Report 006-2 Faith Worship and Ministry Report to General Synod Section II: Tasks 1998-2001 Tasks are identified by a letter which indicates the working group which had responsibility for them. C = Common tasks, E = Ethics, M = Ministry, R = Relationships (Inter-Church and Inter-Faith), T = Theology, and W = Worship. For each task there is a page description of the mandate for it, who was involved, what developments took place, and what action, if any, General Synod is asked to take regarding it. The 'ranking' of tasks by priority (high, medium, low) indicates the level of energy the Committee expected to have to spend on each one during the triennium. In some cases, events proved them wrong, and in other cases there was simply a monitoring function for the committee. In Section I is a listing of the priorities which the Committee considers it will need to address in the next triennium.
Task C1 Aboriginal Cultures and Spiritualities To work alongside the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples on the integration of traditions of aboriginal cultures and spiritualities in the life, ministry and worship of the Church. Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan; the Covenant of 1994; CoGS. General Synod 95, following up on the recommendations of the BAS Evaluation Commission requested that FWM propose liturgical texts for a eucharistic rite allowing local communities to explore native and other cultural traditions in Christian worship. FWM members after meeting with ACIP agreed that the prime responsibility for this area should rest with ACIP, but that the issues involved will continue to be part of FWM's work. CoGS asked FWM to identify information and worship resources for use on June 21 (National Aboriginal Day of Prayer). CoGS directed FWM in consultation with ACIP to 'collect, develop, and make available liturgical resources to assist the Church as it deals with the legacy of residential schools and furthers the ministry of healing and reconciliation'. Action(s) Requested of FWM: Consultation, and projects as mutually identified Priority: high FWM Member(s) Responsible: Mark Loyal, Eileen Scully Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: ACIP; Arthur Anderson and Lydia Constant; many people in dioceses; Helena Houldcroft, Laverne Jacobs Staff: Alyson, (Barbara), Eric, Donna Bomberry, Healing and Reconcilation staff team Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Liaison with ACIP was established through FWM member Mark Loyal. FWM met with ACIP at the joint meeting of March 1999 to identify issues of mutual concern, including leadership development. FWM is working with ACIP on determining priorities for translation of liturgical texts, translating the Baptismal Covenant, and gathering resources with respect to healing and reconciliation. Material was prepared and distributed to mark June 21 (distributed in the spring through Ministry Matters). Grant of $1000 for 3 years made to First Nations Ecumenical Liturgical Resources group for work on 'Bridges in Spirituality'. A staff member and a committee member were part of the Sacred Circle held in August. 8 people involved in the liturgical consultations were aboriginal. A report was prepared with regard to leadership development (see All staff have been writing and participating in discussions about racism and healing and reconciliation. The Waterloo Declaration (R6) was translated into Swampy Cree and presented at the Diocese of Brandon synod using the circle method. Action Requested from this General Synod: Engagement with aboriginal Anglicans at the Synod; participation in the healing service. Next Steps: In reflecting on future planning, FWM considered it critical to continue to be committed to education and empowerment of local indigenous communities, the offering of indigenous models to the church, to work pro-actively to address potential anger in the future that might be directed at victims, and to facilitate translations of texts and resources into First Nations languages. Resources will be collected and distributed by ACIP and FWM. Task C2 Relating to Networks To relate to networks of Canadian Anglicans and ecumenical partners which are engaged in activity relating to the mandate of FWM. Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan. Action(s) Requested of FWM: Maintain communication links with networks, provide resources as appropriate, help disseminate information. Provide staff and resources for occasional meetings as deemed appropriate. Priority: high FWM Member(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Timeline: ongoing Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: A partial list includes Diocesan Ecumenical Officers; Diocesan Liturgical Officers; diocesan inter-faith officers (called for but not really in place); diocesan representatives responsible for human sexuality discussions; Local Ministries network; Shared Ministries network; chairs and members of diocesan and provincial committees engaged in work relating to Faith Worship and Ministry; Information Resources Staff: Alyson, (Barbara), Eric, Jo, Kathy Developments to March '01: National gatherings of networks were held of various groups related to the committee's mandate: ecumenical officers (two gatherings, one east, one west) in 1999; liturgical officers in association with the liturgical consultations held regionally in 2000; diocesan point persons for conversations regarding human sexuality met together with biblical scholars and the Dignity, Inclusion and Fair Treatment task group of CoGS in January 2001. FWM money also assisted a gathering of deacons in August, 2000. Action Requested from this General Synod: none Next Steps: A network gathering relating to biotechnology is planned for later in 2001. Identifying ways for networks to share information and to gather as feasible. Task C3 Volunteer Development To consider requests for financial assistance for Canadian Anglicans engaged in meetings, resource production, or study projects relating to the FWM mandate. Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee, 95-98 Action(s) Requested of FWM: Evaluate requests for funding. Consider encouraging particular types of work. Priority: medium FWM Member(s) Responsible: Steering Committee Timeline: In the light of the decision of CoGS to reduce the budget for 2000 and 2001, volunteer development money has been dropped from the budget; nevertheless, requests continue to come in which have to be refused. Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Canadian Anglicans who apply for assistance; Continuing Education group of the Pension Committee, Anglican Foundation, diocesan funding sources. Staff: Alyson, (Barbara), Eric, Jo, Kathy Developments to March '01: Grants were made to assist participation of Canadian Anglicans in: the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation, the International Local Collaborative Ministry Symposium, a Working Group on Christian Discipleship, the Consultation on Common Texts Collects project, the Canadian Health Network, the Jubilee gathering, and the North American Round Table on Faith and Science. Grants were made to the Shared Ministries Consultation in Grande Prairie, AB and to the Trinity Alumni Conference for bringing Archbishop Ndungane to enable discussion of human sexuality post-Lambeth. Action Requested from this General Synod: none Next Steps: None, unless funding becomes available again. Task E1 Biotechnologies To work with EcoJustice on ethical issues related to biotechnologies Who Asked for it?: Arose from Strategic Plan;CoGS Action(s) Requested of FWM: to establish a Biotechnologies Advisory Group, in consultation with the EcoJustice Committee, to examine issues arising from developments in biotechnology and its management (cloning of livestock, patenting of genetic material, etc.); include Anglicans involved in the scientific community, agriculture, ethics and other relevant areas; advise the Faith Worship and Ministry and EcoJustice Committees as to the implications of developments for Canadian Anglicans in response to government initiatives; be responsible to the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee, which would notify the Mission Coordination Group Priority: high FWM Member(s) Responsible: David Gould Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: EcoJustice, Mission Coordination Group; Anglicans across the country engaged in biotechonologies and/or ethical reflection about them.. Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Terms of reference were developed for two task groups being established, on in the west with a geneticist, a lawyer, and a farmer to address biotechnology in the food area, and one on application of biotechnology to human life and health in the east with a lawyer, ethicist and a physician. Further action was limited by budgetary constraints, although some networking has taken place. The Canadian Council of Churches organized a Conference on Biotechnology and the Ethics Working Group reviewed the papers produced for it. The primary focus is around issues of sustainable agriculture, food supply and safety, patenting of life forms, environment and biodiversity. The ethics working group continues to monitor the work being done by ecumenical partners through the CCC's biotechnology reference group, which reports to both the commission on Faith and Witness and the Justice and Peace commission. Letters were sent to the Prime Minister on two issues: the potential patenting of life forms, and the cloning of embryos. The government responded that it was taking up the position recommended by the church with respect to patenting. ECUSA organized a conference in New York at which Eric was a keynote speaker. The addresses from that conference will be published as a report. Eric has been asked to make his paper available to the Anglican Theological Review, and some elements of the conference will be distributed on the web. We continue to monitor the work being done by ecumenical partners through the CCC's biotechnology reference group, which reports to both the commission on Faith and Witness and the Justice and Peace commission. Eric was asked to submit a brief on patenting of life forms to the Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee on behalf of the CCC. He is currently serving as a member of the Public Advisory Group, advising the government on a process of consultation around the possibility of allowing clinical trials for xenotransplantation. Action Requested from this General Synod: FWM is bringing two resolutions to General Synod on biotechnology. see Resolutions A 'conversation' will take place on biotechnology. Next Steps: A network gathering relating to biotechnology is planned for later in 2001. Task E2 Ethics: Theological Reflection To assist Canadian Anglicans in reflecting theologically on ethical questions Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan, which called for a national role in promoting ethical reflection. