Synod 98 Home Page
Archived news and links to official press releases
Back issues of daily report on General Synod and of Perspectives, the e-mail newsletter
Convening Circular
Complete text of all
to synod
Full list of all members and back issues of General Synod Times.
Lift Your Voice!
What would you do next
Now that the General Synod is closed, we'd love to hear how you found Internet
coverage. Would you like it again at General Synod 2001? What would you do
differently? Email your comments to Doug Tindal, director of information resources,
at [email protected].
General Synod Discussion
A lightly-moderated discussion mailing list you can participate in. Join Synod
members and organizers in chatting about hot issues, resolutions, and other issues close
to the Anglican Church of Canada.
Here's how to join:
Send an email message to [email protected]
with the words "subscribe acc-synod98" in the body of the message. |

The Dispatches
From The Internet board is now closed. You can still see how it worked,
though, by clicking on the link in this paragraph. |