Note: This page has been archived for historical interest, and is no longer being updated—information may be out-of-date.
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“Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say ‘here’s what I think our church needs to be about.’”
Now it’s your turn to tell the leaders and the planners of the Anglican Church of Canada what you want your church to be. You are invited to answer this two-part question: “Where is your church now, and where do you want the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019?”
Until Oct. 1, 2009, Canadian Anglicans may submit their response to the two-part question:
Get your community involved by sharing this Vision 2019 summary sheet and ideas sheet.
Here are the simple guidelines for all contributions and replies:
Vision 2019 welcomes a range of contributions to the "Tell us your story" project—from affirming to critical. Comments are monitored, however, to ensure that a respectful conversation can take place. We ask that you be relatively brief and that your language be respectful to others. You must also provide your name, place of residence (city or town is adequate) and parish.
Making a video can be a very simple process. Many groups or parishes have at least one or two members with home video cameras. If you ask for a knowledgeable volunteer, they will be able to set the camera up on a tripod or table, make sure you can be seen in the frame, turn it on, and away you go.
Of course, you can be fancier than that. Many people, especially younger people, have wonderful creativity and visual skills. If that’s the case in your group or parish, go for it. The only restriction is that all videos must be under 10 minutes. We have more tips on how to make a video here.
Send your thoughts and stories at [email protected]
You can leave a voice message at 1-866-496-3057. The maximum length is 5 minutes.
Mail your responses to:
The Anglican Church of Canada
Vision 2019
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Review responses from other Canadian Anglicans (most recent responses are at the top). You can also search responses by diocese, and add your own stories.
Read the newest responses below, or view all responses here.
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For more information or questions, email [email protected]
Tools we use to gather and display stories and feedback include Get Satifaction (privacy), WebPasties (privacy), Wordpress, YouTube (privacy), Yousendit (privacy) and IntenseDebate (privacy). Know of a better way to collect stories and feeback? Let us know!