Anglican Church of Canada
General Synod 2007

General Synod Planning Committee

Members of the General Synod Planning Committee work with the Local Arrangements committee and the General Synod Worship Committee to organize General Synod 2007.

The Ven. Donna Ball, Chair, General Synod Worship Committee
Ms. Barbara Burrows, CoGS representative
The Very Rev. Bob Osborne, Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) Co-chair
The Rev. Canon Murray Still, ACIP Representative
The Ven. Michael Pollesel, General Secretary
Ms. Susan Suppes, LAC Co-chair
The Rev. Randy Townsend, GS2010 representative
The Very Rev. Peter Wall, Chair
Mrs. Susan Winn, Deputy Prolocutor
The Very Rev. Peter Elliott, Prolocutor (Ex-officio)
The Most Rev. Andrew Hutchison, Primate (Ex-officio)
Ms. Dianne Izzard (Staff)
Ms. Margaret Shawyer, General Synod Coordinator (Staff)


The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Main switchboard: 416-924-9192