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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Sam R., St. John’s NL

I believe our beloved church is at a stage of assuming a new and emerging identity.  Those who cling to a past identity of the church often seek refuge from anything that exhibits change.  Those who embrace an emerging identity often lose patience with others who do not share the vision.

Despite these apparent conflicting views, one thing should remain true and foundational – we are people of GOOD NEWS!

I dream of a church that seeks only to tell the GOOD NEWS even if there is still a misunderstanding of what this Good News actually means.

I vision a church that seeks to partner with secular groups to show that Christ’s mission is indeed incarnational.  That is, we continue to show forth the “word made flesh” in our daily activities as a church living in the world.

I hope for a church that does not need to ask “where will we be in ten years time,” but asks “where do we need to be right now!”

I pray for a church that remains Christ-centred and wonders not “why have I chosen God,” but “why has God chosen me?”

I seek a changing church that responds to the unchanging grace that God gives to those who seem outside or forgotten by both the church and the world.

I know that we are a church that will have a place in the world, even if those within think we have lost our way.

Thank you for the opportunity,

Fr. Sam Rose
Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador

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3 Responses to “Sam R., St. John’s NL”

  1. Brian-TO says:

    If there are conflicing views of what the GOOD NEWS is, then the leadership of the church needs to get their act together, so that everyone can be telling the same message. It’s not good enough to simply say we have to tell the GOOD NEWS, and then not define it.

    God saves sinners.

    That is the GOOD NEWS.

  2. Fr Michael Canning, Meridian, Idaho says:

    Thanks Sam.
    What’s the Good News????
    God so delighted in the world that he sent Jesus so that aLL that believed in Jesus might have eternal life. God also asks that we love God with all our Heart, Mind Soul and Strength and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Love God and extend that love to the stranger amongst us. It’s that simple.

  3. Fr. Sam Rose says:

    As I said in my original offering, “I dream of a church that seeks only to tell the GOOD NEWS even if there is still a misunderstanding of what this Good News actually means.”

    Perhaps, these two responses are an indication that God can help us to learn to live together as a family that not always agrees but continuously loves.

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