General Synod 2001
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Daily Report #3

Saturday July 7, 2001

An unofficial digest of the proceedings of

the 36th General Synod of

the Anglican Church of Canada


1. Motions

A motion accepting the orders of the day was carried. A motion accepting the orders of the day for Sunday was carried.

2. Voting for Deputy Prolocutor

The Ven. James Cowan was elected Deputy Prolocutor on the third ballot. In addition to 20 years as a parish priest, James Cowan has been active at all levels within the Church, both within his diocese and in different aspects of the life of the national Church. He has been a member of General Synod several times as well as serving on the Faith, Worship and Ministry National Committee for six years. In addition to being a member of the Inter Church Inter Faith (ICIFRC) for six years, he has been co-chair of the Anglican-Lutheran Joint Working Group.

Results by ballot follow:
First ballot
Number of votes cast: 274;needed to elect: 138.
The Rev. Larry Beardy 60
The Ven. Tom Corston 25
The Ven. James Cowan 94
The Rev. Iain Luke 22
The Rev. Alan Perry 28
The Rev. Canon Philip Poole 44

Second ballot
Number of votes cast: 270;needed to elect: 136 (one spoiled).
The Rev. Larry Beardy 82
The Ven. Tom Corston 12
The Ven. James Cowan 122
The Rev. Alan Perry 15
The Rev. Canon Philip Poole 38

Third ballot
Number of votes cast: 266; needed to elect:134.
The Rev. Larry Beardy 99
The Ven. James Cowan 148
The Rev. Alan Perry 4
The Rev. Canon Philip Poole 15

3. Presentation:
Primate's Theological Commission

The Right Rev. Victoria Matthews, chair of the Primate's Theological Commission (PTC), presented background to explain, as she said, "why it took 10 theologians five years to produce such a slim volume" as the 108-page Wrestling with God, Book 1: Longing for God: Anglicans Talk about Revelation, Nature, Culture and Diversity.
      She explained that three more volumes are planned, on life and the spirit, Jesus Christ and the Trinity, and salvation and last things.
      Delegates watched a video, The Life and Work of the Primate's Theological Commission and Dr. Walter Deller, the commission's theological consultant, organized a table discussion on a paper, Nine Statements on Sin by Members of the PTC.
      Other members of the commission present for the presentation:
The Rev. Canon Laverne Jacobs
Dr. Hanna Kassis
Dr. Christopher Lind
The Rev. Dr. Joanne McWilliam
The Rev. Dr. David A. Reed
Dr. Eileen Scully
The Rev. Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan (staff)

4. Resolutions

To extend the work of the Primate's Theological Commission for two years. Carried.

To re-establish a Human Life Task Force to reflect on the theological issues surrounding biotechnologies, euthanasia and assisted suicide, reproductive technologies and human cloning. Carried.

To work on resolving the civil war in Sudan. Debate suspended

Note re resolutions requiring
approval at successive synods

Resolution A071, passed Friday, Reception and recognition of clergy from other churches in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada, received second reading at this General Synod and is now in force.

      Marriage Canon Resolutions A076, A077 and A079, passed Friday, received first reading.

4. Presentation: Food and Water

Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada who are meeting at nearby Wilfrid Laurier University joined delegates to General Synod for lunch while The Rev. Maylanne Maybee gave a presentation on the farm crisis, exploitation of farm workers, oligarchic food companies, food additives and packaging excess and recommended alternatives.
      Dr. Christopher Lind of the Primate's Theological Commission talked about wheat and how prices for bread had tripled over the past 25 years while the price of wheat had remained virtually unchanged.
      Dr. Cam Harder of the Lutheran Theological Seminary talked about the theological implications of depopulating rural areas to create larger farms and increase production at the expense of individual farmers who are left feeling shamed and alienated. There was table discussion about what churches can do to respond to the farm crisis.
      Dr. Cynthia Patterson of the Eco-Justice Committee spoke about the trade and public policy implications of the commercialization of water.
      Roberto Stein, executive general secretary of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brazil, talked about the commoditization of the Earth, not only food and products, but also land and body parts.
      Some elements of this presentation will be made available on the General Synod Web site.

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