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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Anton L, Ottawa

Dear friends:

Many Canadian citizens and immigrants were Anglicans before coming to this country, but most no longer worship in our parishes.

How can we enable our parishes to be more liturgically, musically, culturally and racially inclusive?

I suggest that we organize urban diocesan worship events as specific outreach to diasporic Anglicans from different cultural groupings in Canada, inviting them to transform our parishes with renewed vitality.

Such an outreach presumes that our existing parishes are open and able to welcome believers from other cultures and races.

It needs also be said that the worship and liturgies of our aboriginal brothers and sisters in Christ also need to be integrated into our mainstream parishes, but the growth potential is in our immigrant populations, especially from the African continent.

I hope this input is useful.


Anton L

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