Synod 98 Home Page
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Convening Circular
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Backstage: Internet Coverage
Other Backstage features: Television |
Internet | Onsite This year, General Synod had
extensive coverage on the Internet.
Electronic News Coordinator Tod Maffin had a palmtop
computer, notebook computer, digital camera, and audio recorder with him at all times to
record information.
This information was transmitted by wireless signal to the host
system in the newsroom where it was instantly published on the web site, the Synod98 Direct newswire, or both.
He was also responsible for editing the nightly Perspectives
interactive Synod newsletter.
This was Maffin's third General Synod; the previous two
(1995 and 1992) he attended as a youth member for his diocese, during which time he
published a daily
unofficial electronic newsletter on the happenings of General Synod.
He was a member of the national Information Resources
Committee and founder of Anglicans
Online, the world's largest Anglican web site.