Resolution Number: A262
Subject: Amendments to the Regulations of Canon XII – The Continuing Education Plan
Moved by: The Rt. Rev. P. Poole Diocese of Toronto
Seconded By: The Very Rev. Peter Elliott Diocese of New Westminster
Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.
That this General Synod approve the amendments to the Regulations of Canon XII as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the underlined portions and adding the bold portions as shown on the attached copy of the Canon.
These amendments are required to bring the Continuing Education Plan onside for the advance tax ruling which we are trying to obtain from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that the CEP qualifies as a Non-Profit Organization under the Income Tax Act.
Source: The Pension Committee
(name of committee, diocese, etc.)
Submitted by: The Pension Committee
A) Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?
Yes ______ No ______
B) If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?
Yes ______ No ______
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