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To identify areas for theological reflection on ethics; to collect, produce, and disseminate resources. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Lela Zimmer Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Eco-Justice Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Rather than being a specific task, ethical theological reflection was part of the specific ethics tasks. Action Requested from this General Synod: none Next Steps: Monitor ongoing discussion in Canadian society and help inform Anglicans as issues arise. If General Synod approves the resolution on a life forms task force, theological reflection will be part of the work, and theological reflection is part of the ongoing discussion of human sexuality. Task E3 Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide To assist Canadian Anglicans in reflecting on the ethical questions raised by euthanasia and assisted suicide, and to contribute to developing societal policies. Who Asked for it?: The issue was handed on from the ethics sub committee of Doctrine and Worship; raised by a request from the Canadian Council of Churches. General Synod 1998 commended the statement and supporting documentation (subject to further editing) to the church for study (Act 49). Action(s) Requested of FWM: To make an edited form of the statement and study on Euthanasia available to the church for study and gather responses for a report to CoGS in March 1999. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Ann Cruickshank Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: House of Bishops; Eco-Justice Staff: Eric Timeline: March 1999, then follow-up evaluation. Developments to March '01: Care in Dying was edited and published with a study guide, at the request of General Synod 1999. It was sent to all dioceses with a request for response. Although there are few responses, there continue to be requests for the document from a number of sources that use it as a resource. Action Requested from this General Synod: none Next Steps: Monitor ongoing discussion in Canadian society and help inform Anglicans as issues arise. Task E4 Faith and Science To build a network of people interested in the interconnections of faith and science. Who Asked for it?: A professor from the diocese of Calgary, through their diocesan office. Action(s) Requested of FWM: Monitor and support theological reflection on the interconnections between faith and science. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Lela Zimmer Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: There is an Ecumenical working Roundtable on Faith and science which meets around the continent. It includes an Episcopal working group with which our Anglican members work closely. The Society of Ordained Scientists has members in Canada. Rev. Dr. Cyril Challice, Rev. Dr. Tom Settle Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Tom Settle and Eric have attended ECUSA's network meetings at the Roundtable. Eric has been working with a small task group to re-examine the mandate of of the Ecumenical Roundtable on Faith and Science. Action Requested from this General Synod: none Next Steps: Continue to monitor. In the light of the loss of Volunteer development funds it will likely not be possible to continue to send someone to meetings of the Roundtable. Task E5 Human Cloning To take appropriate action, including study and advocacy, regarding the cloning of human beings. Who Asked for it?: The item grew out of the strategic plan (see task T3), task inherited from committee, follow up to General Synod Act 50. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To follow up the action of General Synod and to continue to monitor developments and examine the implications of the potential international spread of cloning and other human reproductive and genetic technologies. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Lela Zimmer Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: EcoJustice Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Other People Working on it: Other Committees/Groups Involved: EcoJustice Staff: Eric Developments to March '01: This task was conflated with Task E1 on Biotechnologies. Eric has prepared a chapter for a book entitled Beyond Cloning, to be published by Trinity Press. Action Requested from this General Synod: FWM is bringing a resolution to General Synod regarding the reestablishment of a human life task force. see Resolutions Next Steps: To establish the human life task force, if approved by the General Synod. Task E6: Human Sexuality To provide leadership for the process of learning, dialogue and the development of plans of action by parishes and dioceses called for in the recommendations of the Task Force on Homosexuality and Homosexual Relationships, and to monitor developments. Who Asked for it?: General Synod, 1995, commitment reaffirmed repeatedly by CoGS. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To follow up on previous resolutions of General Synod, to continue dialogue and other actions identified by the Task Force; to implement the resolution affirming gay men and lesbians in their life in the Church and condemning bigotry, violence and hatred toward any due to sexual orientation. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Jim Cowan Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: House of Bishops, CoGS, EcoJustice, Diocesan commissions and committees, Primates of the Anglican Communion; many people across the church. Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: The Committee met in March 1999 with representatives of Fidelity and Integrity and all were encouraged by the spirit of their mutual dialogue. The climate of patient respect and careful listening and speaking, the successful attempt to discern and articulate 'emerging common ground', the realization that the other is not the enemy, but that they share a common enemy of bigotry and hatred, encouraged the Committee to process in its work according to the same principles. Biblical scholars were invited to deepen the scriptural conversation on the broader questions of human sexuality. A resource is being prepared based on conversations with them. A letter was sent from the working group to dioceses reminding them of the resolution of General Synod and of CoGS deploring bigotry and violence against gays and lesbians. Eric has made presentations and/or met with commissions in several dioceses, and has been a consultant to the commission in the diocese of New Westminster. A meeting of representatives from dioceses was held January 26-29, 2001 and a report brought to the Council of General Synod. Action Requested from this General Synod There will be a plenary forum at General Synod on the effectiveness of and ways to enhance the church's policy with respect to pastoral care for gay, lesbian and bisexual people. The sexuality consultation did not consider that a resolution was appropriate at this time. Documents Required: Report of the Sexuality Consultation (Section III, page 2) Next Steps: To be determined following General Synod. Task E7 Litigation and Conflict Resolution To gather and disseminate resources for alternative dispute resolution in conflictual situations in church and society. Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee at its first meeting of the triennium Action(s) Requested of FWM: to prepare a bibliography of existing resources and to develop new ones as appropriate Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: ACIP, CoGS, Healing and Reconciliation staff group; South Africa Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the church in Australia; many people throughout the church Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Resources are being collected. Eileen Scully is developing a bibliography. The task group will invite contributions from a number of identified persons to explore the relationships between reconciliation, healing, justice, and the approaches that we take to the resolution of conflict, with a view to publication as a resource to the church. A statement on healing and reconciliation was sent back with revisions to CoGS for further reflection and action. CoGS referred it to the Anglican Council of Indigenous People for their input but their energy went into the preparation of the workplan 'The New Agape'. Action Requested from this General Synod: To participate in the healing process. Next Steps: As appropriate arising from the decisions of General Synod. Task E8 Marriage Canon Review To respond to CoGS direction regarding the establishment of a task force to implement a review of the marriage canon. Who Asked for it?: General Synod, 1998 (Act 86) Action(s) Requested of FWM: Act 86 requested CoGS, in consultation with FWM, 'to create a task force to review the Marriage Canon with particular reference to (a) the difference between civil marriage and a religious marriage; (b) alternatives to the current matrimonial commission; (c) revision of the forms of application for permission to marry; (d) the provision requiring marriages to be held in church buildings; (e) the relationship of the Table of Kindred and Affinity to the Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act; (f) common law relationships; and that this task force report before the next General Synod. Action(s) Requested of FWM: This task was allocated to the General Secretary, and FWM was asked to participate by naming to people to the task group. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell, Judy Rois Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: The Chancellor, General Secretary, other members of the Task Force, CoGS Staff: Jim Boyles, Alyson Timeline: for the 2001 General Synod Developments to March '01: This work was undertaken by the Marriage Canon review task force, staffed by the General Secretary; FWM members Barry Hollowell and Judy Rois served on the task force, and the Steering Committee commended the group's report, some of which is coming to General Synod for action. Action Requested from this General Synod: Proposed by the Task Force see Resolutions Documents Required: Report of the Marriage Canon Review Task Force, published in the Convening Circular with the report of the Council of General Synod (003 Appendix B). Next Steps: See the report of the Task Force. Task E9 Reproductive Technology To assist Canadian Anglicans in reflecting on the ethical questions raised by developments in reproductive technologies and to participate in the development of societal policies regarding them. Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee, in considering its ethical mandate and past actions of General Synod on this topic. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To monitor developments and to participate in societal activity in this area. