94 notes and prayers from members of Holy Trinity, Thornhill Ontario in response to the question “Where is your church now, and where do you want the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019?”. If this is taking a long time to load, individual responses can be read on Flickr.
Message from Holy Trinity, Thornhill Ontario
4 Responses to “Holy Trinity, Thornhill Ontario”
Leave a Reply to Brian, Toronto
Vision 2019 welcomes a range of contributions to the "Tell us your story" project--from affirming to critical. Comments are monitored, however, to ensure that a respectful conversation can take place. We ask that you be relatively brief and that your language be respectful to others. You must also provide your name, place of residence (city or town is adequate) and parish.
You gotta fix this entry! It takes forever to load. Maybejust through up a couple of samples, and then point to flicker. But whoa- trying to load all of flicker in here!!!!!!
I pity those peple with 56k modems…..
Hi there.
Sorry you had problems viewing this entry. There is a link to the Flckr feed to view each entry on its own, but in case it is missed, here it is:
We want to have these all transcribed into text, but we can only do it as we have time, and will not happen as quickly as we would like.
Do not hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected], here on the blog, or using the Feedback tab if you have any other questions or comments.
-Brian, for the Vision 2019 project
I didn’t have any trouble dpwnloading, but it goes so fast and I had to go back and forth a lot. And very small printing.
I find this an amazing piece of writing, not only because it is there, but that so many parishioners were able to write. I work in Adult Literacy and wonder how many didn’t put a sheet on the offering plate because they cannot write. Perhaps a short small group ’round table’ discussion could capture those people’s feelings and prayers, with someone else writing them down. No identifying that the person can’t write, but collecting a few thoughts as well.