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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Sally T., Diocese of British Columbia

Where is my church now?  We are in a dangerous place at this time – and that is –  being irrelevant. We must continue being church to the very best of our abilities, to honour our Lord and to let people know that they are loved. We must show that living with Christ in our lives MAKES A DIFFERENCE. We must be consistent with this message, in a time of inconsistencies.

Where do I want the Anglican Church of Canada to be by 2019?  I would hope that in 2019 people will see that (as above) living with Christ in our lives MAKES A DIFFERENCE; that with a faith we can weather the storms which are a part of our 21st century lives.

As a first-time grandparent I find myself projecting ahead with a certain little person in mind. I would dearly hope that our church will be a place of welcome and of non-judgement for all, a place of happiness and of nurture for all. This world needs such a haven, heaven knows! We must shed some of the judgements we have held in the past, and see everyone as children of our God. Ten years is not a long time but we can begin to change our ways in this respect.

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Vision 2019 welcomes a range of contributions to the "Tell us your story" project--from affirming to critical. Comments are monitored, however, to ensure that a respectful conversation can take place. We ask that you be relatively brief and that your language be respectful to others. You must also provide your name, place of residence (city or town is adequate) and parish.