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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Brandon, MB

I attach two files. One is the homily I preached this last Sunday.

What follows is a transcription of the prayers people handed in after the homily, a selection of which were read as part of the Prayers of the People.

Dream Baby Dream


St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Brandon, MB

September 13, 2009

My Prayer For The Church:

That we learn together that in any conflict, our response to God and each other is more important than the issue.

That we will be more conscious of the “large” issues in the world e.g. hunger, poverty, children in Africa being raised by grandparents because of the AIDS epidemic; and less concerned about personal matters e.g. same sex marriages etc.

That divisions within the church be healed and we move forward in unity and strength.

That the Church’s outreach programs bring new people into the Church and that we greet them with open arms.

That we involve as many parishioners as possible in the worship services and other Church programs.

That the Spirit of love permeate the Church and be evident in all that we do.

Lord, impart us with wisdom that we may be beacons for all to find your eternal love through Christ. Make our Church strong in number and work, caring for all mankind and your glorious creation. Strengthen us to be stewards of the environment and ambassadors to mankind.

That by 2019 the Anglican Church of Canada get it’s act together, and stop equivocating  on important issues.

To accept all people regardless of their beliefs.

That I may come to know all the people who are names on our “parish list”.

Is for it to attract young people and for it to grow by 2019.

That it may reach out to more people and still be a power in society.

My prayer for our Church is that we may be the loving and caring community that God calls us to be in the Church and in the world and that all we think, do and say may be to the glory of God.

I pray that we may discern who are prophets are in our church and that we may hear God’s word through them.

That the Church heal its schism.

That the Church remember its past and maintain its traditions with love and affection.

In the world that it may be a connecter with all faiths working for “Peace On Earth – Goodwill To All Men”. As in the world at St. Matthew’s that we help one another through all the distressing times and share the joys giving one another strength by our love and support.

I believe that God would be happy with all members of the Church if they would each BRING a family with children, or friends ~ we come each Sunday but are we spreading the word!

Increase the congregation.

Seek out for the needy.

Pray for this world.

Parents should in _______ (word illegible) the youths to be God fearing and attend Church.

I pray that the Anglican Church of Canada will be instrumental in helping to abolish all forms of discrimination, including those based on race, gender, and sexual orientation.

To be more effective in ministering to the poor, hungry….

To embrace/energize the youth of our church communities.

That each individual know JC personally.

That it is more relevant to life today. If a major event has happened during this period it should be the central theme of the sermon.

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