General Synod Times - May 1998
It's Time!
As of May 1 there were just 20 sleeps until the start of General Synod 1998.We’ve made our preparation list and checked it twice. Montreal, McGill University and General Synod are ready for your arrival and the start of the last General Synod of this century!

In their most recent mailing, GS members received a booklet of information describing the content of the FORUM sessions. Included was a Response Sheet on which members are to record their preference of the sessions at which they will participate. Please remember to have the tear-off portion of the sheet ready to deposit when you register at General Synod.
      At its April meeting, the General Synod Planning Committee considered who should participate in FORUM sessions: "Members of General Synod, Ecumenical and Overseas Partners and members of Committee and Councils related to General Synod."

Agenda Notes
Wednesday, May 20 * Set-up will be taking place in the plenary hall. * Member Registration will be open (in McConnell Residence) from noon until 9:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 21 * Sessional Committees meet throughout the day. * Orientation, coordinated by Dean James Merrett on behalf of the GS Planning Committee, takes place from 2:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the Bishop Mountain cafeteria, near the residences. A great opportunity to meet other members and learn more about the process and procedures of GS. From 3:30 p.m. until 5:00 p.m., Youth members will have an additional orientation session (Youth members should attend both sessions.) * Dinner is served in the cafeteria from 5-7pm. Please eat early so you can head off to the Opening Service. * ALL members should assemble in the Cathedral Courtyard at 6:45 p.m. It’s an easy walk down University Avenue to the Cathedral (approximately 15 minutes). A reception will follow the Service. A shuttle back to the residence, for those who need it, will depart following the reception.

Friday, May 22 * Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:00 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. It is buffet style offering hot and cold selections. (Breakfast follows the same pattern for all days of General Synod.) * At 8:45 a.m. members gather in the plenary hall for morning worship. For this day only, members will worship at their diocesan tables (on subsequent mornings you will worship with your assigned table groups.) * Following worship, Synod will be duly greeted and receive words of welcome. The next part of the morning will include the Primatial Address and then Synod will deal with a number of housekeeping resolutions. * A Eucharist (optional) will be held in Memorial Hall at 12:10pm * Box lunches will be available in Tomlinson Hall. You are welcome to eat your box lunch outside (weather permitting). After a bit of nourishment, you will have a chance to visit the display area where you’ll find a wide array of exhibitors, Anglican Book Centre, the Pension department and much more. * After lunch, members should proceed directly to the first FORUM. Session 1,, Will take place in the plenary hall, while Session 2, Northern Lights, will be held in the cafeteria. * At 4:15 p.m. you will meet with your diocesan caucus in the plenary hall. * Dinner, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., will be served in the cafeteria. Again, hot and cold selections will be available. The Primate will dine (in a designated area of the cafeteria) with First Time members of Synod. * Friday evening will be spent in the plenary hall. * Following Night Prayers, come join us in the GS Pub! (Located in Tomlinson Hall)

Saturday, May 23 * When members arrive at the plenary hall, they should go directly to their assigned bible study table for morning worship (you will move to your diocesan table following the worship). * After a busy morning of presentations and resolutions, we will be joined in plenary by the participants in the Children’s Program. At lunch time we will all process outdoors for an Intergenerational Eucharist. * FORUM II begins at 2:00 p.m. Session 1, In Full Harmony, will be in the cafeteria while Session 2, New Ways of Working takes place in the plenary hall. * The Diocese of Montreal is hosting a reception at the McCord Museum at 6:00 p.m. (Walk down University Avenue and turn right at Sherbrooke St. West) The Diocese of Montreal Banquet will be held in the Eaton’s building (3 blocks south of the McCord Museum on University Avenue.) Buses, for those who need them, will be available for shuttle back to the residence after the Banquet.

Sunday, May 24 * GS members will be picked-up at McGill by their host parish. (If you have not heard from your host parish yet, please speak to a Local Arrangements volunteer at the Information Table in the display area - before Sunday) * FORUM III begins at 3:00 p.m. Session 1, Many Voices - One Song, will be held in the cafeteria, while Session 2, Streams of Living Justice, takes place in the plenary hall.

