
Volume 3, Spring 2001
The Agenda
We Missed a Day!
Some copies of Draft 6 of the agenda were missing Saturday, July 7. The good news is that Saturday is back in Draft 7. We have an exciting agenda planned for Saturday with our Lutheran sisters and brothers. It includes lunch, an afternoon session and One Enchanted Evening, a celebration for Anglicans and Lutherans that includes dinner and entertainment. An updated agenda Draft 7 is included in the Convening Circular.
Joint Worship, Sunday, July 8
10:00 a.m., Waterloo Recreation Centre, Waterloo, ON.
On Sunday, July 8 we will worship together with the Evangelical Lutheran Church at the Waterloo Recreation Centre. Anglicans and Lutherans from across the country and from surrounding dioceses are invited to attend.
The Agenda Committee has set aside time on Sunday afternoon for small group discussion on a range of topics that are relevant to the mission of the Church in 2001. For more on these "conversations" see the outline in the Information Section of your Convening Circular.
Planning for the Future
Draft 7 of the Agenda has time on July 5, 8 and 10 for presentations, debate and resolutions on future directions for the work of the General Synod. The proposed plan is to "tell the story", "talk about are we going" and "decide how are we going to get there".
Reports that will help you prepare for these sessions:
#003 Council of General Synod
#004 Diocesan Consultations
#007 Financial Management and Development
#012 Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples
#024 Mission Coordination Group
Convening Circular
You can tell by the size of the package that the Convening Circular contains "weighty stuff" - General Information for Synod, Committee Reports, Resolutions and Memorials. Please try to read it before you arrive at Synod. Many of you will have a chance to discuss the contents with other delegates from your diocese at a pre-Synod meeting. Check with your Synod Office for date and location.
Don't Forget To Bring�
o Your Handbook
o Your Convening Circular material, and
o a 3" or 4"-D Ring binder to organize your Convening Circular material.
Housekeeping Notes
- Meals - The first organized meal in the residence cafeteria is dinner on July 3, and the last organized meal is lunch on July 11. If you are arriving earlier, or if you are staying later, meals will be available on a pay-as-you-go basis and will be available at the cafeteria in the Student Union Building immediately next to the Physical Activities Centre where the plenary session will be held.
- Please note that the University has changed its policy and is now a smoke-free facility. All rooms are designated as non-smoking.
- If you have not indicated on your registration form whether or not you want single or double accommodation you will be assigned a single room. If this is a problem, please get back to Dianne.
- The Plenary Hall is air-conditioned (you might need a sweater) but the residence rooms are not air-conditioned (you will probably need light clothing). July in Southern Ontario is typically hot and muggy.
- Bring a good pair of walking shoes. The Plenary Hall (known at the University as the PAC Centre) is a pleasant 5 or 10 minute walk from the residence (depending on your speed) down the road, across the field, over the bridge, along the river�
- Delegates staying off-site at local hotels are reminded that there is no transportation provided to and from the hotel, with the exception of transportation to and from the banquet on Saturday, July 7 at Bingeman's in Kitchener, ON.
Who's Who
General Synod Assistant
Dianne Izzard is the person in the General Secretary's Office who knows all the answers to your questions about travel, registration, meals and accommodations at Synod. Many of you will already have received Dianne's friendly assistance in filling out your registration form and other forms sent to you in preparation for General Synod. Dianne has worked in the General Secretary's Office for the past year and a half and she will be the Recording Secretary for Synod. When she is not working on General Synod, she assists with the organization of the Council of General Synod, is the Recording Secretary for the Council and assistant to Judith Kidd, Human Resources Consultant.
Diocese of Huron - Local Arrangements
Gail Cuthbert Brandt and Dennis Hayden
are co-chairs of the Local Arrangements Committee and have been hard at work for the past year planning to make your stay in the Diocese of Huron memorable. They meet monthly with chairs of committees for registration, volunteers, transportation children's program, banquet arrangements, media relations entertainment and hospitality, companion program and worship to share information and coordinate planning. I hope that you will have an opportunity to meet both Gail and Dennis at General Synod.
Websites to Check
The General Synod website www.anglican.ca/synod
In addition to helpful information about General Synod, watch this site in early May for information on how to join a discussion about issues that will be on the General Synod agenda.
Montreal Night
The Anglican Diocese of Montreal and the Montreal Lutheran Synod are co-sponsoring a social event on Thursday, July 5. For more information check
University of Waterloo
For more information about the university check
How To Reach Us
Jim Boyles, General Secretary
Phone: 416-924-9199 ext. 280
Fax: 416-924-0211
email: [email protected]
Margaret Shawyer, Coord. GS Planning
Phone: 416-924-9199 ext. 214
Fax: 416-924-0211
email: [email protected]
Dianne Izzard, General Synod Assistant
Phone: 416-924-9199 ext. 275
Fax: 416-924-0211
email: [email protected]