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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Patrick T., Port Alberni, BC

At present the Church seems to be stuck in a negative mode. It lacks vision and is distracted by contention over what are, in the grand scheme of things, peripheral issues — issues of minor theological and administrative difference and division which are generating more heat than light. As a result, its worship, religious education and prayer life are, at best, half-hearted and weak.

I want the Church to rediscover its real purpose as the Body of Christ on earth. I want it to overflow in worship of God. I want it to demonstrate love, hope and joy in all it does. I want it to regain its evangelical fervor so that it shares the Gospel message with the vast majority in our country who are ignorant of it in ways which bring many into relationship with God and the Church.

I see a need for us to be more biblically literate by all of us engaging in meaningful Bible study. Those who know their Bible and their faith are those who become the movers and shakers in the ministry of all God’s people to all God’s people both within and beyond the Church.

I see a need for us to be far more intentional and faithful in prayer, prayer which expects God to answer and to act.

My vision for the future is of a vibrant, worshipful, biblically literate, praying, loving and growing community of faith.

Patrick T.

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One Response to “Patrick T., Port Alberni, BC”

  1. Angela Victoria says:

    I was absolutely delighted to read this inspiring and uplifting vision for 2019. I thoroughly endorse these sentiments that the future of the Anglican church should be “a vibrant, worshipful, biblically literate, praying, loving and growing community of faith”. Education gives us credibility; worship and prayer builds community, thus a sense of purpose and belonging in God’s creation. Credibility and community make us relevant in today’s world, thus encouraging growth…which is just another way of saying “sharing the love of Christ with more and more people”…which is exactly what God calls us to do.


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