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Lela Zimmer Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: EcoJustice; Health Canada Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Phyllis Creighton has been invited by Health Canada to attend discussions about the possibility of changing the moratorium on these technologies to a prohibition. The ethics working group reviewed the document sent by the federal government as preparatory information indicating the direction of planned legislation. A number of concerns were raised over areas where this document seems to back off from commitments that were enshrined in bill C-47. There was also a lack of clarity over some of the items in the suggested list of practices that would be made illegal. For example it may not be a good idea to prohibit the combination of human and animal genetic material in the context of an attempt to produce tissues for transplant that are acceptable to human immune systems. On the other hand there would be widespread rejection of the use transfer of genes from other organisms into human persons. Eric wrote to health minister Allan Rock, based on our earlier interventions, reports and policy statements, raising questions and requesting good notice for consultation when the new legislation is introduced. It was agreed that our position on these issues has consistently been that some practices should be prohibited and others regulated. The failure to secure adequate legislation would not be desirable. Consistent with materials produced in the past concerns will be expressed over commercialization of reproductive health services and reproductive materials, the identification of persons who are vulnerable. See E1 Action Requested from this General Synod: FWM is bringing a resolution to General Synod regarding the reestablishment of a human life task force. see Resolutions Next Steps: To establish the human life task force, if approved by the General Synod. Task E10 Advanced Care Directives To assist members of the church in making decisions about the future of their personal health care. Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee, in considering its ethical mandate and past actions of General Synod on this topic. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To prepare a pamphlet for distribution in the church. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: David Gould Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: chaplains in health care institutions, parish clergy, physicians Staff: Eric Timeline: completed in this triennium Developments to March '01: A pamphlet was prepared for use in the church and distributed in Ministry Matters. Its primary function is to assist clergy in dealing with parishioners faced with decisions about the future of their health care. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Documents Required: The information from the pamphlet is included in Section III, page 7. Next Steps: None. Task M1 Advisory Committee on Postulants for Ordination (ACPO) To monitor the work of the National Coordination Committee for ACPO (Provincial Secretaries, assessors and Bishops for ACPO). Who Asked for it?: General Synod has jurisdiction for "the basic standards of theological education, and the qualifications and training of candidates for the ministry of the Church" (Declaration of Principles). National standards and the coordination of work of ACPO were called for by the General Synod of 1969. The House of Bishops decided in 1997, in the light of the Report and Recommendations of a Consultation on Discernment for Ordained Ministry, to take responsibility for ACPO directly. This means that ACPO is not the responsibility of FWM; however, issues arise which FWM may wish to pay attention to. Action(s) Requested of FWM: Monitor issues which arise in connection with ACPO as they touch on FWM's mandate. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: David Gould Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Bishops Tottenham (Chair), Whitten and Matthews; Archbishop Crawley; Provincial ACPO Secretaries; Provincial Ministry Committees, candidates' committees in dioceses, House of Bishops Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: As ACPO is now the responsibility of the House of Bishops. FWM pays attention to issues that arise from processes of discernment for ordination to the priesthood, especially when they concern the theology of order, ethical/legal matters, and the changing shape of ministry. Energy in 1998-2001 went to task M3. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing monitoring. Task M2 Churches' Council on Theological Education To participate in and monitor the work of CCTE (an ecumenical organization of theological educators and judicatory representatives in Canada) that supports and serves the churches' theological colleges through consultation, research, funding and evaluation. Who Asked for it?: ongoing commitment to work ecumenically on theological education Action(s) Requested of FWM: to hear reports from Anglican members, review and propose policy, nominate members Priority: low FWM Member(s) Responsible: Eileen Scully Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Persons serving in the last triennium have included Don Thompson, Alan Hayes, Lydia Constant, Boyd Morgan, and Barbara Liotscos. Others are involved in ongoing CCTE sponsored projects/events (e.g. the journal The Practice of Ministry in Canada, the Canadian theological students conference) and new initiatives (e.g. the development of a post-ordination nurture and support ("First call") program). CCTE is loosely associated with the Canadian Council of Churches; theological colleges Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: 4 Canadian Anglicans serve on this ecumenical body and FWM makes the appointments. New names have been proposed as two of the representatives (Don and Barbara) have had to resign because of accepting new positions. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Make new appointments. Continue to monitor. Task M3 (Core Curriculum for) Theological Education To take steps to develop a core curriculum for theological education. Who Asked for it?: Council of General Synod, FWM Committee 95-98 Action(s) Requested of FWM: CoGS in March 1998 asked FWM 'to undertake a feasibility study in order to do more concentrated work on the issues raised in Recommendations C 1-6 of the Interim Report vis-à-vis national standards for theological education, including the revisions proposed by the House of Bishops. This study was to include participation from the House of Bishops, theological colleges, those involved in the training of people for alternative and complementary forms of ministry, and lay people involved in the life of the Church with gifts in the areas of adult education.' The Committee was then to take action based on the recommendations of the feasibility study. Priority: high FWM Member(s) Responsible: Helena Houldcroft Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: The Task Force and the feasibility study were chaired by Patricia Bays. Members included Stephen Andrews, Bill Christensen, Lydia Constant, Walter Deller, Wendy Fletcher-Marsh, Fred Hiltz, Helena Houldcroft, Laverne Jacobs, Richard Leggett, Boyd Morgan, Donald Phillips, Eileen Scully, Fletcher Stewart, Don Thompson, Ann Tottenham House of Bishops, Heads of Theological Colleges, diocesan/provincial structures on theological and adult education. Staff: (Barbara), Eric, Donna Bomberry Timeline: To report to General Synod 2001 Developments to March '01: FWM conducted a feasibility study on 'core curriculum' for theological education, and on the basis of its findings established a Theological Education Task Force. This included the members of the feasibility study together with 2 bishops, a lay adult education consultant, a college educator from the Atlantic region, two members of ACIP and the indigenous ministries co-ordinator. A process to consult regarding competencies and expectations, was designed by Richard Leggett and Patricia Bays, and an initial gathering was held in September 1999. The chief aim was to develop a consultative, collaborative process which keep all the stakeholders: bishops, educators, students, laity, in conversation with each other, rather than develop a list of courses and requirements. The process was presented to the House of Bishops in October and is commended for use in dioceses, particularly with committees mandated for ministry and postulancy. It is designed to be highly adaptable for use at all levels of the church. A follow up meeting of the Task Force produced a Report of the Task Force on Theological Education for Ordained Ministry which was presented to the House of Bishops and the Council of General Synod in the fall of 2000. As a follow-up, FWM has prepared a questionnaire which has been sent to bishops, provincial and diocesan ministry committees, and heads of colleges and training institutions with the report. Action Requested from this General Synod: General Synod is being asked to endorse follow-up work. see Resolutions There will be a 'conversation' on theological education at General Synod facilitated by Patricia Bays. Documents Required: The report of the Theological Education Task Force is included in Section III page 10. Next Steps: To collate the information from the questionnaire and to promote regional work. Task M4 Discernment for the Diaconate To oversee a process for discernment of suitable candidates for the vocational diaconate. Who Asked for it?: The House of Bishops and the Council of General Synod (fall, 1997) Action(s) Requested of FWM: Faith Worship and Ministry is to oversee a new process, parallel to ACPO, for the discernment of candidates for the diaconate. The process itself will be developed by the ACPO secretaries in consultation with the House of Bishops. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Judy Rois Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Canadian Deacons' network, Diocesan committees overseeing the vocational diaconate; ACPO Secretaries; House of Bishops; Bishop Ann Tottenham chairs the national coordinating committee for ACPO. Staff: (Barbara), Maylanne Maybee, Alyson Timeline: Before the next General Synod Developments to March '01: Judy Rois gathered a considerable amount of material with respect to discernment, training, formation, and support for deacons and shared it with diocesan Deacon Formation Directors. 