General Synod 2007

Diocese of British Columbia
Memorials to General Synod (3)

That this 91st Synod of the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia memorialize General Synod 2007 as follows:

We have met in a special session of Synod to consider the question of the blessing of same-sex unions and our relationship as a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. This has come after consideration of the Windsor Report, the St. Michael Report, the proposed motion of the Council of General Synod for General Synod 2007, and the May 1, 2007, Pastoral Letter of the House of Bishops. We have also gone through a preparatory study using a specially commissioned DVD and have been blessed to hear addresses on this subject by the Right Rev. Victoria Matthews and the Very Rev. Peter Elliott.

Members of Synod were asked if they were in favour of the blessing of same-sex unions. 51.7 per cent of us said that the blessing of same-sex unions should be approved at General Synod 2007, while 13.7 per cent said they were for it in principle, but that as a church we need to wait on action. 7.6 per cent of members said they were unsure what to do but were open to proceeding, while 2.0 per cent were unsure what to do and so we should wait. 22.8 per cent of us said that the Anglican Church of Canada should never approve same-sex blessings. 65.4 per cent appear to be in favour of blessing same-sex unions, but are not agreed about when to do it. 2.2 per cent expressed no opinion.

Many of us are concerned about the potential breakup of the Anglican Communion over this issue. There is a strong feeling that we need to strengthen and maintain our relationship with as a member province of the Anglican Communion, and that we need to be at the table.

Many of us are concerned that failure to allow the blessing of same-sex unions at this time will perpetuate an historical and current injustice.

We ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our continued discernment process, and for the blessing of God on the General Synod meeting in Winnipeg.

That this Synod affirm the conclusion of the St. Michael report that “The Commission does not believe that the blessing of same-sex unions should be a church dividing issue.”

That General Synod ask the Primate’s Theological Commission to examine and define Christian sexuality through the lens of Scripture, Reason and Tradition and in the light of current scientific understanding and according to the terms of reference set by the Primate.


The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Main switchboard: 416-924-9192