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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Review responses from other Canadian Anglicans below (most recent responses are at the top). You can also view responses by diocese, and add your own story.

Message from Dianne D., Vancouver BC

Sent to us on June 8th, 2009


Vision 2019

“And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, & to walk humbly with your God?  (Micah 6:8)”


My name is Dianne Des Rosiers. In 2001, I became attracted to worship at Christ Church Cathedral when Reverend Canon Douglas Williams and Dr Hannah Kasiss were invited to St Margaret’s of Scotland Anglican in North Burnaby as guest speakers, on an Introduction to the Old Testament series and the relationship of Islam and Christianity reflected in Holy Scripture.  Both gentlemen’s informed scholarship and gentle and gracious teaching style attracted me.

Post 9 / 11 I read in the Contact, in Remarks by Bishop Michael Ingham concerning The Service for the City, National Day of Mourning, September 14th, 2001  – “This tragedy calls us to strengthen our spiritual resolve, to put an end to religiously-motivated violence and build societies of justice, tolerance and mutual respect.”

After 2 years of inquiry I was received into the Anglican Communion, in a Sacrament of Commitment by the Reverend Michael Ingham, Sunday April 27th, 2003 at St Catherine’s, North Vancouver.  I completed a Disciple bible study program led by Reverend Rose Hannah Gaskin sponsored at St Andrew’s Wesley,United a few years ago .

I enjoy Tuesday Night Soul Space and practice Contemplation based on the practice of Father Thomas Keating.  I enjoy the stimulating fellowship and the rich liturgical programming at CCC and the Thomas Merton Lecture series at the Vancouver Public Library.

In the Anglicanism at CCC I have found the integration of Catholic and Protestant Spirituality that are the roots and foundation of my family heritage balanced with a respect for reason and scholarship and humanitarian values.  I continue to be attracted to the progressive social teachings, the inclusive social witness at CCC and the creative blend of traditional and innovative Christian music and liturgy.

I am recovering from a knee replacement operation on my left knee April 27, 2009. Read the rest of this entry »

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Message from Nicholas F., Diocese of New Westminster

Sent to us on June 4th, 2009

I dream a dream for the Canadian Church:

1) Our Church is progressive but holds fast that which is good.

2) Our Church is really and truly inclusive (therefor not divisive).

3) Our Church is on higher moral ground than the secular society.

4) Our Church goes back to the root of Christianity to understand and know what Christianity is all about.

5) Our Church is not just a charitable society but also a place for religious (not just spiritual) and moral teachings

6) Our Church encourages honours and celebrates (only heterosexual union) family life—the very basis for the survival of the church.

This I believe is God’s Mission for us.

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Message from the Rev. Donald S., Diocese of Toronto

Sent to us on June 3rd, 2009

For 2010, this is my heart-felt desire

To cast vision to which we can aspire

To reach out to neighbour – no matter who that may be

To see the face of Christ in every you and me

To move beyond the labels we place on others who are different

And draw the circle wider with no barriers or deterrents

Where evangelism is not a term that signals in or out

And faith is open to what may be, even times of doubt

At even though we call ourselves liberal, biblical or middle

Our tolerance moves to acceptance and we tear down all the hurdles

We place before each other as pilgrims on the way

A rather than the tearing down we find new ways to stay

We strive for social justice and won’t capitulate

And issues of our human rights – no longer tolerate

Where ministry takes on the form of housing and of bread

And children are tucked in at night safely in their beds

Where we focus on our common goals and not our differences

And our of our abundance we ensure that everybody has

Enough to sense the God of grace embraces who they are

And the witness of our Gospel light demonstrates we care

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Message from the Rev. Daniel G., Diocese of Toronto

Sent to us on June 2nd, 2009

What do I dream?

I dream of a Church that has no fear or reservation in making the Gospel of Christ, the story God’s reconciling love, known to a hurting world.

I dream of a Church that turns to God again and again in prayer and listens to what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Read the rest of this entry »

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Message from Teresa S., Diocese of New Westminster

Sent to us on June 2nd, 2009

Dear Archbishop Fred Hiltz:

I really like the program Anglican church’s Five Marks of Mission, chaired by you and Dean Peter G. Elliott.

Previously in the  Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver, this Five Marks of Mission has already been explained by Dean Peter, who is the godly man that deserves people’s respect.

After your explanation, it really helps us to understand more clearly about the missions. Read the rest of this entry »

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Message from Lynda D., Diocese of British Columbia

Sent to us on May 29th, 2009

The whole question is interesting, the fact that it is even being asked, that is. First, I perceive my parish to be like most in the ‘developed’ portion of the ACC: struggling to stay in the black and attract new members fast enough to replace those who die. But the real answer is not about the money or the  people but the disinterest in personal spiritual growth. We are complacent in our faith, not wanting to be challenged or disturbed and certainly not willing to live it deeply and ostentatiously.

Second, I am aware that most Canadian Anglicans want 3 things for the Church: more people, more youth and more money (John Steele, our rector and a member of COGS, preached on this recently). My immediate reaction was that these are completely the wrong things to aspire to as a church for this is to get the cart before the horse. We should want a deeper  understanding of Christ and a fervent desire to spread the Good News. The other things would naturally follow as the cart follows the horse.  The job of leadership at all levels is to inspire a hunger for the word, to disturb us from our complacent, comfortable pews, to guide us to want to know God better! I pray for this daily, fervently and corporately.

Christ didn’t come to make things easy for us.  Forget the $$s and get to work on the souls!

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Message from A No-Fuss Vision 2019 Video

Sent to us on May 21st, 2009

Brian Bukowski, web manager for the Anglican Church of Canada, shows how easy it is to send in a video response to the Vision 2019 project. He says it’s not about the fancy technology, but about focusing on the question, “Where is your church now, and where do you want the Anglican Church of Canada to be by 2019?”

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Message from Richard R., Diocese of Ontario

Sent to us on May 21st, 2009

From a hard working , growing Traditional church. Now introducing contemporary worship: My name is Richard Roblin & I am from St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church in Napanee Ontario.. I help lead in music worship at our Contemporary services on Saturday night at 7PM and occasionally at our 9:15 family service on Sunday morning.

Spirit Rising worship band, Napanee, Ont.

Spirit Rising worship band, Napanee, Ont.

I am blessed along with my family to be part of this beautiful church and its family. A lot of work has been done in the church to open the doors to everyone and make them feel welcome with the many different style services available, there is something for everyone.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Message from Stephanie DeForest, Diocese of Niagara

Sent to us on May 20th, 2009

Filmed at the recent Council of General Synod meeting in Mississauga, Ont.

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Message from Peter Townsend, Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

Sent to us on May 20th, 2009

Filmed at the recent Council of General Synod meeting in Mississauga, Ont.

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