5 Deacon Formation Directors attended a conference in New Orleans of the North American Association for the Diaconate. The House of Bishops discussed diaconal ministry at their spring meeting. A Conference of Canadian Deacons was held in August 2000 in Winnipeg which addressed matters pertinent to discernment, training, formation, and support for diaconal ministry. The deacons resolved to establish an Association of Deacons in Canada and elected a steering committee to develop this. A key task for now and for the future is educating the church. Maylanne Maybee (Partnerships) is providing staff support since the suspension of the position of Consultant for Ministry and Worship. Action Requested from this General Synod: There will be a 'conversation' on the diaconate at General Synod facilitated by Judy Rois. Next Steps: Support the Canadian Deacons' network to the extent possible; encourage them to work with the House of Bishops on standards. Task M5 Discernment for Ministry among Indigenous Anglicans To design a process for discernment for ministry and theological education with and for aboriginal Anglicans. Who Has Asked for it?: Council of General Synod Action(s) Requested of FWM: In accordance with Recommendation E 1 on 'Discernment and Theological Education with and for Aboriginal Anglicans' from the Interim Report and Recommendations of the Consultation on Discernment for Ordained Ministry, including the revisions proposed by the House of Bishops, to take responsibility for designing this process, in consultation with the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and the House of Bishops. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Mark Loyal Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: ACIP, House of Bishops, theological educators, ACPO National Coordinating Committee Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: for the next triennium Developments to March '01: FWM began some conversation with ACIP about appropriate methods of discernment and the issues involved. A report was prepared by FWM for discussion with ACIP but their crowded agenda did not make this possible at the latest meeting. Lily Bell (Haida) attended the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation in India in August and participated in the sub-group addressing issues of discernment and formation. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Continue the process with ACIP. Task M6 Heads of Colleges To participate in annual meetings of Heads of Anglican Colleges and monitor developments in theological education Who Has Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan calls for fostering and facilitating collaboration between colleges, and with the national church. Heads of Colleges are a largely self-financing network of theological educators. General Synod has jurisdiction for "the basic standards of theological education, and the qualifications and training of candidates for the ministry of the Church" (Declaration of Principles). Action(s) Requested of FWM: Maintain communication links, provide resources as appropriate, help disseminate information. Provide staff and resources for occasional meetings as deemed appropriate. Priority: low FWM Member(s) Responsible: Helena Houldcroft Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Heads of Anglican colleges, theological colleges, and training institutions. Staff: (Barbara), Eric Timeline: Ongoing Developments to March '01: There is an annual meeting of heads of Anglican colleges which FWM monitors by participation of staff. Eric Beresford will attend these meetings until the position of Consultant for Ministry and Worship is restored. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Continue to connect with the network. Task M7 Ministry and Leadership: Theological Reflection To assist the church to reflect theologically on issues of ministry and leadership. Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan Action(s) Requested of FWM: to collect, produce and disseminate resources Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Fred Hiltz Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Many people across the church; theological colleges, House of Bishops; provincial and diocesan ministry committees, PMC, Ministry Matters Staff: (Barbara), Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: A total of 49 delegates from 14 dioceses and 2 national staff attended the Living the Covenant ministry consultation in Minnesota in the spring of 1999. This conference wrestled with new and emerging patterns of ministry and their effect on the church. Renison College (Waterloo) hosted a cross-disciplinary symposium on Challenges Facing the Anglican Communion at the End of the 20th Century. Barbara visited Aotearoa/New Zealand and participated in local shared ministry training conferences and met with ministry developers in 5 dioceses. The spring, 2000 edition of Ministry Matters on theological education included theological reflection. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task R1 Canadian Council of Churches: Faith and Witness Commission To participate in and monitor the work of the Commission. Who Has Asked for it?: General Synod, by its membership in the Canadian Council of Churches Action(s) Requested of FWM: Select and support Canadian Anglican representatives on the Commission; review and comment on material being produced; respond to requests for action. Priority: low FWM Member(s) Responsible: Eileen Scully Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Wendy Fletcher-Marsh and Alyson Barnett-Cowan represent the ACC on the Commission, but a new volunteer will need to be appointed. FWM member Eileen Scully served as staff to this Commission from the CCC until December 2000. The Partners in Mission Committee oversees the work of the Council as a whole; CoGS is responsible for nominations. Agenda of the Commission may well involve others (e.g. in the last triennium work included biotechnology and reflecting on the legacy of residential schools). Staff: Alyson, Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: This ecumenical commission has been addressing theological anthropology and its relationship to current issues in biotechnology, and the legacy of the residential schools. It published a book on ecumenical perspectives on Christian marriage, with Anglican contributions by Wendy Fletcher-March and Don Thompson. The papers from its project on Christian discipleship were published in Ecumenism. FWM declined an invitation to participate in the planning of a North American Conference on Faith and Order, as it was seen as largely centred on U.S. interests, although the Anglican Church of Canada may send observers to the conference (2003). Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Appoint a new member of the Commission. Task R2 Christian Festivals To participate in and monitor the national coalition which sponsors Christian Festivals in different Canadian cities every 4 years or so Who Has Asked for it?: General Synod provided seed money to the original Festival held in Ottawa, and Canadian Anglicans have had official representation on the National Coalition since 1980. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To respond to requests and proposals from the National Committee regarding the holding of Festivals; to encourage participation. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Lynda Katsuno represents our church on the national board; many Canadian churches from the Canadian Council and the Evangelical Fellowship participate in Festivals. Staff: Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Seed money from previous festivals exists to spark a new festival. An event to mark the turning of the millennium was considered but a host city was not found. Ecumenical exploration of how best to mark the millennium led to valuable engagement between representatives of the Canadian Council of Churches and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: The Board will be considering future times and venues. Task R3 Dialogue with the Oriental Orthodox To promote and monitor relationships and theological dialogue with Oriental Orthodox churches in Canada, to monitor developments internationally, and to enable response and reflection on statements of dialogues. Who Has Asked for it?: The Anglican Consultative Council; Lambeth Conference Action(s) Requested of FWM: to receive reports from Anglican members, review documents, make recommendations on policy arising, disseminate any material relevant to the wider church, propose names for participants Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Helena Houldcroft Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Harold Nahabedian is the Canadian representative on the International Anglican Oriental Orthodox Dialogue; Canadian Anglicans involved in local dialogue include Harold Nahabedian, Henry Hill, Philip Hobson, Tom Little, John Gibaut. Canadian Council of Churches; the Anglican Foundation administers a "St. Basil's Scholarship Fund", which allows Anglicans to study in Oriental Orthodox contexts, and vice versa. Staff: Alyson Timeline: ongoing; international meets infrequently (every 3 or 4 years). Developments to March '01: The international body is now being reconstituted as an International Commission at the request of Lambeth. Local dialogues take place informally and sporadically in Toronto and Ottawa. The St. Basil's Scholarship assisted Ethiopian and Armenian Orthodox to study here, and Philip Hobson worked in Armenia on a sabbatical leave. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task R4 Dialogue with the Orthodox To promote and monitor relationships and theological dialogue with Orthodox churches in Canada, to monitor developments internationally, and to enable response and reflection on statements of dialogues Who Has Asked for it?: The Anglican Consultative Council; Lambeth Conference Action(s) Requested of FWM: to receive reports from Anglican members, review documents, make recommendations on policy arising, disseminate any material relevant to the wider church, propose names for participants Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Helena Houldcroft Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: John Gibaut is a Canadian Anglican on the International Anglican Orthodox Dialogue; the Primate serves on a Special Commission of the WCC to address concerns of the Orthodox about their participation in the Council; Canadian Council of Churches Staff: Alyson Timeline: ongoing; international dialogue meets approximately every other year Developments to March '01: The International Commission is producing agreed statements on the Trinity, Christ, and the Church. The agreed statements will be sent to bishops inviting their theological engagement. The Council of General Synod passed a resolution prepared by FWM asking Canadian Anglicans not to engage in activities in countries with an Orthodox majority which might be perceived as proselytism, and always to act in partnership with Orthodox churches in those countries. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing; the agreed statements will be sent to bishops inviting their theological engagement. Task R5 Dialogue with Roman Catholics To monitor the work of ARC Canada and the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC II) Who Has Asked for it?: The ARC dialogue began in Canada in 1971; ARCIC has been meeting since 1970. Several General Synods and Lambeth Conferences have reaffirmed the work of the dialogue. