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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Stephen K., North Bay ON

At this exact moment, the Church of God is at a cusp. It can either accept its prophetic role, as it has done many times over the last two thousand years, or, it can reject that role and slide backwards into oblivion. This church, this great church of ours has accepted in the past its prophetic role to be the bridge between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism; to proclaim and accept that negroes could be fully part of the church; to realize and act on the revelation that the ordained priesthood is rightfully open to female as well as male. Yes, these, and so many more examples of accepting God’s call as a church have regularly occurred over the ages, and once again, today, right now, we are being called to accept a prophetic role to the world to accept all persons of faith as full members of the Anglican Church, the Church of God.

In 2019, I would hope that the church has accepted its call to be a church wherein all Christian men and women are full members, no matter their race, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation. I pray that it is a church wherein all believers, no matter the sexual orientation, sex, race or ethnicity can proclaim together that Jesus Christ is Lord, that Jesus Christ is King, that Jesus Christ is the most important person in their lives.  I pray that by 2019 that the church, the People of God, is actively on the front line fighting for justice, and proclaiming the Way to the world. I pray that our Anglican church is a leader church which knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way, proclaiming Christ Jesus, making our heavenly Father’s name known, empowered by and living in the Holy Spirit.

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