Monday, May 25 * A full day in plenary! Worship, discussion, resolutions and the presentation on Nation & Identity.

Tuesday, May 26 * Plenary adjourns at 4:00 p.m., so that members can attend a Eucharist at the Church of St. John the Evangelist (a short walk from McGill). * After the Service at St. John’s, you are free to experience the sights and sounds of Montreal. There is something for every, entertainment, fine food, galleries, shopping, etc., etc. If you can’t find something in Montreal to amuse you, check your pulse! (Sorry sports fans, the Expos are in Atlanta that night)

Wednesday, May 27 * FORUM IV will be held in the plenary hall (everyone participates in the one session). Please go to your assigned bible study tables. At the end of the FORUM, you will move to your diocesan table to share information with your caucus.

Thursday, May 28 * Another action packed day in plenary. Tonight is the last chance to enjoy the Pub in Tomlinson Hall.

Friday, May 29 * One last business session in plenary followed by the Closing Worship.

Information Tables
Two information tables will be located in the display area (adjacent to the plenary hall). One table will be staffed by General Synod personnel while the other will be staffed by local volunteers. These tables will be resources of information for a variety of needs. They may not have all the answers, but they will know who to contact for help.

Please note the following changes in the Convening Circular: On page 2. of the COGS report (#003) a recipient of the Anglican Award of Merit is listed as Mr. Grant Walker instead of Mr. Garth Walker. In the Sessional Committees document, in the Worship Committee list, Eleanore Frew is listed incorrectly as Elizabeth.

Keeping In Touch with the Home Front
While you are at General Synod there are a number of ways that the folks back home can keep tabs on you. Broadcasts will air on Vision TV, each evening from Monday, May 25 to Friday, May 29. For those people who are "on-line" a great way to stay connected with GS is via the General Synod web site: The web site will have the latest tally of resolutions, reports and commentary from the plenary sessions and "real time" images direct from the plenary floor.
      If someone from home needs to contact a Synod member, in an emergency, they can leave a message by phoning: (514) 398-6367 or send a fax to: (514) 398-6770. Messages that are received will be posted at the General Synod Information Table.

Don't Forget to Bring...
An umbrella! Yes it’s has been known to rain in Montreal during the month of May. Walking outdoors is unavoidable so better to be "dry than soggy!"

Last Minute Changes
The best laid plans.....there are times when circumstances cause GS members to have to change travel plans (arrival & departure times, etc.) If this happens to you, please contact Susan J. Johnson, in the General Secretary’s office, as soon as possible.

For Youth Members
Linda Borden Taylor, the GS Youth Chaplain, invites the Youth members to bring with them a pamphlet, brochure or some other resource that describes youth ministry in their diocese. This will be a great way to learn about programs designed for youth in all parts of our church.

The Convening Circular is, possibly, the most widely travelled "member" of General Synod. It made its first appearance at a General Synod in 1896 (it was a mere 90 pages). The Oxford English Dictionary description for "circular" is: "short for circular letter of note: now esp. a business notice or advertisement, printed or otherwise reproduced in large numbers for distribution." The most common use now, besides our own ‘convening circular’ is the ‘Court Circular’ which lists the engagements of the British Royal Family and which is published daily in the newspapers.
      Our Convening Circular contains reports, notices of motion, memorials and petitions related to the business of General Synod. Don’t leave home without it!

Last of the GST?
No, this will not be the final edition of the General Synod Times! A post-GS edition will be on-line and in mail boxes in the weeks following Synod (after we all have a brief opportunity to catch our breath!)

Name Tags
Name tags at GS provide valuable information (in addition to helping you remember who you are!) Name tags will have coloured dots to help you easily identify groups of people: GS members - Red, Staff - Fl. Green, Partners (Ecumenical & Overseas) - Green, Local Volunteers - Fl. Yellow, Media - Blue, "others" (displayers, visitors, companions, etc.) - Yellow.
      You will also find your bible study table number in the lower right corner of your name tag.


If you have not yet
sent in your completed
registration form to the
General Secretary’s Office,
please mail or fax
as soon as possible!!!


List of members

Here's a list of all members elected to represent their diocese at General Synod.

Bishop members
Clergy/Lay/Youth members





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