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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Mary D., Brandon MB

Where is the Church Today?

  • The Anglican Church of Canada is madly trying to define itself to help us pull out of the theological and financial crisis we are in — and that’s good as long as we don’t become too introspective.
  • The Anglican Church of Canada is just starting to move itself out of being a somewhat  power-driven Institutional Church where rules and individual power can rule and speed of change is often  measured in decades rather than in months.
  • The Anglican Church of Canada in places is experiencing winds of the spiritual renewal but not across theological, geographical, diocesan or generational lines. God is, I believe, alive in our ACC and sowing seeds of Hope and there are places alive with His Spirit.

What is my vision for the ACC in 2019?

  • My dream is that more of our very able theologians will dedicate themselves to publishing so that we can begin to define who we are and not have to look only to other provinces.
  • My dream is that we will be celebrating open altars across this country where all who feel drawn to Christ may partake of the Eucharist.
  • My dream is that lay people will be taking their rightful place within ACC,  will be telling their own stories of their faith journeys and will be working alongside our ordained to build a Church faithful to our Baptismal Covenant.
  • My dream is that we will have had the courage to re-structure the organization of our ACC without throwing out the essence of who we are as Anglicans.
  • My dream is that we will recognize, be open to and listen to the voice of our modern-day prophets who may come from unsuspecting places.
  • My dream is that God will still be alive in the ACC and that more ministry and mission will be done to the glory of God.

God bless us everyone in our journeys in the next 10 years!

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2 Responses to “Mary D., Brandon MB”

  1. Maureen, Thunder Bay says:

    Nicely worded, Mary. May God help us to keep an open heart and an open mind, so we may hear those voices of the modern-day prophets.

  2. Anne, Brandon says:

    Although this article written in 1977 was a critique of an Anglican order in England, some points seem just as relevant today. An interesting read, Mary.

Leave a Reply to Anne, Brandon


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