The Anglican Church of CanadaGifts and Works
Part 1: Gifts to the church

Towards fairness and justice



With each donation you make, you get a small part of the world to hold in your hands.

Your money ends up in some of the most far-reaching places you can imagine as well as in the community next door. It touches Canada’s indigenous people and the ongoing healing that is essential to justice both for them and for the whole church.

Your money travels to Africa, where countless mothers, fathers, grandparents and children have been devastated by HIV/AIDS. It goes to the Middle East, Asia, the South Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean in grants, programs, and hopes for the future.

Your money funds a hearty and selfless group of Canadians called Volunteers in Mission who give up to two years of their lives to respond to requests from overseas partner churches, agencies, and institutions.

Your money works ecumenically, through Partnerships’ EcoJustice division, to help create a healthy, just world. It has recently targeted youth as the future keepers of the earth with an innovative plan to encourage their participation.

Your money, through Partnerships’ Indigenous Ministries group, covers the cost of bringing indigenous people to meetings of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and of the Council of General Synod. It supports the Sacred Circle, a gathering of indigenous people. It produces educational materials on issues such as native land claims. It works ecumenically with the Aboriginal Rights Coalition. The Aboriginal Healing Fund enables healing and reconciliation between native and non-native people.

The work of General Synod’s Partnerships department is dedicated to God’s people everywhere. Reading a list of Partnerships tasks, initiatives, plans and accomplishments is enough to make your head spin. The work is done by a full-time staff of 13, assisted by hard-working committees.

Besides everyday work, the staff is constantly on the move – traveling, meeting, connecting, keeping relationships alive around the world. They also keep Anglicans informed about the ceaseless work of the church everywhere. If we, as donors, are the soul of the church, Partnerships is the heart.

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