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To receive reports from Canadian Anglican members of the dialogue; to review membership and nominate Canadian Anglican members; to make the results of the dialogue known; to propose policy arising from the dialogue. Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Present Canadian members on ARC Canada Bruce Stavert (episcopal co-chair), Kevin Flynn, John Gibaut, John Hill, Elizabeth Rowlinson, John Simons, Michelle Staples; Robert Black and John Baycroft stepped down in this triennium. John Baycroft serves on ARCIC. Michael Peers co-chairs the bishops' dialogue; 2 bishops are named by each Province. Ann Cruickshank serves as Anglican observer to the Roman Catholic-United Church Dialogue in Canada. Diocesan Ecumenical Officers. Staff: Alyson Timeline: ongoing; ARC dialogue meets twice a year, Bishops' dialogue meets annually, as does ARCIC; a response to 'Gift of Authority' is sought before the next Lambeth Conference. Developments to March '01: The ARC Dialogue (Canada) dialogue is working on a response to the agreed statement of ARCIC II, Gift of Authority, which was published in the spring of 1999. It prepared a survey of Anglican Roman Catholic relations in Canada in preparation for the leaders' meeting in Mississauga which was held at the request of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Cardinal Cassidy. The Bishops' Dialogue, which celebrated 25 years in November 2000, completed its response to the papal encyclical on the papacy, Ut Unum Sint, and sent it to the House of Bishops for information before being sending it to Rome. Issues raised by the letter from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dominus Iesus, and the 'note' on sister churches were discussed by both the theological dialogue and the bishops' dialogue in November. The theological dialogue prepared a response which was sent to the Council of General Synod for information. The Mississauga meeting and Dominus Iesus both generated great interest in the press, and the national and diocesan ecumenical officers were quite involved in responding to requests for interviews and interpretation. Action Requested from this General Synod: To welcome Sr. Donna Geernaert, Ecumenical Officer for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, as a partner at the Synod. Next Steps: The development of a response from both the dialogue and from the Anglican Church of Canada to 'Gift of Authority'. Task R6 Full Communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada To follow up on previous resolutions of General Synod to implement full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada by 2001 Who Has Asked for it?: General Synod, 1995; General Synod 1998 (Act 15) Action(s) Requested of FWM: Request synods of each diocese and province to study and respond to the declaration of full communion, namely "Called to Full Communion: the Waterloo Declaration", and report to CoGS by Advent I, 2000; further consider the declaration (approved in principle by General Synod 1998) in light of responses received, and bring the text (revised as necessary) to General Synod 2001. Monitor the work of the Joint Working Group ; consider recommendations and bring policy issues to the Council of General Synod; promote and evaluate study programs and joint projects with the ELCIC. Prepare for possible joint celebration. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Jim Cowan Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Anglicans on the Working Group: Jim Cowan (Co-Chair); Fred Hiltz; Mary Holmen; Heather Labrie; Richard Leggett; Iain Luke. Diocesan Ecumenical Officers; House of Bishops; any groups with parallel agenda (e.g. Partners in Mission, EcoJustice); Chancellor; dioceses and parishes for study; General Synod Worship Committee; General Synod Planning Committee; Anglican Lutheran International Working Group; Lutheran partner to the Council of General Synod (Jon Fogleman) and Anglican partner to Lutheran National Church Council (Grant Hyslop). Staff: Alyson Developments to March '01: The Joint Working Group prepared a draft of The Waterloo Declaration and circulated it widely in both churches. In the light of responses, a final text was prepared, along with a Commentary. The text, the commentary, and the report of the Joint Working Group are included in the Convening Circular. Memorials from dioceses which took synodical action with respect to Waterloo are also included. Members of the JWG and ecumenical officers were involved in many educational events on this proposed relationship, in parishes, deaneries, dioceses, Lutheran conventions, and theological colleges. The House of Bishops continued to meet annually with the ELCIC Conference of Bishops. The Lambeth Conference commended the progress reflected in Waterloo, and the Anglican Lutheran International Working Group found it consistent and coherent with other proposals for full communion (Porvoo in Europe, Called to Common Mission in the U.S.). Action Requested from this General Synod: General Synod will be asked to adopt The Waterloo Declaration and to establish a Joint Commission to oversee and nurture the new relationship of full communion (if approved). see Resolutions. Members of the synod will have several opportunities to meet, study and worship with members of the National Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada which is meeting July 4-8 at Wilfred Laurier University nearby. Documents: The Report of the Joint Worship Group is found in Section III page 15. The Waterloo Declaration and its Commentary are found in Section III page 20. The text of the Declaration is also found with the resolution. Next Steps: Celebrating and living out the commitments of the relationship of Full Communion (if approved); seeking next steps in the relationship with the ELCIC (if not approved). Task R7 Interfaith Relations: Christian Jewish Dialogue To monitor bilateral and multilateral conversations involving Anglicans, along with ecumenical partners, in dialogue with representatives of other faith traditions. Who Has Asked for it?: General Synod has repeatedly affirmed participation, and expressed its concern for Jewish Christian relations. Action(s) Requested of FWM: to monitor inter-faith dialogues, review membership, provide funding, promote principles and content of dialogue, propose policy Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Rev Paul Jennings (Montreal), Dr. Eileen Scully (On behalf of CCC), Eric Beresford; Partnerships (especially Middle East/Asia desk), EcoJustice, NIFCON, ecumenical partners with coordination through the interfaith committee of the CCC; the United Church and the Roman Catholic Church have a particular commitment to Jewish relations and have produced statements in the last triennium; Middle East Working Group. Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: An emergency meeting of the CCJC was called in the fall to discuss the response of the churches to the recent crisis in the Middle East. A modified version of a letter prepared by the CCC's Middle East Working Group was sent out. Meanwhile the primate wrote personally to the Bishop of Jerusalem expressing his concern and support for them in their current situation, and a resolution was prepared by the Partners in Mission Committee and approved by the Council of General Synod. A sub-committee of the Canadian Christian Jewish Consultation collected prayers from Yom Kippur to create a liturgy to be used in Christian churches in solidarity with the Jewish community. It is clear that it is not an attempt to have Christians appropriate Yom Kippur, but it is to be an act of Christian prayer in solidarity. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: It is becoming increasingly clear that the CJC may not be the ideal dialogue partner for conversation between the two religious communities since the CJC generally functions rather as an advocacy organization especially in areas of concern to the nation of Israel. There needs to be some exploration as to whether it would be better to interact with the councils of rabbis, a model recently adopted by the NCC in the USA. Task R8 Interfaith Relations: Christian Muslim Dialogue To monitor bilateral and multilateral conversations involving Anglicans, along with ecumenical partners, in dialogue with representatives of other faith traditions. Who Has Asked for it?: General Synod has repeatedly affirmed participation. Lambeth put particular emphasis on Christian Muslim relations. Action(s) Requested of FWM: to monitor inter-faith dialogues, review membership, provide funding, promote principles and content of dialogue, propose policy Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Kay Schmitt Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Eric Beresford, Eileen Scully (On behalf of CCC); Partnerships, EcoJustice, local interfaith groups (Ottawa), NIFCON Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Attempts are being made to reactivate the Christian Muslim Liaison Committee; a difficulty is the lack of one identifiable national Muslim group with whom to be in institutional connection. FWM considers this reactivation vital given the number of places where Christians and Muslims are in tension or even in conflict around the world. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task R9 Interfaith Relations: Other Faith Traditions To monitor bilateral and multilateral conversations involving Anglicans, along with ecumenical partners, in dialogue with representatives of other faith traditions. Who Asked for it?: General Synod has repeatedly affirmed participation. Action(s) Requested: to monitor inter-faith dialogues, review membership, provide funding, promote principles and content of dialogue, propose policy Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Eric Beresford, Eileen Scully (on behalf of CCC); Partnerships, EcoJustice, NIFCON, ecumenical partners, CCC Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: In the wake of issues arising from the prayer service held at the memorial for the victims of the Swissair disaster, the Inter-Faith Committee of the Canadian Council of Churches produced some 'Guidelines for Religious Ceremonies Involving More than one Faith Tradition' based in part on Anglican guidelines (contained in Occasional Celebrations). Eric continues to monitor the work of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. Several Anglicans are involved in this organization. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing; at the suggestion of the FWM Committee, inter-faith work will receive lower staff priority at this time, due to the pressure of other tasks. Task R10 Other Ecumenical Relationships To consider our ecumenical policy and assess whether we should undertake additional bilateral or multilateral dialogues; to respond to requests for relationships. Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan Action(s) Requested: To survey the ecumenical scene, to consider requests from such bodies as the Anglican Consultative Council, the Canadian Council of Churches, or ecumenical partners, and to determine whether or not to undertake new relationships. Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Helena Houldcroft Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Diocesan Ecumenical Officers; UCC: Jim Cowan, Helena Houldcroft, Bob Hales, Dennis Walsh; Baptist: Bruce Matthews; International Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations: Alyson Barnett-Cowan Staff: Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: United Church of Canada: Four regional meetings were held (in Regina, Vancouver, Belleville, and Halifax) to explore possible Anglican-United Church relations. As a result of encouraging messages from those gatherings, a national dialogue network has been set up with representatives from each of the regional groups, which meets by conference call. Its purpose is to provide a place for matters of mutual interest to be discussed. Members of FWM were invited to respond to a request from the Inter Church Inter Faith Committee of the United Church regarding proposed alternatives to the baptismal formula. The ICIF Committee considered Anglican responses, and the report of the RC/UC dialogue on the Trinity, and recommended that the United Church General Council Executive not authorize new baptismal formulae for their new book of worship resources, and the Executive concurred with this recommendation. The Metropolitan Community Church asked that the Anglican Church of Canada consider an ecumenical relationship with them. Diocesan ecumenical officers in dioceses which have MCC parishes were asked to make contact with them, as a preliminary step in getting to know one another. Canadian Anglican Bruce Matthews, Dean of Religious Studies at Acadia University, serves on the International Anglican Baptist Forum, which was established at the request of Lambeth 1998 and which has met twice. The Moravian-Episcopal Dialogue in the U.S. is being monitored as there are some Moravian parishes in Canada, but it was not considered appropriate to name Canadians to the dialogue, although the possibility exists. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing; establish an Anglican-United Church pilot conversation in Newfoundland. Task R11 Relationship with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada To explore the possibility of a relationship between the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Who Asked for it?: General Synod, 1998 (Act 46) Action(s) Requested: Act 46 of General Synod requested FWM 'to initiate contact with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada with a view to establishing ecumenical dialogue and partner relations with them, and to consider inviting the EFC to name a partner our next General Synod. Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Stephen Andrews Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Anglican individuals and parishes which belong to the EFC. Staff: Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: The Council of General Synod agreed to FWM's request that the Anglican Church of Canada become an observer at the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. The EFC has been invited to name a partner to General Synod. Action Requested from this General Synod: To welcome the EFC's representative as a partner. Next Steps: To confirm the appointment of a Canadian Anglican to serve as the observer representative at meetings of the EFC and to receive reports. Task R12 Response to Other Ecumenical Proposals To respond to invitations by the Anglican Consultative Council, Provinces of the Anglican Communion, or ecumenical partners to give feedback about ecumenical proposals or policy documents. Who Asked for it?: In the past, requests for response have come from the ACC regarding Porvoo, and the Concordat; from the United Church of Canada regarding their ecumenical policy and their Christological study; from the Episcopal Church USA regarding the Consultation on Church Union. Action(s) Requested: Determine the priority for responses, develop a process for response, and review the content of a response before forwarding it to CoGS or other appropriate body. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Other Anglican Provinces or ecumenical partners. Staff: Alyson Developments to March '01: The ECUSA Convention approved Called to Common Mission, the proposals for full communion between ECUSA and the ELCA. The relationship was formally declared in Washington, DC on January 6, 2001, and our church sent representatives. If and when Waterloo is approved, there will need to be meetings of all 4 churches to seek a common agreement, especially regarding clergy moving from one church to another. Issues of 'transitivity' and the coherence of agreements with other provinces' and ecumenically are discussed at the International Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations. Alyson Barnett-Cowan sits on this newly appointed body, which surveys all the ecumenical work in the Anglican Communion, and brings to that table the work of the Anglican Lutheran International Working Group in ensuring international coherence in Anglican-Lutheran relations. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task R13 World Council of Churches: Faith and Order Commission To monitor the work of the World Council of Churches in areas which involve FWM's mandate (e.g. Faith and Order; Ecumenical Theological Education; Worship and Spirituality; ethical issues; inter-religious dialogue) Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan Action(s) Requested: To review work being done by the WCC, to participate as possible, to respond to requests for study and action, to communicate and interpret the work of the WCC, in appropriate areas, to the Anglican Church of Canada Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Helena Houldcroft Other People/Committees/Groups Involved:Alyson Barnett-Cowan is a member of the Plenary Commission on Faith and Order, and of the WCC's Advisory Group on Church and Ecumenical Relations. Other Canadian churches which belong to the WCC; WCC Relations Committee of the Canadian Council of Churches; CCC's Faith and Witness Commission; Partners in Mission Committee. Canadian Anglicans attending WCC Harare Assembly in December 19988 included Arthur Anderson, Gail Cuthbert Brandt, A.J. Finlay, Wendy Fletcher-Marsh, Paul Hinton Ellie Johnson and Michael Peers; A.J. Finlay serves on the Central Committee. Staff: Alyson, Ellie Johnson Developments to March '01: The Anglican Church has been asked to respond to two Faith and Order papers: The Nature and Purpose of the Church (on ecclesiology) and A Treasure in Earthen Vessels (on ecumenical hermeneutics). Seminary faculty are encouraged to respond. These reports are available on the WCC's website (www.wcc-coe.org, and look for the Faith and Order department), and Canadian Anglicans who have comments are invited to send them to the General Synod office. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task T1 Anglican Communion: Theological Issues To monitor work of the Anglican Communion in areas of liturgy, doctrine, authority and identity Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan Action(s) Requested: monitor developments and propose response and/or policy Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Eileen Scully Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Partners in Mission, House of Bishops, CoGS; Canadian Anglicans serving on the Anglican Consultative Council include Michael Ingham, Stephen Toope, and Barbara Clay. Eileen Scully has been appointed to the Inter Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission. Michael Peers participates in the Standing Commission of the Primates' Meeting. Staff: Alyson, Ellie Johnson Developments to March '01: A draft preliminary response to The Virginia Report was prepared by the Joint Task Force of Faith Worship and Ministry with Partners in Mission and was received by the Council of General Synod. It has been sent to the Anglican Communion Office as, indeed, a very preliminary report (we are the first Province to have responded!). Eileen Scully has been appointed to the International Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission, the body which prepared Virginia. There will be a 'conversation' about issues of unity and authority in the Anglican Communion raised by the report. Action Requested from this General Synod: There will be a 'conversation' about issues of unity and authority in the Anglican Communion raised by The Virginia Report. Documents Required: Preliminary draft response to The Virginia Report (Section III page 42.) Next Steps: The preliminary response will be sent back to dioceses, and FWM/Partners in Mission will prepare a formal response when requested by the Anglican Communion Office. The Inter Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission will consider the responses from Provinces, and their next steps. Task T2 Evangelism: Theological Reflection To promote theological reflection on issues of ... evangelism Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan Action(s) Requested: to monitor and promote theological reflection about evangelism where possible and share the results of that work with the dioceses. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Tim Chesterton Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Primate's Evangelism Commission Staff: Alyson, Kathy Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: A writing project was proposed by the Committee which would have had Anglicans from different perspectives tell their stories of being brought to faith, but the pressure of time and tasks meant that it could not be pursued. There was discussion by FWM as to whether the committee has a role in evaluating programs such as 'Alpha' but it was decided that this task more properly belongs to dioceses. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task T3 Mission: Theological Reflection To promote theological reflection on issues of ... mission Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan Action(s) Requested: to monitor and facilitate theological reflection about mission where possible and share the results of that work with the dioceses. Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Stephen Andrews Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Partners in Mission Staff: Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Conversations and reflection about mission are permeating the church, particularly in connection with the legacy of the residential schools. FWM did not have a particular project in this area. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task T4 Primate's Theological Commission To pay attention to the work of the Commission. Who Asked for it?: General Synod, 1995 Action(s) Requested: To pay attention to the work of the Commission, but not to direct it, set its agenda, or propose policy on its behalf. To reflect on its work and help to promote it. