A few of the acronyms you’re most likely to run across at Synod:
ABC - Anglican Book Centre
ACC - Anglican Church of Canada, and Anglican Consultative Council
ACIP - Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples
ACW - Anglican Church Women
BAS - Book of Alternative Services
BCP - Book of Common Prayer
CCC - Canadian Council of Churches
CCCB - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
CCJP - Canadian Churches for Justice and Peace
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
CIRC – Communications and Information Resources Committee
CoGS - Council of General Synod
CoN - Council of the North
DIFT - Dignity, Inclusion and Fair Treatment (statement adopted by General Synod 2001)
ECUSA - Episcopal Church, USA
EJC - Eco-Justice Committee
ELCIC - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
FMDC - Financial Management and Development Committee
FWM - Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee
HoB – House of Bishops
IMF - International Monetary Fund
JPIC - Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (WCC)
MCG - Mission Coordination Group
MT - Management Team
NGO - Non-government Organization
PIMC - Partners in Mission Committee
PWRDF - Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
UCC - United Church of Canada
VIM - Volunteers in Mission
WCC - World Council of Churches