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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Review responses from other Canadian Anglicans below (most recent responses are at the top). You can also view responses by diocese, and add your own story.

Message from John R., Prince Albert SK

Sent to us on July 2nd, 2009

In 2019, I want people to come into our church, and think and say, ” This is what I’ve read about in the bible and seen on the Alpha films. Jesus lives here and I have come home.”

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Message from Paul M., Ottawa Ontario

Sent to us on June 25th, 2009

My parish is healthy and busy as you’d expect in a mushrooming suburban community. I attend the traditional service held later on Sunday mornings because I find it more meditative.

I hope the Anglican Church will change radically in the next 10 years. It would be nice if this happened voluntarily but more probably will occur in response to the pressure of shrinking resources. I hope the church concentrates on developing and implementing initiatives that are radically ecumenical, inclusive, experimental and that encourage an evolving, relevant, modern Christianity. I hope the episcopal leadership reliquishes its administrative/governing role in favour of a nurturing/spiritual one. I hope we the church try very hard to make our institution responsive to the wide world of human experience God has created

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Message from Margaret B., Killaloe ON

Sent to us on June 21st, 2009

In answer to the first question, I have to say I don’t know. People seem to think the sexuality issue is not to be mentioned for fear of upsetting people. I love my church. We are a small elderly congregation which will certainly be a problem in 2019!

The second question is easier to answer. I would hope the Anglican Church would be united, and that “reason” would be subservient to scripture, just as man is subservient to God. I don’t want to eliminate reason but I don’t want reason to replace faith.

Margaret B.
Killaloe, ON

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Message from Joanna W., Shawnigan Lake BC

Sent to us on June 20th, 2009

1. The church today:  seems to have lost its focus on ‘Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and Love your neighbour as yourself’. It is fractured, focused on issues such as same-sex blessings, still divided over BCP or BAS, so many more things divide rather than unite. The average age is 70 and rising, the young people few and far between. The BAS which, 20 years ago, was considered a contemporary service is now out-dated, and too rigid a liturgy for today’s youth.

2. The Anglican church in 2019: I would like to see it out of the big buildings and completely in home churches, small groups gathering regularly for prayer, worship, and discussion. The big buildings would be sold off or used for concerts, large group meetings, conferences etc.. Those buildings take a huge percentage of our income to maintain, money which should go into Outreach, to nurture and assist the marginalized, i.e. to truly act the gospel.


Joanna W.

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Message from St. James Anglican Church, Kemptville ON

Sent to us on June 19th, 2009

Thank You for inviting our Sunday School to provide feedback for the Vision 2019. We presented this to our Sunday School last Sunday, June 14th. We began with a review of the 5 Marks of Mission, then reflected upon ourselves. On a large sheet of paper, We took our age, added 10 and talked about what we would be able to do when we are 10 years older. Then we went a step further and discussed why we would still want to be a part of the church family in 10 years time and what would make it fun to attend presently.

The following is the list the children came up with:

1. A modern church

a )eco-friendly – recycling facilities, not so cold
b)involve technology – Skype for those who are unable to make it to church d/t illlness such as the flu and visual words projected so that the hearing impared can read what the minister is saying
c) usable buildings- so we can share with community groups and have our own functions, also the church and sunday school connected so we don’t have to bundle up and go out, especially in winter

    2. Play more-have fun
    3. Rock music
    4. Have church on a school day- so we can go to church instead of school
    5. Free food
    6. Church field trips
    7. Celebrate ourselves and our accomplishments-a monthly birthday cake for all the kids /parishoners celebrating each month
    8. Have a party to celebrate God and our Faith

      As a part of our regular service, the minister invites the children to the front of the church to share what they learned that day in Sunday School. The eldest of the children took the lead and reviewed the lesson. The suggestions we applauded by the congregation, with many of the parishioners requesting that the list be circulated through out the congregation and posted in the church.

      Agian, I thank you for asking our church to participate in this survey. I expect many of the children throughout the diocese will put forth many similar suggestions. Please note that the suggestions above cam from the children with little input from myself.

      “Out of the mouths of Babes”

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      Message from Marjorie J., Pasadena NL

      Sent to us on June 19th, 2009

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      Message from Holy Trinity, Thornhill Ontario

      Sent to us on June 18th, 2009

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      94 notes and prayers from members of Holy Trinity, Thornhill Ontario in response to the question “Where is your church now, and where do you want the Anglican Church of Canada to be in 2019?”.  If this is taking a long time to load, individual responses can be read on Flickr.

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      Message from Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver BC

      Sent to us on June 18th, 2009

      Members of Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver answer the question “Where is your church now, and where do you think the Anglican Church of Canada should be in 2019?” Participate in the Vision 2019 project at

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      Message from Christ Church Sorel, Quebec

      Sent to us on June 17th, 2009

      We made a video last November in connection with the Amazing Grace project, so as to explain a bit about what we are doing.

      Vision 2019 is the perfect place for Anglicans across Canada to get to know what is happening these days at the oldest Anglican parish in Québec, now entirely French speaking!

      version française

      English version :

      We have more short videos showing the Café Christ Church and the rectory project which are becoming available on our new website,

      And for more reflection on this vision of mission in Sorel, Québec, in relation to the 5 marks of mission and the World Forum of Theology and Liberation, see the April issue of the Montreal Anglican, pp. 12 and following.

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      Message from Dion Lewis and Sue Winn, Diocese of Montreal

      Sent to us on June 15th, 2009

      Filmed at the recent Council of General Synod meeting in Mississauga, Ont.

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