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Eileen Scully Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Commission members Staff: Alyson Timeline: The Commission is mandated until General Synod, 2001, at which point it will report. Developments to March '01: To be reported by the Primate's Theological Commission Action Requested from this General Synod While it is difficult to evaluate the work of the Commission before it reports itself, FWM is bringing a resolution to General Synod commending the work of the Primate's Theological Commission, supporting its continuance, and renewing its mandate, while amending it to include the reception and discussion of matters referred to the Commission by the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee and/or the House of Bishops. The Commission is also bringing its own resolution. See Resolutions. Next Steps: To be determined by General Synod Task T5 Stewardship: Theological Reflection To promote theological reflection on issues of ... stewardship Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan Action(s) Requested: to monitor and facilitate theological reflection about stewardship where possible and share the results of that work with the dioceses. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Eileen Scully Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Financial Development, stewardship officers and programs in dioceses Staff: Eric Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: FWM did not develop projects in this area. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Ongoing Task T6 Use of Scripture To develop resources to help Canadian Anglicans reflect on how they use Scripture. Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee, in reflecting on several of the issues before the church Action(s) Requested: To consider the various ways in which Canadian Anglicans use Scripture, and to reflect that to the church. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Stephen Andrews Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Sexuality network, biblical scholars, theological colleges, everyone in the church Staff: Alyson Timeline: referred to the next triennium Developments to March '01: A survey of attitudes to Scripture was made of Council of General Synod members. The Theology Working Group developed plans for a video on how Canadian Anglicans use Scripture but deferred this project to the next triennium, pending the discovery of funds. Action Requested from this General Synod: none Documents Required: The video project proposal is in Section III, page 52. Next Steps: To raise money for the video project and undertake it. Task W1 Collects To begin a process of writing Collects to accompany the Revised Common Lectionary Who Asked for it?: General Synod 1998 Action(s) Requested: to prepare collects appropriate for use with the three-fold cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary, consulting ecumenically (Resolution A-96) Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Kay Schmitt Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Kevin Flynn, Stephen Reynolds, Consultation on Common Texts; ABC Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: The Worship Working Group edited a draft text of the collects and sentences from A Prayer Book for Australia, 1995 (see booklets), along with preface and evaluation forms (attached) in a single volume (i.e. 5 ½" x 8 ½" spiral bound, Year A, B, and C in consecutive sections, large type, one Sunday per page). It was shared with the House of Bishops for review and response its submission of this material to CoGS. The Council approved it for publication, study, and trial use where authorized by the Ordinary, and evaluation. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Completing copyright permission, distribution, and evaluation. The worship working group will to seek qualified people to do draft translations of this supplementary collect material in the French, Cree and Inuktitut languages and the languages of any other groups requesting translations. Task W2 "Common Praise" To celebrate the publication of the new hymn book and introduce it to the Church Who Asked for it?: NEC 1986; General Synods of 1989 and 1995 Action(s) Requested: to consider proposals for further introductory workshops, and a national celebration of Common Praise; to consider proposals for further editions (words only; words and melody line) and for auxiliary publications Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Barry Hollowell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Anglican Book Centre Staff: Jo, (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: Basic work is completed. Developments to March '01: The new hymn book has proved extremely popular, and has run to several printings. The words only edition is available. Action Requested from this General Synod: Sing. Next Steps: The matter of a guitarist's edition is deferred to the next triennium. See W9. Task W3 Consultation on Common Texts To participate in an ecumenical North American consultation on the liturgy, and receive results. Who Asked for it?: Doctrine and Worship, FWM Action(s) Requested: continued representation, hearing reports from members and recommending policy when appropriate, naming members Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Kay Schmitt Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Kevin Flynn, Paul Gibson Staff: (Barbara) Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: No FWM committee involvement at the present time. This North American ecumenical body is also working on a Collects project. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Participation will depend on staffing and funding. Task W4 Evaluating Translations of the Bible To review new translations of the Scriptures in order to make a recommendation to the House of Bishops as to whether they are suitable for reading in public liturgy. Who Asked for it?: The House of Bishops; biblical publishers Action(s) Requested: to invite a group of representative Canadian Anglican Biblical scholars to serve as a committee of reference to evaluate translations of scripture for use in public worship and personal study; to submit significant new translations of Scripture to the committee of reference and to report its conclusions from time to time to the House of Bishops. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Dan Ash Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: House of Bishops, network of biblical scholars Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: No requests for evaluation came in this triennium. The Committee has guidelines regarding translations for use in public worship. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Network will be activated as requests are received. Task W5 French Translation of the BAS To make provision for the translation of the Eucharist, Morning and Evening Prayer, Marriage and Funerals from the Book of Alternative Services into French Who Asked for it?: General Synod 1995, following recommendations of the BAS Evaluation Commission Action(s) Requested: French translation of Baptism, Eucharist, Marriage and Funeral services from the BAS Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Ann Cruickshank Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: francophone congregations Staff: (Barbara), Eric Timeline: for General Synod 2001, if possible Developments to March '01: Le Comité liturgique episcopale francophone (CLEF) was established from the dioceses of Montréal, Ottawa and Québec. CLEF completed the massive task of translation of texts from the BAS into French (Baptism, Marriage, Marriage, Funerals). Action Requested from this General Synod: The texts will be presented to General Synod for approval for use where authorized by the Ordinary, in a bilingual format. See Resolutions Documents Required: The report from CLEF is are available in Section III, page 53 (French) and 56 (English). The liturgical texts will be made available separately. Next Steps: Obtaining copyright, if necessary. Publication as a collection, in a series of service booklets for each rite, and on the web. Task W6 International Anglican Liturgical Consultation To receive the report of Canadian members of this consultation, and to consider any recommendations coming from it. Who Asked for it?: The Strategic Plan calls for FWM to monitor work of the Anglican Communion in the area of liturgy Action(s) Requested: to consider and respond to the recommendations of the Consultation Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Lela Zimmer Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: The 1999 consultation was attended by 7 Canadians: Lily Bell, Bill Crockett, Kevin Flynn, Juan Quevedo-Bosch, Gordon Maitland, Paul Gibson, and Barbara Liotscos. Diocesan Liturgical Officers. Richard Leggett will attend the 2001 consultation on behalf of the Anglican Church of Canada, Paul Gibson will attend as Communion staff, and the Chair will commend other Canadian Anglicans who wish to attend as forming our representation. Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: The consultation normally meets every 4 years. Developments to March '01: In the summer of 1999 the consultation met under difficult circumstances in Kerala, India. Attention was given to the cultural assumptions being demonstrated in regard to ordination rites, theology and formation. The IALC was prohibited from meeting by the Indian government. No official report could be made, but the Kerala recommendations and report will be completed by the next IALC (Berkeley, California, August 2001), Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: The next meeting will be held in August, 2001, and reports and recommendations will be considered by the next meeting of FWM. Task W7 Jubilee Task Group To participate in the Jubilee Task Group as it plans Anglican participation in the jubilee year 2000 and other events marking the beginning of the third millennium. Who Has Asked for it?: The Council of General Synod in March, 1998 Action(s) Requested of FWM: CoGS requested 'the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee to establish a joint task group with representation from the Faith Worship and Ministry, EcoJustice, Partners in Mission, Primate's World Relief and Development Fund and Information Resources Committees, to coordinate plans and develop materials that will enable Anglicans, individually and with their neighbours, to become engaged in a process of refreshment, reflection, prayer, renewal and action during the Jubilee period and as we begin a new millennium. The task group is to report through the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee and be monitored by the Mission Coordination Group.' However, the Mission Coordination Group meeting in September decided to ask the EcoJustice Committee to take the lead role with respect to Jubilee. Faith Worship and Ministry will thus participate, at the task force and staff level, but not take responsibility for reporting directly to CoGS. Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Kay Schmitt Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: EcoJustice, Partners in Mission, Primate's Fund, Information Resources, Mission Coordination, Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples. Wide ecumenical connections, including the Canadian Council of Churches and Christian Festivals. Staff: (Barbara) Timeline: the three years of the Jubilee Developments to March '01: The Jubilee Task Group brought together representatives from all General Synod committees with an interest in the Jubilee, and it sponsored a national gathering in the summer of 1998. Kay Schmitt represented FWM. FWM participated in the development of liturgical and other materials with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity writing group, which provided Jubilee resources from Advent 1999 through the Reign of Christ 2000. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Work on liturgical resources for healing and reconciliation will also include attention to resources for land issues, the subject of Jubilee Year 3. Task W8 Liturgy after 2001 To propose future directions for liturgy in the Anglican Church of Canada. Who Has Asked for it?: General Synod 1995 authorized use of the BAS until the thirty-sixth session of the General Synod (2001) (Act 62) Action(s) Requested of FWM: To develop a process by which General Synod can be enabled to determine a way forward for ongoing use and/or revision of the Book of Alternative Services and/or the Book of Common Prayer. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Kay Schmitt Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Worship Working Group, Stephen Andrews, representatives from dioceses, Sorrento Centre, diocesan liturgical officers Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: to report to General Synod Developments to March '01: An extensive process of consultation took place in 2000, resulting in the resolutions coming before General Synod. One of the chief recommendations was that no revision of either the Book of Common Prayer or the Book of Alternative Services, nor any new book, be made at this time, but that the mandate for the BAS be renewed indefinitely. It was also recommended that the process of regional consultation on liturgy continue. Acting on one of the recommendations from the consultations, and after consideration by the House of Bishops, the Council of General Synod agreed in March to request the Anglican Book Centre to print the Revised Common Lectionary in future editions of the Book of Alternative Services instead of the one presently appearing in the BAS. This is not considered to be revision of the book, but an update to include the lectionary currently approved for use. Action Requested from this General Synod: To consider renewing the mandate of the BAS indefinitely. See Resolutions. There will be a 'conversation' about the future of liturgy. Documents Required: The summary of the recommendations from the liturgical consultations are in Section III, page Next Steps: It is recommended that FWM coordinate work, including further regional consultation. Task W9 Music Resources for Small Parishes To prepare music resources for small parishes Who Asked for it?: General Synod 1998 (Act 45) Action(s) Requested: to prepare music resources appropriate for the needs of smaller parishes and parishes with limited musical resources Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Tim Chesterton Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Anglican Book Centre Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: next triennium Developments to March '01: A questionnaire was sent out to small parishes regarding their music needs. A copy of the resulting report was sent a) to each diocese for distribution to those parishes who participated in the Music Resources for Small Parishes survey; and b) to theological colleges and training centres for their consideration in education for ministry. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: It was recommended that FWM in the next triennium set as a high priority the identification of available recordings and accompaniment tracks which would be suitable for use in small congregations so that this information can be made available to all dioceses. The committee of the next triennium is also asked to give consideration to the provision of recordings/accompaniment tracks for Common Praise in a format helpful for small parishes. FWM recommends to ABC Publishing that future editions of McCausland's include an expanded list of musical selections taken from Common Praise, the 1971 Hymn Book, the 1938 Book of Common Praise and Songs for a Gospel. FWM is to consider the feasibility of producing a common scripture index for Common Praise, the 1971 Hymn Book, the 1938 Book of Common Praise and Songs for a Gospel People, and make this available in hard copy and electronically via the ACC Website. Task W10 Night Prayer Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee, February 1998 Action(s) Requested: to continue work on Night Prayer (Compline) and bring a proposed rite to the Council of General Synod for permission to publish for trial use; to edit as necessary and to report on the use and reception of the prayers to the next General Synod Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Dan Ash Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Worship Working Group, diocesan liturgical officers, House of Bishops Staff: (Barbara), Jo Timeline: complete as soon as copyright permissions are secured to enable publication Developments to March '01: The order of service for Night Prayer was prepared by the Committee, tested widely, and approved by the Council of General Synod for use where authorized by the Ordinary. Action Requested from this General Synod: To use the material. Documents Required: Night Prayer, in Section III, page 61. Next Steps: The text is being prepared for publication as a separate booklet, as a booklet with the Supplementary Liturgical Material, and on the website (if copyright permissions are secured). Tasks W11/12 Evaluating Supplementary Eucharistic Prayers and Services of the Word To evaluate the supplementary liturgical material (three eucharistic prayers and two services of the Word) which was approved for trial use by the General Synod of 1998. Who Has Asked for it?: General Synod 1998 (Act 29). The task of developing supplementary liturgical material was given FWM by General Synod 1995. The Supplementary Liturgical Material was commended to the Church by General Synod 1998 for trial use where authorized by the Ordinary and was published by ABC, together with a form for diocesan and parish evaluation of supplementary liturgical material used in worship. Action(s) Requested of FWM: to report on the use and reception of the rites to the next General Synod Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: David Gould Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Worship Working Group, diocesan liturgical officers, House of Bishops, CoGS, many groups and parishes around the country who tested the material. Staff: (Barbara), Jo, Alyson Timeline: Complete by General Synod 2001, except for publication. Developments to March '01: Response to this material was not extensive, and it was recommended by FWM that they be approved for use (where permitted by the Ordinary) without revision. The House of Bishops and the Council of General Synod concurred, and they are being prepared for publication along with Night Prayer. Action Requested from this General Synod: none Next Steps: Publish, in both print and web versions. Investigate needs for translation into other languages. Task W13 Worship Resources for Children and Youth To identify, produce, and disseminate liturgical material particularly appropriate for children and youth. Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee Action(s) Requested: to gather worship resources being used with children and youth from diocesan offices and resource centres, with the aim of developing a liturgy appropriate for use with children and youth and a catalogue of recommended resources. Priority: high FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Cynthia Scammell Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: people involved in children and youth ministry, musicians Staff: (Barbara) Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: A project was initiated, due to the pressure of tasks and time, it was not pursued further in this triennium. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: To consider whether and how this work can appropriately be done at the national level. Task W14 Eucharistic Practices and the Risk of Infection To update assessment of the health risks of receiving communion. Who Asked for it?: FWM Committee Action(s) Requested: to evaluate the risks of contagion from presiding at and/or receiving the eucharist Priority: medium FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: David Gould Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: House of Bishops Staff: (Barbara) Timeline: complete Developments to March '01: A report and brochure guiding Canadian Anglican thinking and practice on this issue were prepared and given to the Journal, the library, and diocesan bishops. Some interest was expressed in the press. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Documents Required: "Eucharistic Practices and the Risk of Infection" in Section III, page 81. Next Steps: To consider whether and how this work can appropriately be done at the national level. Task W15 Calendar Revision To consider the names of persons appropriate to commemorate on the liturgical calendar. Who Has Asked for it?: Ongoing responsibility for work at the national level. Action(s) Requested of FWM: To consider requests for inclusion on the calendar. Priority: low FWM Member(s)(s) Responsible: Lela Zimmer Other People/Committees/Groups Involved: Canadian Anglicans who have an interest in proposing names of local, regional, national, or international significance. Staff: (Barbara), Alyson Timeline: ongoing Developments to March '01: Correspondence was received regarding the biography of Florence Nightingale in For All the Saints, and a revision was made by the editor of that book, which will be included in future editions, although the Committee noted that this book was not an official text of the Anglican Church of Canada. Action Requested from this General Synod: None. Next Steps: Several requests for including new names on the Calendar have been received, and it is proposed that the Committee consider this matter in the next triennium |
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