Michael Bedford-Jones

That this General Synod direct the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to prepare principles and an agenda for common worship texts revision.

Friendly Amendment

The Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews proposed the following friendly amendment, which was accepted by the mover and seconder – i.e. to delete the words “common worship texts revision” and replace them with ‘revision of our contemporary language worship texts and the creation of fresh liturgical expressions’.

The amended motion reads:

That this General Synod direct the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to prepare principles and an agenda for revision of our contemporary language worship texts and the creation of fresh liturgical expressions.

The amended motion was then put and -

Act 51

Millennium Development Goals

Moved by: Bishop Philip Poole
Seconded by: Archdeacon Peter Fenty

That this General Synod:

    1. Request the General Secretary to write to the Prime Minister, reminding him of a previous call from the Anglican Church of Canada on the Government of Canada to deliver and implement a plan to reach the UN target of 0.7% of Gross National Income for Official Development Assistance by 2015, and urgently requesting that budgetary measures be taken toward achieving this target.

    2. Request the PWRDF and the General Synod through its Partnerships program to:
      • Reconsider how the Millennium Development Goals, in light of the attention given them by the wider Anglican Communion at the recent TEAM 2007 Conference, can be used effectively to inform and advance the global development and advocacy work of PWRDF and General Synod throughout the 2007-2010 triennium.
      • Participate as appropriate in the Make Poverty History campaign and the Micah Challenge, national and global movements advocating for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
      • Explore the possibilities of working in partnership with The Episcopal Church, and with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada to promote the Millennium Development Goals.

    3. Request the Partners in Mission Committee and the Ecojustice Committee (or their successor) and the PWRDF, in consultation with the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee to:
      • Identify theological themes underlying the eight (8) Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and the church’s response to them.
      • Determine which of the MDGs should be given priority for advocacy and action within Canada.
      • Develop, identify and promote educational resources to raise awareness in Anglican dioceses and parishes about the Millennium Development Goals, and about poverty and development issues in Canada using the framework of the MDGs and other Millenium campaign strategies, especially Make Poverty History and The Micah Challenge.

Act 52

Amendments to the Long Term Disability Plan Pre-2005 Document

Moved by: Bishop Philip Poole
Seconded by: Dean Peter Elliott

That this General Synod approve the amendments to the Long Term Disability Plan Pre-2005 Document, as approved by the Council of General Synod, by deleting the underlined portions and adding the bold portions as shown on the attached copy of the document.

Act 53

The amended LTD Plan Pre-2005 Document is attached. (See Appendix M)

The Declaration of Principles – Eligibility of Clergy

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That second reading be given to the Resolution that the Declaration of Principles be amended as follows:

1. by amending section 3 c) to read:

c) The Order of Clergy shall consist of clerical members of The Anglican Church of Canada or of a church in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada elected by the several diocesan synods according to such rules as they may adopt, subject to the provisions of subsection f). In a diocese that has no synodical organization such appointments shall be made by the bishop; and

2. by amending subsection 3 f) vi) to read:

vi) the words “licensed members of the clergy”, as used in this section and elsewhere in the Constitution, shall mean all clerical members of The Anglican Church of Canada or of a church in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada holding the license of the bishop of a diocese to perform the functions of the ordained ministry within the diocese, excepting and excluding those who are resident in the diocese but are on leave from another diocese, and those who are in receipt of benefits from the pension funds of the Church (other than for temporary disability) and who are not in charge of a parish or fully engaged in the work of the ordained ministry.

Act 54

The Constitution – Eligibility of Clergy

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That the Constitution of the General Synod be amended as follows:

1. by amending section 8 c) to read:

c) The Order of Clergy shall consist of clerical members of The Anglican Church of Canada or of a church in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada elected by the several diocesan synods according to such rules as they may adopt, subject to the provisions of subsection f). In a diocese that has no synodical organization such appointments shall be made by the bishop; and

2. by amending subsection 8 f) vi) to read:

vi) the words “licensed members of the clergy”, as used in this section and elsewhere in the Constitution, shall mean all clerical members of The Anglican Church of Canada or of a church in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada holding the license of the bishop of a diocese to perform the functions of the ordained ministry within the diocese, excepting and excluding those who are resident in the diocese but are on leave from another diocese, and those who are in receipt of benefits from the pension funds of the Church (other than for temporary disability) and who are not in charge of a parish or fully engaged in the work of the ordained ministry.

Act 55

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Moved by: Mrs. Phyllis Creighton
Seconded by: Bishop Susan Moxley

That this General Synod:

    1. Commit the Anglican Church of Canada, through its Ecojustice Committee (or its successor), to support the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons in its efforts to raise political will for the achievement of a Nuclear Weapons Convention. This convention would forbid the development, manufacture, testing, deployment, stock-piling, transfer, threat or use of nuclear weapons, lead to their reduction and elimination, and provide for verification of the same.

