The whole question is interesting, the fact that it is even being asked, that is. First, I perceive my parish to be like most in the ‘developed’ portion of the ACC: struggling to stay in the black and attract new members fast enough to replace those who die. But the real answer is not about the money or the people but the disinterest in personal spiritual growth. We are complacent in our faith, not wanting to be challenged or disturbed and certainly not willing to live it deeply and ostentatiously.
Second, I am aware that most Canadian Anglicans want 3 things for the Church: more people, more youth and more money (John Steele, our rector and a member of COGS, preached on this recently). My immediate reaction was that these are completely the wrong things to aspire to as a church for this is to get the cart before the horse. We should want a deeper understanding of Christ and a fervent desire to spread the Good News. The other things would naturally follow as the cart follows the horse. The job of leadership at all levels is to inspire a hunger for the word, to disturb us from our complacent, comfortable pews, to guide us to want to know God better! I pray for this daily, fervently and corporately.
Christ didn’t come to make things easy for us. Forget the $$s and get to work on the souls!
Thumbs up- good note!
Thank you Lynda D from BC. You are in my mind spot on. You are so right. I pray for the day when we stop polaying the numbers game and get on with the sould game. We need bold leaders preaching a bold message of salavation and living the Gospel inside and outside of the church. In my own life as one of those leaders I pray everyday I am faithful to this message. Blessings.
I agree Lynda – Jesus was about building relationships that would support the growth that happens when we delve into the Word. Personally I have found Jesus to be anything but easy, but I believe fervently in what his mission was and continues to be. I aspire to one day pray unceasingly for all those members that make up Christ’s body(inside or outside the corporate “Church”, aware or unaware)that all will be well amongst them one day! Most days now I just pray for those who are closest to me personally and in trouble, but I do with God’s help pray for those who are my enemies. I believe that is what Christ challenges us to do. God’s blessings on this forum.
I believe the church will grow when we concentrate on the gospel, not the radical theories of Michael Ingham,