General Synod 2007


up to Convening Circular
^-- up to Resolutions

Resolution Number: A253 

Subject: Darfur / Sudan

Moved by: The Rt. Rev. George Bruce Diocese of Ontario

Seconded By: Mr. Bill Mous Diocese of Niagara

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.


That this General Synod:

  1. Request the General Secretary to write to the Prime Minister, urging the Government of Canada to persuade the world community and the United Nations to act on UN resolution 1706, dated August 31, 2006, and in particular, to:

    • Ensure the transition of the current Africa Union peacekeeping mission into the proposed hybrid United Nations-Africa Union peacekeeping force mandated to protect civilians in Darfur, eastern Chad, and Central African Republic.

    • Increase aid levels to the region and insist that the Government of Sudan guarantee aid delivery to humanitarian organizations and ensure unfettered access by those made most vulnerable by the conflict, especially the elderly, and women and children who have been victims of sexual violence since its onset.

    • Enforce the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) and work for a comprehensive approach to the peace process, such as including local Arab groups, an increased role for women, and a strong focus on local conflict resolution.

    • Request that all parties to the agreement, in particular the Sudanese Government, live up to their responsibilities, particularly disarming the notorious Janjaweed militias.

2.   a)   Appeal to all Canadian Anglicans to stand in solidarity with the peoples of Darfur by organizing vigils, writing to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, and Members of Parliament about the situation in Darfur, and engaging in activities to raise awareness in Canada regarding the plight of the peoples of Darfur and of Southern Sudan.

b)   Request the Ecojustice Committee with the PWRDF to develop resources for the above.

c)   Encourage Canadian Anglicans to meet with and learn from both Anglican and other Sudanese communities in Canada. 


The general security and humanitarian aid situation throughout Darfur continues to worsen. This comes despite mediation efforts by the United Nations and efforts to place more peacekeeping troops in the area. 

Darfur has been described as one of the world's worst humanitarian crises in recent times. Even with the presence of international peacekeeping forces from the African Union, fears persist that several ethnic groups will be eliminated by the notorious Janjaweed, an Arab militia group backed by the Sudanese government.

There were hopes that the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA), signed in Abuja in May 2006, would bring peace to the region and permit the process of rehabilitation and recovery to begin. Unfortunately, this has not happened, and the humanitarian environment has deteriorated steadily. Further violence has led to new displacements. The U.N. estimates that more than 200,000 people have been killed, more than 2.5 million driven from their homes to live in refugee camps, and more than 4 million directly affected by the conflict. The violence has spread across the border into Chad and the Central African Republic and there is a clear risk of a regional conflict breaking out.

On February 2006, Sudan enacted into law the Organization of Humanitarian and Voluntary Work Act, which grants discretionary and excessive regulatory power to the government over the operations of NGOs.  This act limits the ability of both national and international NGOs to provide humanitarian aid.  Health conditions within camps are often dire, as food, health and sanitation services are not sufficient to provide for the large numbers of internally displaced persons.  According to Jan Egeland, the UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, day-to-day difficulties of operating in Darfur “are being compounded by a constant stream of threats and climate of intimidation created by the Government…. Staff have been arrested, their passports have been taken for no apparent reason, and even the largest NGOs are threatened with expulsion.”

With international commitment and support, there is hope for a lasting peace. However continued civil war is likely unless the international community compels the Government of Sudan to cease the enslavement of its people, and dedicates itself to the full implementation of the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) (February 2006) and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (January 2005).  The Ceasefire Commission established by the DPA must now be reconstituted to include all those involved in the fighting, including the Government of Sudan, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army, the National Redemption Front, and others.  The Commission needs to sit permanently.  Political resolution to Sudan’s civil conflicts is the only solution.

Canada has the ability to be a leader in the world to protect the people of Darfur. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1706, adopted on 31 August 2006, calls for 20,600 UN peacekeepers made up of police and troops. This opens a window for Canada to take a leading role.  Canada is also home to refugees and immigrants from Sudan, many of whom bring their divisions with them.  Therefore, efforts to promote reconciliation in a highly complex and divisive situation need to be directed both domestically and abroad.

The website of the International Crisis Group, is a recommended resource for those interested in monitoring the situation. 

Source: PWRDF Board, PIMC, ECJC
(name of committee, diocese, etc.)

Submitted by: Partners in Mission Committee

A) Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?

Yes ______ No ___X__

B) If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?

Yes ______ No ______

The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Main switchboard: 416-924-9192