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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from an Anglican in Dartmouth, NS

Sad to say that the Anglican Church is at the point of ignoring the meaning of God’s word, in having the blessing of homosexual or alternative lifestyle. It is time to go back and teach the true word of God, instead of changing the words of the Bible to other beliefs. We should be trying to teach the beliefs of God to others non believers.

By 2019 I would like to see the Anglican Church of Canada to be a good faith to follow. Also to try and put more old time religion in our services. So we can get more younger people involved in the Church. We need more guidance to its members and the world around us.

We are in need of more people, we are not in good shape. The people are aging and we don’t have the young people. We have to figure out what happened to family values. Music is big part of church and we don’t have what youth like.

For 2019 I would like the church to be a family place. Bring back the children, youth. We need a thriving place. Believe in the Lord and make this a better place to live.

The Anglican Church seems to be suffering from becoming increasingly irrelevant, and unattractive to a world, at least in North America, which has other things to be concerned with, and other things of more pressing interest. The Anglican Church in Canada doesn’t seem to function well where duty to be part of church is replaced by a voluntary way. Also the Anglican Church’s message to a “needy world” is confused and not clear as the church responds to conflict from within. Our problems around what is of God and what is not of God has members voting with their feet, while others simply pass us by.

Moving towards 2019  may the words “…you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength……You shall love your neighbour as yourself” be both a personal and a corporate mission statement. All other considerations are in this day and age “details” to be worked through.

Perhaps a thought to also keep in mind is the old saying “the devil is in the details” Hmmm…….

The Anglican Church of Canada is now at the point of apostasy. When the church rejects the Word of God as truth or just some collection of fables or attempts to redefine what God has defined then the church is in utter error. The leaders who are trying to redefine the church in this way either need to repent and return to true Christian values and reject the influences of the world around them or they need to be excommunicated from the church.

When 2019 comes I would like the Anglican Church of Canada to be truly representative of the Church of God, even if it means that our numbers will be smaller, for Jesus said in Mt. 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.” I would like the Anglican Church of Canada to have eradicated the impure elements (personal and improper doctrines) from the church. I would like the Anglican Church of Canada to be a leader for the Christian community in evangelism, helping the poor and providing clear and proper biblical guidance to its members and the world at large. The reforms need to be exclusive of external influences of the world around and inclusive of the eternal influence of God and His Word. God has a word of warning to the leaders of His Church: From Ezekiel 34.1-10 …..there is prophesy against the shepherds of Israel for many actions of neglect and selfishness that leave the flock scattered, leaderless, hungry, threatened…..”Thus says the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand…”

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