General Synod Times - March 1998
The cyber hills are now alive with the sound of General Synod! The World Wide Web has become a source of finding out what’s happening at GS. As well, there are several ways that people from around the cyber world can talk to each other about General Synod. A GS web site can be found at:

Visitors will find up to date information about GS planning, the issues and agenda items, news releases, online versions of the GST and much more.

During GS, the web site will take you right to the plenary floor and provide up to the moment descriptions of what is happening. Tod Maffin, of the Diocese of New Westminster, will be covering all of the action and reporting online.

If you want to know what’s happening in the Diocese of Montreal, visit Web Master Alan Perry, will keep you current on local arrangements and news from the Diocese and City of Montreal. (Check out live images of Montreal from the MontrealCam!)

If you’re chomping at the bit to start talking about GS (and related matters) right now, you can join the General Synod Mail list. Simply send an e-mail message to: no longer used. with no subject and the following text: subscribe acc-synod98.  Another way to join the action is to visit the GS web site, go to the Stay Updated page and follow the sign-up directions. Membership on the GS mail list is open to all GS members and anyone else interested in discussing matters related to GS 98.

Sessional Committees

The General Synod Handbook calls for the creation of several committees to help facilitate various pieces of work at General Synod. Here’s a brief description (and the name of the Chair) of some of those committees. The Chairs are all very approachable if you have a question or comment about their committee’s work.
The Agenda Committee (Canon Allen Box) has the responsibility to prepare and publish the agenda for each day of the session. The Nominating Committee (Archdeacon Rodney Andrews) receives nominations for standing committees and the Council of General Synod (COGS). The committee also supervises the election process. The Resolutions Committee (Archbishop David Crawley) receives resolutions from members of GS and prepares them for submission in accordance with guidelines approved by COGS. The Credentials Committee (Chancellor David Wright) reports to the General Synod on the standing of all persons who claim membership therein, and advises the chairperson as to a quorum of each Order. The Expenditures Committee (Mr. Robert Dickson) has responsibility to implement Rule of Order 15 with respect to spending motions for which sources of funds have not been identified prior to the General Synod session. The Worship Committee (Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson) is responsible for daily worship, the Opening Eucharist, etc.

Children's Program

A Children’s Program will take place on Saturday May 23. Participants will include children from Montreal and neighbouring dioceses. One of the highlights of the program will be an Intergenerational Worship Service with Members of General Synod.

Forum Update
In April all Members of General Synod will receive a list of issues that will form the topics for table group discussions. Diocesan delegations should consult among themselves to identify the issues that are of greatest priority to them, so that they can decide where to send their participants.
A great deal of work in now underway by the lead committees to develop creative presentations to introduce the themes for each FORUM.

A special edition of
MinistryMatters called Faces & Ministries will soon be arriving in mail boxes across the country. It is a very helpful resource that “explains the work of the General Synod staff and attempts to put faces to those tasks.” It provides very useful background information for anyone coming to General Synod.

Nation and Identity

On Tuesday May 25, General Synod will be offered a unique opportunity to consider the pressing issues facing our nation. Voices will be lifted from different regions of Canada covering a variety of perspectives. The session is being designed to facilitate a genuine exchange of information. Guest panelists will include: the Honourable Claude Ryan, Archdeacon Rod Gillis and Mr. Brian Smith. Other panelists are being recruited at this time.

What Should I Wear?

For the most part, the sessions of GS are quite casual. The times for “Sunday Best” are: The Opening Eucharist (May 21), the Host Diocese Banquet (May 23) and the Parish Visits (May 24). One of the most important items to pack will be comfortable walking shoes. The average temperature in Montreal during the month of May is 19?C/66?F.

Airport Tax

Attention Air Travellers: Don’t forget that at the time of your departure, you will be required to submit to the airport authorities a $10 departure tax.


This GS will be the last of the second millenium. As we approach the new millenium, work is being done by several standing committees to coordinate plans and develop resources that will enable Anglicans, individually and with their neighbours, to become engaged in a process of refreshment, reflection, prayer, renewal and action in a year of Jubilee.
At its most recent meeting, the Council of General Synod approved a request to the General Synod Planning Committee to make provision on the GS agenda for a Launch of the Jubilee Initiative.


Jamie Tomlinson is the Coordinator for General Synod 1998. “Don’t tell the General Secretary or my wife, but I’d do this job for free!”says Jamie. Jamie is no stranger to General Synods or event planning. He was a member of the 1992 and 1995 Synods, and helped plan the ‘95 GS as a member of the Organization Committee, Local Arrangements Committee and Worship Committee. He was a member of the Information Resources Committee during the last triennium before beginning his GS work. His primary focus is the safety, security and comfort of every person coming to Synod.

Jamie lives in Ottawa with his wife, Pat and four year old son, Simon; he enjoys frequent trips to Montreal and Toronto and all the diverse work involved in planning for General Synod. If you have a question about GS, ask Jamie...he may not have the answer but he will help you get one.

Are You Ready?

With less than 3 months to go before GS, have you:

Made travel arrangements (using the central travel agent - UNIGLOBE Vector Travel)?
Sent your completed registration form to the General Secretary's Office?
Continued to pray for General Synod?
Talked with people in your parish, diocese, community about the issues that we face as a church?
Bookmarked this page for continued updates?





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