General Synod 2001
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Resolution A132

Priorities 2001-2004

This resolution was carried as amended.

moved by: The Very Rev. Peter Elliott from the Diocese of New Westminster
seconded by: The Ven. Mark Conliffe from the Diocese of Algoma

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.

Revised text not yet available. Original text follows:


Mindful of the reduction of General Synod resources, and with concern for the stress on General Synod staff, this Council seeks to maintain existing work, to the extent possible, based on the 1995 strategic plan and the experience of the last triennium 1998 - 2004. Using existing committees and in accordance with budget allocations approved by CoGS, this Council commends to General Synod the following priorities for the work of General Synod in the triennium 2001-2004:

  • Strengthen our mission and development partnerships outside Canada
  • Clarify Anglican identity, doctrine, liturgy, and worship
  • Nurture ecumenical relationship
  • Advocate, social justice and prophetic mission within Canada, especially in indigenous peoples' concerns and social, economic, and environmental justice issues.
  • Affirm healing and reconciliation with indigenous peoples with increased resources to work toward:
    • Healing for those affected by the residential schools, their families and their communities
    • Reconciliation within Canadian society of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people
    • Developing and enhancing the partnership of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Anglicans
    • Developing and enhancing the partnership of the church with others working toward healing and reconciliation.
  • Strengthen commitment of the whole Church to domestic mission in partnership with the Council of the North, and work with the Council of the North to move toward self-sufficiency
  • Provide services to dioceses - information, financial, administration

We encourage all standing committees to set broad priorities for their work early in their mandate and if necessary, to propose delegating that work to provinces, dioceses and other organizations.

Source: Council of General Synod (name of committee, diocese, etc.)

Submitted by: The General Secretary

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