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"Vision 2019 is an opportunity to say 'here's what I think our church needs to be about.'"
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Messages from the Diocese of Calgary

Message from Bill P., Fort Macleod AB

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

I believe that the Anglicans must socialize with the other Christians of the town. Avoid being exclusive like a private club.

In Fort Macleod there are six Christian congregations:

  • Alliance and Missionary
  • Anglican
  • Netherland Reform
  • Roman Catholic
  • United Church
  • Victory/Pentecostal

Three of the five have seasonal, fund raising meals.

Only a handful of Anglicans are ambitious enough to attend and support the “socials” hosted by the Roman Catholics and the United Church!

The Anglicans cannot expect the Catholics and United to attend Anglican teas and suppers if they do not reciprocate!

Bill P.
Fort Macleod
The Lutheran Church is in Granum, 22km north.

Message from Jonathan H., Calgary AB

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

When I look at our church today, I see a good deal of tension – tension around human sexuality (on a surface reading); tension around doctrine and pastoral duties; tension around the purpose and proper use of Scripture; and the list goes on. Ultimately, this tension revolves around what it is for us, as Anglicans in Canada, to be part of the one Church (which is Christ’s body). Who are we, as a part of that Church, to be? What does our identity as a part of that Church tell us about “how” we are to be, in relation to the world?

The great debate – which I believe has been far less than a real debate – has its “two-sides,” and the dialogue which has gone on between them has been less than adequate, in my opinion. From where I sit, the dialogue of the church has been used to try to sway those of opposing view – which only shows that dialogue hasn’t really been entered into. Again, from where I sit (which is the only place I can view things from), it seems that these opposing sides are talking past each other due to emphases. One group would emphasize the Great Commission – “go and make disciples…and baptize them;” the other group would emphasize the Great Commandments (though generally citing the second more than the first) – “love your neighbour as yourself.” Now, neither group denies that validity of the other group’s emphasis (though there is some disagreement about how the “others” go about emphasizing it); yet the order of priority is disagreed upon. But neither the Great Commandments nor the Great Commission can be fulfilled without the other! Where we are running into difficulty in agreeing on what it means to fulfill either is precisely the point where we need to meet each other.

One cannot fulfill Christ’s commission to make disciples of others apart from loving God with one’s whole being, and loving the other (of whom a disciple will be made) as oneself. One cannot love God with one’s whole being, nor one’s neighbour as oneself, without being moved to offer that neighbour the Bread of Life – which is Christ Jesus our Lord. When we understand these two “Greats” as being bound up in one another, we understand the importance of putting an end to these tensions which are driving many away from our church (and keeping them here isn’t the ultimate point, anyway, as I will get to shortly).

Let me say this another way. One group tries to use the language of faithfulness and obedience to the Word of God – by which these mean the canon of the Bible. The other group tries to use the language of faithfulness and obedience to the Spirit of God – by which these mean the Spirit’s work in revealing the mind of Christ to/in the Church today. Neither group denies the validity of the other group’s emphasis (though there is, again, some disagreement about how the “others” go about emphasizing it); yet the order of priority is disagreed upon. But here, as before with the “Greats,” neither the Spirit of God nor the Word of God can be understood without the other! Where we disagree is where we need to learn to meet!

We cannot be faithful to the Word of God apart from the Spirit of God: the canon of Scripture was decided upon under the direction of the Holy Spirit; as we read the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit opens them to us and gives us understanding. Neither can we be faithful to the Spirit of God apart from the Word of God: the mind of Christ for the Church today must be in consonance with the Word of God handed down to the Church – for Christ is a person (the second of the Trinity), and persons have integrity to themselves. When we understand that these two (the Word and Spirit of God) are so bound up in one another, we understand the importance of due process – by which we are forced to come to grips with those influences on our faith that we may not give priority to, and which we may (at times) even wish didn’t exist so that we didn’t have to come to grips with them. We must have integrity to our Anglican body at the least, if not to the whole Church catholic.

So that’s where I see us right now – and I suppose it’s a crossroads. We risk fracturing into separate denominational bodies, each with their own emphases – and this is a real risk, as it has already happened in some places. The option, and my hope for our church by 2019 (if not much sooner), is that we would learn to seek God’s Kingdom. Not to seek an Anglican kingdom; not to seek a “my-kind-of-Anglican” kingdom; just to seek God’s Kingdom (thus, my remark above about how “keeping people in OUR pews isn’t the ultimate point anyway”). To be a church that doesn’t serve bottom-lines, but that does count the cost in and through and of faithfulness to God. To be a church, then, that doesn’t seek quantitative growth in “buns in the pews,” but that nurtures the qualities of true discipleship in the hearts of believers. To be a church that prayerfully serves Christ in the society that He has put us in. My hope is that we would seek His Kingdom first, and trust in His promises for the rest.

Message from Nina C., Calgary AB

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Well now I only have one day left.Apparently the parish I attend did not send anything in either.I hope in ten years our whole church will be deeply alive, Deeply alive as Jesus was to injustice,living as he lived non violently but never keeping silent,always speaking out so that peace has a chance.A deeply prayerful body of Christ praying and acting so that we will see our own mistakes more quickly. A reconciling church,so that oppressors,we and the other,the enemy we have not loved enough may  awake to their,our oppressions,willing to stand actively beside the persecuted  and confess our own missing the mark.

The 5 marks of mission have been around so long and we didn’t do too much for the Kindom and we missed the main thing. Now that we have included it at long last let’s see the difference it will make,if we dare.Then we may see with joy God making all things new in us and through us.Do we believe yet what we pray “Glory to God whose power working in us can do infinately more than we can ask or imagine.Dare we love that much.We did that Bible study on the marks last Lent,sadly we did it without the justice it was hardly a resurrection but then for a resurrection you have to suffer and die a bit too.

Kudos for the much reduced chuch house staff. May God Bless us and keep us and wake us up.Thanks for listening!

Nina C., Calgary

Message from Larry K., Drumheller, AB

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Where is your Church now?

This is a really good question.  I have wondered that myself.  Through my experience, the Church is dying a slow death.  As a Priest, I feel that the Church really needs to get a vision of Christ again.  A number of years ago, I was quite sick.  To the point that I had to give up parish ministry so that I could heal.  This also required a move.  Even before I got to the parish that we had decided to worship in, that Rector had been told by another priest to have nothing to do with me.  Just recently, I found myself without work once again.  With this came a period of a depression and identity crisis.  A big part of this was the fact that I, as a pastor, could not function as one.  I was told by my the local Rector that I could not do anything.  Every time I offered to do something, I was turned down.  When I was asked what I would like to do, I replied that I could read the Scripture, greet people at the door, do the Prayers of the People, etc.  When I was done, I was promptly told that these are lay people’s jobs.  As a priest I could not do any of those things.  And of course, I could not do anything that would constitute the work of a Priest.  Not long ago, the organist from the parish was let go.  I have been sought out by this woman for guidance, help, and direction.  I was told by the Rector that I was not to get involved with her.  At another time and place, a family with ties to the Church was burnt out of their home.  It was suggested that perhaps the ACW could send a basket to let them know that they are being thought of.  The response was: “why should we?  They don’t come to Church!”.  And there are other examples I could give with the same kind of results. (more…)