    2. Request the chair of the Ecojustice Committee (or its successor) to direct a letter to ICAN expressing our support for the demands of ICAN:
      • Negotiation of Nuclear Abolition
      • No new Nuclear Weapons
      • Reduction of the likelihood of nuclear weapons use by
        - a No First Use policy
        - a No Launch-on Warning policy
        - development of more Nuclear-Weapons Free Zones (including one in Canada)
      • Canada must call on NATO to revise its nuclear policy. Canada must promote No-Launch-on Warning and make sure adequate resources are directed toward nuclear disarmament.

Act 56

Noon Prayer

The Rev. Sonja Free (ELCIC) concluded prayers by requesting members to join hands while she read the following hymn:

The Lord Now Sends us Forth
The Lord now sends us forth with hands to serve and give,
To make of all the earth a better place to live.
The angels are not sent into our world of pain
To do what we were meant to do in Jesus’ name;
That falls to you and me and all who are made free.
Help us, O Lord, we pray, to do your will today.
(Text anonymous – from Central America)

Meeting of Standing Committees

Members of committees attended their first meeting.

The Synod reconvened in the Plenary Hall. The Prolocutor was in the Chair.


Ecumenical Participation in Ordination

Moved by: Bishop George Bruce
Seconded by: Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett

That this General Synod adopt the “Guidelines for Ecumenical Participation in Ordinations” formulated by the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations and proposed for all churches of the Anglican Communion, as the standard to be generally followed by this Church in all situations in which Anglican bishops and priests are invited to participate in ordinations outside the Anglican Communion, or in which clergy of other churches are invited to participate in Anglican ordinations; and

that all Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada be requested to follow these Guidelines as the standard for Ecumenical Participation in Ordinations when such questions arise.

Act 57

Support for Partners in the Middle East

Moved by: Bishop Peter Coffin
Seconded by: Archdeacon Richard LeSueur

That this General Synod:

  1. Request the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada to write to the Primate of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, including the dioceses of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, of Cyprus and the Gulf, and of Egypt to express:
    • Affirmation of the bonds of fellowship we share as Anglicans with the clergy and people of Jerusalem and the Middle East
    • Solidarity with Anglicans and other Christians in Palestine in their struggle for justice and peace
    • Commitment to active prayer and education concerning the condition of the Palestinian people and to advocacy for a peaceful and just solution to the conflict in the region.

  2. Request the Ecojustice Committee and Partners in Mission Committee or their successor, (in cooperation with Faith Worship and Ministry Committee) to study the policy of ECUSA on the Middle East as a basis for formulating a policy for the Anglican Church of Canada in relation to the Middle East.

  3. Request the Primate of The Anglican Church of Canada to make a solidarity visit to Anglicans and other Christians in Israel and Palestine, and with others seeking peace in the region, and to the extent possible, to extend the visit to other parts of the Middle East, including Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus, the Gulf and/or Egypt.

  4. Request the EcoJustice Committee or its successor, in cooperation with KAIROS, to:
    • identify or develop resources for Canadian Anglicans on structural conflict and peace issues in Palestine and Israel
    • equip those travelling to the region and suggest people, organizations, and connections in Canada with whom to de-brief upon return.

Friendly Amendment

Dr. John Harvey proposed a friendly amendment re item #1, 2nd bullet, to delete the word “Palestine” and add after the word “in” … “the Province of the Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East”. The mover and seconder accepted this amendment.

The 2nd bullet of item #1 now reads:

The amended resolution was then put and -

Act 58

Duties and Functions of the Primate

Moved by: Bishop Rodney Andrews
Seconded by: Bishop Claude Miller

That this General Synod ask the Council of General Synod to convene a task force to:

  1. conduct a detailed study of the role, duties and functions of the Primate;
  2. recommend changes, if any, to Canon III;
  3. complete its work in advance of GS 2010; and
  4. report to GS 2010 and, if the task force thinks appropriate, to recommend resolutions for consideration by General Synod.

Act 59

Ban the Use of Tobacco Products

Moved by: Dr. Randall Fairey
Seconded by: Rev. Robert Lemon

That this General Synod:

  1. Ban the use of tobacco products, exclusive of ceremonial use, in and around all venues for national meetings of the Anglican Church of Canada.
  2. Strongly encourage the dioceses of the Anglican Church of Canada to ban the use of tobacco products at all levels.
  3. Encourage Anglicans in all physical, psychological and spiritual ways to cease their personal use of tobacco products.

Point of Order

Archdeacon Harry Huskins raised a point of order about the feasibility of this motion. He was ruled out of order by the Assessors.

The motion was then put and –

Act 60

Point of Privilege

Bishop William Anderson stated that there was a sense of disrespect or humour relative to the above motion, which he felt was unfair to the mover and seconder. He urged the Synod members to have respect for all motions and to treat the presenters with courtesy.

Introduction of Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church

The Primate introduced Archbishop Katharine Jefferts Schori who briefly addressed Synod. She expressed the hope that the partnership between the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada would thrive and prosper.


