General Synod 2007


up to Convening Circular
^-- up to Resolutions

Resolution Number: A211 

Subject: Food and Agriculture

Moved by: The Ven. Peter John Hobbs, Diocese of Ottawa

Seconded By: Mr. Derrick Lovell, Diocese of Western Newfoundland

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.


That this General Synod:

Request the Ecojustice Committee (or its successor) in the course of the 2007-2010 triennium

  1. to encourage and facilitate the study and support in The Anglican Church of Canada of public policies which foster:
    • the human right to food, and
    • just and sustainable food systems. 
  2. to explore, with PWRDF,  a relationship with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank as partners in this work. 


  1. The Anglican Church of Canada is already involved in food and agriculture issues in at least four ways:
    • parish support and participation in meal programs, food banks and the provision of emergency food assistance;
    • Anglicans who farm, fish and hunt and/or are part of industries involved in those activities;
    • Anglicans are increasingly concerned food consumers themselves;
    • and finally in our teaching of Christ as the Bread of Life and the path of abundant life for all.
    Our involvement in food and agriculture issues, however, lacks intentionality and calls for collective reflection and a sound policy base. This resolution is a commitment to deepen our discussion and self-consciousness around these issues with a goal of developing a collective understanding to guide and support our actions.  
  2. Thirty years ago, Canada and 152 other nations of the world ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This international agreement committed to “the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing….”. Since the signing of the covenant, there have been several attempts to understand what this actually means. The most recent efforts to realize the right to adequate food for all people emerged from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 2004 as Voluntary Guidelines for the implementation of the Right to Food. They can be viewed online at  These guidelines are a useful framework for engaging international work to ensure people are able to feed themselves with dignity.

  3. Within the Canadian context, dialogue about “just and sustainable food systems” includes the following goals:
    • Farmers, fishers, harvesters, processors and distributors can generate adequate income and use ecologically sustainable practices.
    • Respect for the traditional hunting, fishing, trapping, gathering, and conservation practices of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples within sustainable limits;
    • A sustainable balance between fair international agricultural trade and diverse vibrant production for the local market;
    • Healthy relationships between producers and consumers in urban, rural, and northern communities;
    • Ready availability of a variety of nutritious and affordable food through accessible retail outlets and food service operations and the economic means to obtain sufficient daily food for health and dignity;
    • Well grounded confidence in the quality and safety of our food; and
    • Easy access to understandable accurate information about nutrition, food composition, the ways food is grown, preserved, processed, purchased and cooked, and how to minimize waste.

  4. The Canadian Foodgrains Bank in its new strategic plan [December 2006] has  increased its commitment to food justice work with additional resources for public policy, public engagement and food security programming. Although born out of a mainly agricultural constituency, the Foodgrains Bank is increasingly involving urban congregations. It has evolved from a focused food aid organization to encompass all aspects of the Canadian churches’ efforts to ‘end hunger.’ It could significantly enhance the capacity of the Anglican Church to address food and agriculture issues here in Canada and internationally.

Source: EcoJustice Committee
(name of committee, diocese, etc.)

Submitted by: EcoJustice Committee

A) Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?

Yes ______ No ___X__

B) If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?

Yes ______ No ______

The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Main switchboard: 416-924-9192