Anglican Church of Canada
General Synod 2007

General Synod video notes

In the first of a series of short video segments, Dean Peter Wall, Chair of the General Synod Planning Committee, describes the agenda highlights at General Synod 2007.

To adjust the controls of the video, mouse over the image to pull up the controls.

Developing the agenda for General Synod 2007

The General Synod agenda is managed and developed by the General Synod Planning Committee, taking into account the needs of the church at a particular time.

A general framework is used for each synod.  Certain agenda items, such as elections resolutions from previous General Synods, and housekeeping matters must be incorporated in a specific order. The Rules of Order and Procedure (PDF document) from the Handbook of General Synod set this order.

Items on the agenda come from the Church’s work done by the committees and councils of General Synod in the three years since the last Synod. This work is highlighted in presentations and in information dialogues throughout Synod.  As well the agenda for this Synod will include a primatial election and installation; a day in joint session with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and hearing and reflecting with the Synod’s partners

A vital component of General Synod is worship.  The General Synod Worship committee works closely with the General Synod Planning committee to incorporate worship into the proceedings.

Once General Synod Planning has completed a draft agenda, it goes to the Council of General Synod for approval.  At the start of the General Synod meeting, it is formally adopted by the members.


The Anglican Church of Canada
80 Hayden Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2
Main switchboard: 416-924-9192