There exists in the Anglican Church, at least in North American, some very deep, fundamental problems that have been pervasive for some time. Among them are:
1. Anglicans in the pew do not know their Bible. They rarely read their Bibles or take them to church services. I know, as I was one of them for years, until I began studying with Bible Study Fellowship International. It is shameful that very few Anglicans can even find their way around the Bible or know what it says exactly. The leaders and shepherds of the church have failed in this regard to teach the Scriptures to the congregants; therefore, they need to encourage Biblical knowledge and study.
2. Anglicans do not hear the Gospel message; they are just served up cute homilies by their rectors. It wasn’t until I went to an evangelical camp one summer as a youth that I heard the gospel message that I was a sinner, that Jesus died for those sins, and that I could have eternal life through Him. I had never heard that truthful but simple message before from my Anglican church or camp experiences, yet that message opened to me a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, the gospel message needs to be proclaimed in Anglican churches on Sundays throughout our nation, as this has eternal consequences.
3. The Anglican church is too worried and too focused on being politically correct instead of being concerned about being Biblically and Spiritually correct. Culture changes, swinging from left to right, but the Word of God does not change. We are to please God and not society, listen to God and not other voices, and be open to the movement of the Spirit and not the movement of others’ agendas. God’s wisdom is far superior to our wisdom, and we do not have the right to rewrite His commands as we so please or as is convenient for us. The church, then, needs to focus on following God and preaching the gospel message instead of following cultural and social philosophies.