A phone message from Regina SK, answering the question “Where is your church now, and where do you think the Anglican Church of Canada should be in 2019?
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A phone message from Regina SK, answering the question “Where is your church now, and where do you think the Anglican Church of Canada should be in 2019?
By 2019, I hope that the church will have moved past the divisions and struggles of the past ten years related to acceptance of sexuality. We are all children of God.
By 2019, I hope we will be embracing our call and promise to strive for justice and peace and respect the dignity of every human being. We spend too much time talking and too little time doing. Few congregations understand what it is to walk in solidarity with people struggling to survive. Few people want to recognize the “third world” in Canada and many think it is far beyond our border. People want to put money in an envelope and think that is all there is.
By 2019, I hope we, the laity, will have gained (regained?) a desire to speak out about our faith and not leave that responsibility to the ordained.
By 2019, I hope to see ministry of all the people. And I hope we will have gained the courage to become truly ecumenical. we seem to preferto each work in our own little silo and have no truck folk from other denominations. We should be embracing of the Lund Principle – to do all things together except those that by conscience we must do apart.
I am pleased that the national church is engaging in this Vision 2019 initiative. We live in a time of transition, and the national church has faced challenges in recent years: residential schools liability, financial hardship, theological dispute, decline in church participation relative to the post-WW2 peak, and conflicting priorities regarding the mission of the church.
One of the realities, in a country so geographically large and with as small a population as Canada’s, is that communications and delivery of program are expensive for the national church.
We may talk with pride about “sea-to-shining-sea” but in this case all that glitters is not gold!
Goegraphy impacts our identity in many ways. Some of theological differences among Canadian Anglicans are shaped by regional (urban, rural, northern) and cultural (immigrant, First Nations/Inuit, white anglosaxon) factors. These differences are exacerbated in an era of rapid information transfer.
Filmed at the recent House of Bishops meeting in Niagara Falls, Ont.
There is an old theory which says that one finds love when one stops looking for it. Well, I think the Church should stop its frantic efforts to become “relevant” and do good. Nothing good will come of it. The only thing that has ever worked is to look deep into one’s own heart and decide what God we really want to worship. Remember, He is a lot more than a warm, fuzzy feeling; He is also a judge, THE Judge.