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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Message from Nancy M., Diocese of Ontario and Ottawa

Excerpt from a homily for Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2009

Today, in the Anglican Church of Canada, we also celebrate ‘Vision 2019′ Sunday, and we recall that the reason our Church can and does look forward is based in our faith in this Trinity.

Today we are reminded that this Church of ours EXISTS for mission, and so we recommit ourselves to living out the five marks of mission – proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom; teaching, baptising and nurturing new believers; responding to human need by loving service; seeking to transform unjust structures, and striving to safeguard the integrity of creation and renew the life of the earth. And today we also are invited to join in sharing our vision for the future of our church, to look forward to 2019. There will be future opportunities for you to do just that, but it would not be fair, realistic or helpful to ask for hasty response. It is only fair that as I invite you to share your vision, I share mine with you. As Isaiah’s prophetic ministry was shaped by his vision as told in our first lesson, I strive to shape by ministry according to my vision as well.

This is my vision for this Anglican Church of Canada, for this diocese, this parish, this congregation and each person here.

My vision is of a people who take seriously our baptismal commitment to worship, to pray, to study scripture, to grow in faith and to keep repenting each and every time we mess up.

My vision is of a church where buildings and furniture are cared for so that they are useful, adapted as needed, and never becomes shrines in themselves.

My vision is of a church where ecumenical involvement is taken seriously by ALL of us, because it is ONLY together that we can truly witness to and serve our communities.

My vision is of a church that does not see stewardship as just another campaign to squeeze more money out of reluctant members, but as a joyful, generous response of thanksgiving and faith that makes us WANT to give more and serve more for the purposes of the Kingdom of God.

My vision is of a church were each congregation takes seriously its relationship to the wider church and particularly the Anglican communion, recognizing a person in another congregation in our parish, in Kingston, in B.C., in Iqaluit or in Nigeria as part of OUR church.

My vision is of a church that remembers that its roots are not in some strict doctrinal confession – that we have a long tradition of NOT trying to define too closely our theology and practice, a tradition of avoiding excluding those with whom we are not in complete agreement, of willingness to do the hard work of listening to voices that differ, of exploring the edges of faith and being willing to live with uncertainty and incompleteness because, after all, we are human and fallible.

My vision is of a church that values the different and indispensable ministries of bishops, priests, deacons and ALL the laity; and seeks to teach, support and empower all to do THEIR ministry.

My vision is of a church that remembers the centrality of worship in forming and nourishing us, and seeks to always balance the unity and diversity of our worship experience, the importance of tradition and the need for full accessibility and participation; and which gives liturgy the attention and resources it deserves.

My vision is of a church that always remembers that we EXIST for mission and seeks to genuinely DO that – locally and globally.

My vision is of a church that is committed, not just to the care of God’s people, but to care for all creation.

My vision is of a church where anyone – an African with poor English language skills; Aboriginal brothers and sisters; a scruffy street person; a noticeably, disturbingly, mentally ill individual; a gay or lesbian couple; your cousin you haven’t spoken to in years; your most annoying neighbours – be they young or old, rich or poor, educated or illiterate; will be recognized for the unique Image of God that is THEM; where they are offered true hospitality – feeling fully welcomed, included and served by the sacraments and ministries of the church – whether they can come through our doors or we have to reach out to them.

SHOULD this be where the Anglican Church of Canada is in 10 years? This is just MY vision, and the future of the church needs much more than that. It needs all of us bringing our visions, shaped by our unique backgrounds and perspectives and sharing with each other in ways that allow the Spirit to shape the result.

But the certainty is that without dream or vision, without sharing with and hearing from each other, without openness to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we will be lost.

Dream, Baby Dream!

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Vision 2019 welcomes a range of contributions to the "Tell us your story" project--from affirming to critical. Comments are monitored, however, to ensure that a respectful conversation can take place. We ask that you be relatively brief and that your language be respectful to others. You must also provide your name, place of residence (city or town is adequate) and parish.