Anglican Church of Canada
General Synod 2007

Hymn text competition winner announced

Having received and reviewed almost one hundred submissions, the Joint Anglican Lutheran Commission is pleased to announce the winner of the Hymn Text Competition.

Keri Wehlander of Nanaimo, British Columbia, has written, "From the Waters of Creation", set to the tune Nettleton. "One of the strengths of the hymn," writes the Rev'd Dr Richard Leggett, one of the members of the Joint Commission charged with selecting the winner, "is its evocation of the many saving acts of God associated with water and God's continuing work among us. I particularly appreciate the recurrent phrase that God's grace continues to flow in the world. "

"From the Waters of Creation" will be sung at the joint gathering of the Anglican Church of Canada General Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada National Convention on June 21 in Winnipeg.

Deep thanks go out to all who made submissions. "We received entries from across the country, from men and women, clergy and laity, young and old. The quality was high. I was particularly struck by the Canadian character of the imagery throughout the hymns," commented Eileen Scully, the General Synod staff person who served the Joint Commission's project.

Questions or comments can be directed to [email protected].


The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Main switchboard: 416-924-9192