The Anglican Church of CanadaGifts and Works

For the heart and soul


Faith, Worship and Ministry

Most of the liturgies, hymn books and prayer books you use each week originated with General Synod’s department of Faith, Worship and Ministry.

This department impacts the everyday lives of Anglicans in many other helpful and vital ways.

With only five staff members (and the help of committees), Faith, Worship and Ministry delves into ethics, theology, education, youth events, ecumenical and inter-faith dialogue, and translations of resources into other languages. It also participates in the production of educational resources.

It has produced guidelines to help people make ethical decisions about concerns such as palliative care, reproductive and bio-technology, and sexuality issues. It studies the importance and facilitation of clergy wellness. It is embarking on a study to establish “common threads” among schools of theological thought. It provides bursaries for theological students and the continuing education of clergy after ordination.

It is proud of the work it has done translating into French parts of the Book of Alternative Services. It hopes to translate resources into aboriginal languages, and to create bibliographies for discussions of contemporary issues.

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