General Synod 2007


up to Convening Circular
^-- up to Resolutions

Resolution Number: A042 

Subject: The Constitution - Membership of Standing Committees

Moved by: Ronald Stevenson (Chancellor)

Seconded By: Bishop Sue Moxley from the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.


That section 39 g) of the Constitution of the General Synod be amended to read as follows:

g) In nomination of persons to be elected or appointed to Standing Committees, geographic representation, expertise, experience and commitment to the ongoing life of the committee shall be the principal criteria. Consideration shall also be given to reflecting the diverse groups and individuals within the church and society. Consideration may be given to representation from churches in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada.


The Eco-Justice Committee requested that that composition of the Committee be changed to allow for a Lutheran partner among the Committee members who are not members of the General Synod.

Section 39 b) of the Constitution of the General Synod provides that the Eco-Justice Committee shall consist of 15 members. Twelve are elected by the General Synod. Of those eight must be members of the General Synod and one must be a member of the Council of the General Synod. The other three members are appointed by the Primate.

Section 39 g) of the constitution is as follows:

g) In nomination of persons to be elected or appointed to Standing Committees, geographic representation, expertise, experience and commitment to the ongoing life of the committee shall be the principal criteria and consideration shall also be given to reflecting the diverse groups and individuals within the church and society.

It seems to be an unwritten convention that members of Standing Committees of the General Synod who are not members of the Synod will normally be members of the Anglican Church of Canada. In the case of the Partners in Mission Committee the Constitution expressly provides for a member from an overseas partner church and a member from an ecumenical partner church.

While the consideration of reflecting “diverse groups and individuals within the church and society” mandated by section 39(g) of the Constitution may be broad enough to allow for committee members who are not Anglicans, the Council of the General Synod recommends that it should be expressly provided for in the Constitution if it is the will of the Synod.

In making other constitutional changes to give effect to full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, rather than specify that church we have made generic references to “churches in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada.” See Canon IV respecting the reception and recognition of clergy and the pending changes in the Declaration of Principles.

Council of the General Synod recommends that if a change is to be made it should not be restricted to one Committee. The intent may be accomplished by amending section 39(g) of the Constitution to allow, but not require, representation on Standing Committees from churches with whom we are in full communion.

Source: The Council of the General Synod
(name of committee, diocese, etc.)

Submitted by: The General Secretary

A) Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?

Yes ______ No ______

B) If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?

Yes ______ No ______

The Anglican Church of Canada
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Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
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