That this parish of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Diocese of Toronto:
1) affirm our commitment to the membership of the Anglican Church of Canada, as a partner with other Churches in the Anglican Communion;
2) affirm the tradition of the autonomy of the Anglican Church of Canada in taking decisions that are consistent with the Constitution and Canons of the Anglican Church of Canada;
3) call on General Synod to take steps to ensure that both the above principles are honoured in international conversations within the world-wide Anglican Communion;
4) request General Synod to review critically the concept of “instruments of Communion” in the light of their history and implications, especially concerning the autonomy of the Canadian Church, its method of governance, and the inter-relations of the Anglican Communion.
5) urge General Synod to assess the doctrine and political implications of any proposed “Covenant” as they bear on both the autonomy of the Canadian Church and its relations with the Anglican Communion, particularly as an addition to the already-existing Creeds, Articles, Prayer Book and Ordinal, and the Lambeth Quadrilateral.
6) press General Synod to follow the Gospel precept that places love as the highest of the Christian virtues (John 13:31–35; 1 Cor. 13:13), and to hear the biblical injunction to “let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a never-ending stream” (Amos 5:24), and thereby to draw the circle wider, extend the blessing of all of the sacraments to all of God’s people at the table.
7) urge General Synod to resolve the issue of the blessing of same-sex unions as put forward in the tabled motion of General Synod 2004: That this General Synod affirm the authority and jurisdiction of any diocesan synod, with the concurrence of its bishop, to authorize the blessing of same-sex unions.