Study of Human Sexuality

Moved by: Rev. John Oakes
Seconded by: Rev. Ajit John

That in light of the statement of the House of Bishops to members of General Synod, dated April 30, 2007, this General Synod 2007:

  1. Ask the Primate to request the Primate’s Theological Commission to report in advance of General Synod 2010 on:
    • the theological question whether the blessing of same-sex unions is a faithful, Spirit-led development of Christian doctrine;
    • Scripture’s witness to the integrity of every human person and the question of the sanctity of human relationships.
  2. Ask the Primate to request the Anglican Communion Task Force to report in advance of General Synod 2010 on the implications of the blessing of same-sex unions and/or marriage for our church and the Anglican Communion.
  3. Support and encourage dioceses to offer the most generous pastoral provision possible within the current teaching of the church to gays and lesbians and their families.

Amendment #1

Moved by: Bishop James Cowan
Seconded by: Ms. Catherine Speechley-Pell

That a 4th section be added to the motion:

4. Request Faith Worship and Ministry to develop a process to engage the dioceses and parishes of the Anglican Church of Canada in a study of the Christian perspective of human sexuality through the lens of scripture, reason, tradition and current scientific understanding.

Discussion ensued.

Point of Order

Bishop Cowan explained that the study being requested in #4 above is not a new study – it is a request to FWM to actually do it, rather than placing ‘reports on shelves’.

The motion on the amendment was then put and -


Amendment #2

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Hopkins
Seconded by: Rev. Michael Thompson

That the words ‘to consult with dioceses and parishes and’ be added in #1 after ‘Primate’s Theological Commission…’.

The mover and seconder accepted this wording as a friendly amendment. (There was no vote.)

Amendment #3

Moved by: Mr. Joseph Wooden
Seconded by: Dean Hugh Matheson

That in #3 the words ‘within the current teaching of the church’ be deleted.


The Chair of the Expenditures Committee, Mrs. Judy Darling, reported that there were financial implications with respect to amendment #2 above and the Prolocutor asked the Assessors to respond. The Assessors advised that, under Section 15 of the Rules of Order, the report is required before the question is put; however, the motion is still in order although the committee’s report raises financial concerns.

The vote on the amended resolution was then put and -

Act 61

The motion, as adopted, now reads (amendments are in italics):

That in light of the statement of the House of Bishops to members of General Synod, dated April 30, 2007, this General Synod 2007:

  1. Ask the Primate to request the Primate’s Theological Commission to consult with the dioceses and parishes and to report in advance of General Synod 2010 on:
    • the theological question whether the blessing of same-sex unions is a faithful, Spirit-led development of Christian doctrine;
    • Scripture’s witness to the integrity of every human person and the question of the sanctity of human relationships.
  2. Ask the Primate to request the Anglican Communion Task Force to report in advance of General Synod 2010 on the implications of the blessing of same-sex unions and/or marriage for our church and the Anglican Communion.
  3. Support and encourage dioceses to offer the most generous pastoral provision possible within the current teaching of the church to gays and lesbians and their families.
  4. Request Faith, Worship and Ministry to develop a process to engage the dioceses and parishes of the Anglican Church of Canada in a study of the Christian perspective of human sexuality through the lens of scripture, reason, tradition and current scientific understanding.

The Primate resumed the Chair.

Omnibus Motion

Moved by: Ms. Suzanne Lawson
Seconded by: Archdeacon Karl McLean

That this General Synod forward all remaining resolutions to the Council of General Synod for consideration.

Act 62

Resolution B001 – Blessing couples in covenanted same-sex unions – was withdrawn by the mover and seconder. The seventeen resolutions passed by the omnibus motion are as follows (in the order proposed by the Resolutions Committee):

No Debate List
Item # Res. # Title
Public Meetings
Budget Allocation to Support Youth Initiatives
Adoption of the new LTD Plan and subsequent amendments to the Regulations
Voting in the Council of General Synod
Anglican-Orthodox Relations
Code of Ethics
French Translation of Liturgical Texts
Inter-Faith Education and Dialogue
Food and Agriculture
Companion Diocese Relationships
Sri Lanka
Darfur / Sudan
Support for PWRDF Partnership for Life Initiative
Targets for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Anti-Racism Education
Anti-Racism Education

Motion of Thanks

Moved by: Mr. Dion Lewis
Seconded by: Ms. Laura Walton-Clouston

That this General Synod express its deep appreciation to the people (both staff and volunteers) who contributed to the organization, hosting, leadership, guidance, worship and program of General Synod 2007.

Act 63


The Primate declared the 38th Session of the General Synod prorogued at 4.30 p.m. and invited everyone to the Closing Service at 7.30 p.m.

Closing Service and Primatial Installation

The Right Reverend Fred Hiltz was installed as the 13th Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada at St. Matthew’s Anglican Church in Winnipeg.

The Most Reverend John Sentamu, Archbishop of York and Primate of England, delivered the sermon and the Most Reverend Fred Hiltz, Primate, presided at the Eucharist.


The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Main switchboard: 416-924-9192