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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Diane M., Toronto ON

  1. I would like to see our Church — nationally and throughout every Diocese — have a carbon reduction plan, and to take very seriously the lifestyle issues required surrounding the challenges of Climate Change.  I would also like to see in our liturgies, and in sermons and prayers of the people, the profound caring for Creation that we, as a people of God, are called to express.
  2. I would like to see some resolution of the same-sex   blessings issue, preferably that our Canadian church would accept a local option for Dioceses; and that our national church would remain in fellowship with the church of the global south and other areas who disagree with our church on this area of human rights and justice.
  3. I would like to see the work and ministry of the First Nations Bishops and communities shared within all Dioceses and all churches so that we can learn from them and their journey of faith as they integrate their cultures with Christian faith and heal from the abuses of the past. This would allow for deeper reconciliation and hopefully the building of new relationships within the Canadian Church.
  4. I would like to see a greater emphasis on youth ministry, and a way (using Facebook perhaps?) to dialogue with young people around issues and questions of faith and life.

May God’s blessing be upon our Church in this visioning process and outcome.

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Vision 2019 welcomes a range of contributions to the "Tell us your story" project--from affirming to critical. Comments are monitored, however, to ensure that a respectful conversation can take place. We ask that you be relatively brief and that your language be respectful to others. You must also provide your name, place of residence (city or town is adequate) and parish.